Time to see how well I can create a business from nothing more then a few tools and a magical emerald to work with and bad luck hitting me at every corner.
9395895 No I just have been down in the dumps for a while, along with looking for job which I finally got one and will be starting next week. I've been typing between my ups and downs. Sorry that it has been taking so long for the next chapter to get out.
I hope it's not but right now as I'm typing the author is online and there is no need to rush things although the story has had no update since last year or 2 months now but I can say I'm bloody loving this story!
Yay an update.
It lives! A future rune master than, not bad.
Did you mean the guard captain?
Thanks for spotting that I have no idea how I messed up that
I love it
As I said in the starting I was looking up pictures of Tails and found it on Deviant art I even said the name of the artist in my description.
9153750 is this fic dead?
No I just have been down in the dumps for a while, along with looking for job which I finally got one and will be starting next week. I've been typing between my ups and downs. Sorry that it has been taking so long for the next chapter to get out.
I hope it's not but right now as I'm typing the author is online and there is no need to rush things although the story has had no update since last year or 2 months now but I can say I'm bloody loving this story!
Oh and this is my first comment for this year
How you felling ?
Hey I was just wandering if you've been working on the next chapter?
Plz update