• Member Since 3rd Oct, 2016
  • offline last seen August 23rd


I am a good ideaperson but not yeat the best story writher and i am from Sweden so i don't know the best English but i do my best.


Hello my name is Zanitar and I am the god of speed and adaption. I am a normal displaced and I am just trying to live my life while fighting monsters and if anyone of you displaced want to do a crossover with me then I would gladly do one with you.

Caracter is inspired by Prototype and the series The Flash.
This is a displaced story so read if you like those.
I might change things here later on but for now I will have it like this.
And if you know of a good cover pick then send me it and I will show it here.

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 45 )

Isn't this RP nonsense banned on this site?

Awesome chapter, you are doing a amazing job, I can't wait to read the next chapter.:pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

How do i un-thumbs down? This isn't worthy of a thumbs up but I don't want to thumbs down it just because I don't like the displaced genre.

Comment posted by Dragonborne Fox deleted Dec 19th, 2016

Oh, wow, comment deletion for stating the obvious.

Not the first time I've seen such poor sportsmanship. Not at all. :trollestia:

Besides, Displaced is a dying genre, sort of like edgy red and black alicorns and Cupcakes knockoffs. Less and less people are caring about such things, if only because there's so many out there that inflating numbers despite dwindling demand is killing it.

Hence the cancer and chemo comment. The chemo here being dwindling demand despite inflating numbers. It's like money: the more of something there is, the less valuable it becomes. Bear this in mind, Star. And try to write something original, with an editor handy, and some more substance and a thicker skin next time. I hate seeing new authors go down this road, but you seem intent on staying on it. Oh well, I once made that mistake (though not with Displaced), and I got off of it.

Learn to take a joke and some criticism, mang. You'll need it in your coming days, should you persist with being an author. My first and only warning.

7805279 The cringey hobby of pretending to be a fictional person. This is usually carried out in threads and comment sections, but...

7805508 you can't once you've clicked on either like or dislike you can change you what you choose, but not undo it.

7805508 Leave it thumbs down. Its a travesty.

Good story though I'm curious as to how often you plan on updating

I'd recommend trying to lengthening you chapters at least 3 thousand word cause some may think it's too rushed

( after absorbing the hair of Celestia and Luna)
ALL I KNOW IS PAIN:fluttercry::flutterrage::fluttercry::fluttercry::flutterrage:

7837914 do you have any idea how painful it is to have thousands of years worth of memories forced into your head along with the fact that your body is being forced to evolve with the help of the DNA in the hairs from Celestia and Luna:flutterrage::twilightangry2:

Sorry to burst your bubble but he gained the DNA of Tia and Lulu but not her memories.:facehoof:
To get the memories you need to consume the brain.:twilightblush:

7838128 still forcing the growth of their magic combined into his being plus absorbing their powers and abilities would hurt like a b**** tell me not forcing to Alicorns worth of magic to grow in you at once would not hurt:twilightblush:

True, but it was so mutch power that his body could not comprihend the pain or the power until a few seconds later.

Yes true, but it was so much power that his body could not comprihend anything until a little later.:ajbemused:
And I am not losing this argument and sorry for misspelling here in the comments.:twilightsheepish:

7838314 when is he going to be a gibbering mess since I have read what happens to those who experienced too much pain they usually have their mind shut down:ajbemused:

Thanks for telling me these thing but you should know I am only 14 and I am from sweaden so my english grammar is not the best and I have an editor (my mom) and without her it would be worse.:twilightsheepish:
And I thought your comment was funny.:rainbowlaugh:
And lastly do you know anypony who would be an co-author that would like to work with somepony like me?:pinkiehappy:

7838653 Alright, well, a few suggestions from me. :raritywink:
1. Don't use 'pony" suffixes yourself, its kind of cringy. :raritydespair:
2. Overpowered characters, and claiming to be a god, isn't the path to righteousness. :fluttercry:
3. Don't use so many emojis [ie: What I'll have added to this comment :ajsmug: ] . especially when responding to constructive criticism. :trixieshiftleft:

Okay 1, I will not stop talking like that.
2.He became his own character that is a god so he is just saying who his character is.

Have fun being taken seriously. People usually don't take those who adopt parts of shows, ie: weeaboos, seriously. Whether or not he's say who his character is, he will still technically be overpowered and people typically do not like reading about characters with no challenges. Lastly, I suppose that is an aesthetic choice, though see the first sentence of this comment again.

Keep working on the story even if people shit on you you can show that you can do anything it's your story

What is it that you don't understand?

7939396 Does... does the entire story count?

I see, you don't understan what is happening? right?

...god damn it, right when I get into it too...

I won't rate bad. But won't rate good too
Could be better mate.
But you got me curious, so let's see where this road leads


Exactly what I was going to say

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