After the Pinkie Party, every pony went down to the town hall for the event. Fluttershy's bird choir sounded as the Mayor of Ponyville stepped onto the stage. Songbird was standing next to Twilight in the crowd. "Mares and gentlecolts, as Mayor of Ponyville, it is with great pleasure to announce the beginning of the Summer Sun Celebration!"
The crowd cheered, Twilight looked out of the window and saw that the Mare in the Moon was gone. Songbird saw this too and a wave of excitement filled her soul, but also worry. She had no idea if her mother was still Nightmare Moon or if she had changed back into Princess Luna. The Mayor spoke again.
"In just a few short moments, we will witness the beginning of the longest day of the year, and now it is with great honour to present to you our ruler, the one who brings us the sun and moon everyday, the good, the wise. Princess Celestia!" Rarity pulled away the curtains, revealing an empty spot.
The crowd gasped.
The Mayor tugged on her collar. "Um, settle down every pony, there must a reasonable explanation." Pinkie thought Celestia was playing hide and seek.
Suddenly a purple smoke emerged from behind the curtains. Songbirds eyes lit up, Twilight gasped as a jet black mare appeared.
Songbird gasped. "Nightmare Moon!" she cried.
"What have you done to our princess!" Rainbow Dash, demanded but AJ held her back.
The mare of darkness chuckled. "It has been so long my subjects, am I not Royal enough for you now that I have been imprisoned for a thousand years. Did you not recall the legend, did you not see the signs of my return." she asked, mocking the ponies.
"I did!" cried Twilight. "And I know who you are! Your the Mare in the Moon, Nightmare Moon!"
The ponies gasped again, Nightmare Moon chuckled. "Well, well, some pony who remembers me. Now you don't have your precious princess to come and save you."
"That's where your wrong! Princess Songbird's here!" cried Twilight, pushing Songbird forward.
"Ah Celestias niece, here to protect her subjects, just like Auntie Tia. Show me what you can do, brat!"
Songbird felt hurt that her own mother had called her a brat, then she remembered that she was still corrupted, she fired up her horn, ready to cast a spell. But even with all ponies watching her, she couldn't bring herself to hurt her. "I can't..." she said as her horn died down.
The ponies gasped. Twilight was stunned. "What are you doing Songbird? This is your chance!"
Songbird shot her a glance. "I'm not going to hurt the mare who means the world to me!" she cried, tears streaming down her face.
With that Songbird stormed out, crying. "Well, then my little ponies. Remember this day, for it will be your last. From now on the night, will last, FOREVER!" Lightning struck out of nowhere as Nightmare Moons mane and tail swirled around in a spiral shape.
The ponies started panicking and running for the exits. Nightmare Moon disappeared in the cloud of purple smoke, Rainbow Dash tried to chase after her, but lost her beyond the trees. Twilight sprinted back to the library with Spike on her back. She was confused as to why Songbird didn't fire at Nightmare Moon right there, or why she stormed out crying.
After Twilight had put Spike to bed, she zipped down to the bookshelves. "Elements, elements, where are the Elements of Harmony!"
"And just what are the Elements of Harmony!" cried Rainbow Dash. "And how did you know about Nightmare Moon, are you a spy!"
Rainbow was yanked back to the ground by Applejack. "Simmer down, Sally. She ain't no spy, but she sure knows what's going on, don't ya Twilight."
Twilight sighed deeply. "Nightmare Moon is here to bring ever lasting night. But what I'm most concerned about is why Songbird stormed out like that. And what does Nightmare Moon mean to her."
Then they all heard a sobbing sound coming from upstairs. The five ponies followed Twilight upstairs and listened against the door.
"She sounds pretty upset." said Fluttershy.
The door wasn't locked so they stepped inside. Songbird was lying face down on her pillow, crying her heart out. The picture of her and her mother was sitting next to her, face down on the pillow. The album of photos was lying on the floor the pages opened.
"Songbird?" said Twilight.
Songbird jerked up and spun around to see the six ponies standing in the doorway. "What do you want?"
"We wanna know why ya stormed out, sugarcube. Is there something ya need to tell us?" asked Applejack.
"Yes, there is something I need to tell you. But please don't freak out when I tell you this." said Songbird.
"We're listening." Songbird took a deep breath through her nose and breathed out through her mouth.
"I'm more than just Celestias niece," She took another deep breath. "I'm Nightmare Moons daughter!"
The six ponies just stared at her, shocked. "Hold on a second!" cried Pinkie, taking a gulp of water, before doing a spit take. "WHAT!!!!!"
"Songbird, why didn't you tell me?" asked Twilight.
"I was afraid of what you would think. I was actually present when she got banished to the moon." Now the ponies looked even more shocked.
"What happened that day?" asked Rainbow Dash.
Songbird sat everypony down and told them everything. On how Nightmare Moon used to be Princess Luna, Celestias younger sister. She told them how her mother became corrupted and how she begged her aunt not to banish her. Fluttershy, Rarity and Twilight were crying, Applejack hung her head and her hat was off, Pinkie was the worst, her bouncy hair had gone flat and dull. She wasn't Pinkie Pie, she was Pinkamena.
"How old were you?" asked Twilight, heart broken that her friend had gone through such a thing. She never knew that the song the stars twinkled every night was the lullaby Princess Luna sang to her daughter.
"I was five years old." said Songbird.
"Sugarcube, I'm so sorry ya had to witness that." said Applejack, putting a comforting hoof around her.
"Songbird, you said that you saw the Elements of Harmony. What are they, exactly?" asked Twilight.
Songbird wiped her tears away. "They're powerful talismans, only five are known; Honesty, Generosity, Kindness, Laughter and Loyalty. The sixth hasn't been seen for a thousand years, it is said that when the Elements are ignited by the spark, the sixth element will appear, The Element of Magic." Songbird explained.
"Where do we find them?"
Songbird looked out the window. "I think I have a hunch."
Well this should be interesting, liking it so far.
Glad u think so
Also, why don't you go check out my other fanfiction 'Violet-Rose, Equestria Tales'
I completed it last night
7709219 I'll put it in my read it later.
So far, this story is amazing! BUT! WHERE IS THE NEXT CHAPTER?!?!?!? Gimme a new chapter! I need it in my life :D Also this book is the best! DO NOT DISCONTINUE IT! I will cry :( BUT! Till then I am happy that u r continueing this story! :D
7709219 this is interesting
OMG I did not expect this much feedback so soon!
I'm touched, thank you all so much!!!
Calm down I'm working on it right now
I feel for Songbird, the dear is going through a lot.
The story keeps getting better.
it makes sense to make a story with an alternative universe and add a new character if, in principle, nothing really changes?
I for example expected a much greater dialogue between nightmare moon and her daughter
This was my first ever story. Back when I wrote this I didn’t have as much experience with writing. I might rewrite a better version in the future now I’ve gained some practice