Three years. Three years since that one day that ruined her life.
Bitter, unemployed and penniless, Lightning Dust couldn't go one block without being whispered about until she reached Manehattan. Her last chance comes in the form of an advertisement looking for speedy delivery ponies.
But what will happen when her trial run involves facing her demons?
Just a little oneshot I suddenly got in the mood for doing. I can't believe I got it done in just a few days!
Hope you enjoy!
I really liked this story because it presented a very plausible scenario of what could have happened to Lightning Dust after she was kicked out of the Wonderbolts, great work.
7753585 Thanks man!
7753588 You're welcome.
You can't keep that mare down no matter how hard you try.
7753631 Hey, you fall down, you pick yourself back up
I've been on a kick lately of looking for (uplifting) stories about Lightning Dust after being kicked out of the academy. I am so glad this one was written.
She should take Rainbow up on her offer. Worst that can happen is Spitfire says no.
7753645 Well I'm glad I could make your day a bit!
7753704 Very true
Really enjoyed this. Pony employment seems to be as unforgiving as the real world. But at least two ponies were willing to give Dust a chance and now she can get back on the up-and-up.
This was nice. I like the contrast of how Dust talks up her own confidence in her head and how clearly she's about to fall apart.
The being blacklisted thing makes me wonder... should Lightning even ty to get on the Wonderbolts anymore? Apart from Soarin and Rainbow, they're, well, kind of sh*tty people. Yes, Lightning Dust obviously had to face some consequences for what happened, but Spitfire and her ponies completely failed in their supervising role, and when things went south they banned Dust for life. They seem very eager about that banning for life business.
Makes me hope Rainbow improves things once she becomes captain, because they really need it.
YES!!!! a lightning dust story that she took a job of being a courier!
I have been waiting for something like this for so long. Lighting is one of my fave ponies and there is certainly a few stories with her being the main cast.
Imagine a scene where all flights were grounded by a terrible storm and Dust just stormed right through it.
ok wow I am super impressed with this story exultant righting and now if Hasbro will pull there head out of there plot and get Dust back in the show.
on a side not I know of a story the readers may enjoy as it is also a vary good dust story it is a five score based story that is a super good read.
yes I am a dust fan.
Dust on the wind
Love the story, glad to see a good ending for Lightning Dust! Great job mate!
7754228 Exactly what I wanted to portray
7754523 Those are some good points to think about, which I shall
7754629 Wow, I didn't realise there was a demand!
And they don't call her Lightning Dust for nothing 
7754675 Good to see there are more Dust fans
7754865 Thanks muchly!
You know, I've always wondered what happened to Lightning Dust after she got kicked out of the Wonderbolts. Becoming a rock star, wandering the lands to find herself, to just staying outright bitter at both Spitfire and Rainbow for getting kicked out even when it was her own fault. But this is one of the most plausible scenarios of all. It presents a scenario where Lightning Dust pretty much becomes the Equestrian version of Sunset Shimmer, hated by pretty much everypony but in the end proves that maybe there's a chance for her to change after all.
Very interesting take on what may have happened after the events of Wonderbolt Academy, I enjoyed it!
Here, take a fave.
What a wonderful Lightning Dust story. From the show I can see where the bad rep followed Dusty in this. Good eye on that. I guess my only gripe is how short this was. Not that it WAS short just it was a one shot and it was a damn good on e at that. It deserves to be in the Lightning Dust Pantheon of Awesomeness. Second to Trixie of course.
*Cause Trixie is best pony*
I'd like to think that after this story Dust would have turned down Rainbow's offer to pull some strings with Spitfire to get her back into the academy. It would have been after she realized what her big inspiration to join the Wonderbolts, Wind Rider, would have done she would have realized that the Wonderbolts weren't really for her.
Well done. Good story, good pacing, good characterization, all tied together in a short one-shot. Have an internet cookie.
At the same time, though, a redemption story where she gets herself back together and tries again for success would also be nice.
7755472 Thanks very much!
7755696 Always leave the audience wanting more
But thank you!
7756174 My favourite flavour~
7755442 That's basically what I was going for
7756108 That'd be an interesting twist
Good story FYI my head canon for the EG Lightning Dust is that she is a surfer, like from this.
Damn that's nearly four years ago. I feel old now, I got into the show three weeks after that episode
7756453 Thanks! And that's a... very unique headcanon for her
7756478 I've been in it since 2011
But even three years feels super long 
139 likes with no dislikes?! This has to be a good one.
Not that ratings really matter, it's just rare for me to see something like this pop up every once in a while
7756549 I know, it's really weird for me
But I really hope it's earned it! 
I liked this story, very enjoyable, and believable. I'm sad it's complete though, I would have liked to see what and where Lightning Dust's life would have gone from this point. How would the courier business have gone? Maybe there would be all sorts of business shenanigans, deliveries to princesses, or to far away nations. A Daring Do adventure, new friendships, etc.
7756693 Those are definitely some interesting ideas
I'll keep those in mind! Thanks! 
Ya know, as a hardcore Lightning Dust fanboi, this is one of the best oneshots featuring her I've ever read. Great job Uni
Cool story man.
It can be jarring when you've built up an image of someone in your head like that, and then you meet them and they turn out to be a completely different person.
7756921 Thanks muchly, glad you enjoyed!
7757140 Thanks brah
7757155 Exactly
There is a job opening and Lightning Dust didn't have a full line of Pegasi in front of her trying to get the same job?
Man, Equestria's economy must be AWESOME if they have that little unemployment.
Thank you Celestia! Best ruler ever.
7757258 Some have it better than others
Very nicely done!
7757422 Thanks man!
7757423 This is almost as good as money!
Very well done, and has earned a place in my "Best stories" list.
7757522 To be fair, money is hard to top
7757530 Thanks man!
To the skies, this story soars.
7757773 And I still don't know how it happened
On one hand, the summary was all I needed to read if I wanted to know what happend in this fic.
On the other hand, it was very well done. The characterisation was spot on, the scenario was very possible. Heck! I could see it being the begining of an episode of the show redempting Dust...
And you nailed why I think that neither Dash or Dust are really wonderbolt material, not at first at least: zero discipline. All the contraint don't look like things they would appreciate. And the way Dust was enjoying her freedom was a really good sell point to me.
7758185 Yeah, a good plot twist is nice to have, but sometimes it's more about the journey than the destination, if you get me
Thanks so much! I made it a personal creed to make canon characters as accurately portrayed as possible, and people seem to be digging it

Dust is a really underrated character in my opinion, so I was happy to give her some limelight
A really nice story, I say. I'm not exactly a huge fan of Lightning Dust, but it would have been nice to see her return as something other than a villain (and only in the comics, even). I'm genuinely surprised that something like this hasn't actually happened with her in the show. The suggestion that Lord-Commander made actually makes me think of a Final Fantasy VII fanfiction that focuses on Cloud being a courier, and he doesn't exactly know how it works, but for reasons unbeknownst to him he gets deliveries that take him to the various Final Fantasy settings.
7759294 Thanks much
Sounds like an interesting fic too
7759462 And an interesting story it is, if you're into Final Fantasy; just thought I'd recommend it is all. I mean, it's not like I'm trying to give you ideas or anything.
7759530 ...
Nooooo... of course not
A wonderful and touching story. Thank you for sharing this!
I loved this! This totally fitted the personalities of both Dash and Dust. Another favorite and thumbs up for thee!