• Published 23rd Oct 2016
  • 3,179 Views, 56 Comments

The Conversion Bureau: A Lone Saiyan - The Zebra Hybrid

  • ...

The Return of the Androids

Author's Note:

Hey guys, sorry for the super late update and short chapter!:fluttercry: I wanted to see how the Future Trunks Arc of Dragon ball Super ended(which was amazing) before I continued on. But now that I know what I'm dealing with I know what to do.:twilightsheepish:

Also for those who are wondering why Trunks is so weak is because as stated back in the previous chapters the barrier is weakening his human half which is also weakening his power. Also this story takes place before Trunks has his encounter with Goku Black, and I'm still on the fence on whether I should bring in Goku and Vegeta, because this is supposed to be about Trunks not them.

Anyways comment below on what you think of the chapter! Hoe it was worth the wait!:pinkiehappy:

I keep my body relaxed but on guard as Android 16 gazed in my direction, I didn't now if this was the same nature-loving 16 from the past. So I kept my hand placed firmly on my sword ready to cut him down, just in case things went south. He just stares at me with his usual expressionless face and silver blank eyes.

"Who are you? I have no record of you in my data charts." he finally answered as Trunks let out a sigh of relief as released the grip of his blade.

"My name is Trunks, and...I need your help."

Android 16 kept his stoic expression, "Denied, I have my own objective to complete...destroy Son Goku."

Of course he wanted to kill Goku, Mom always said that Dr.Gero always had a one track mind. "Number 16, " I reply back with an urge of authority, "The one named Goku is already dead. He died of a heart virus years ago, so I humbly ask again will you help me with my objective."

Android 16 remained silent before answering, "If Son Goku is deceased, then I will support you in any way I can."

I let out a sigh of relief, and I could feel the hope rise inside me even more. This was amazing! With Android 16's power, we could actually turn things around and take the fight to the ponies! Hell, since 16 isn't human he could probably destroy the dome, since it weakens me every time I get close to it.

"What is the task you desire of me?" asked Android 16.

"I need some help carrying some of this equipment back to where I came from. Me and a group of survivors desperately need the supplies." I answer.


"Right, you don't know. You see there is this race called ponies who are currently hunting down anything that is human, either killing them or turning them into mindless ponies of themselves. They've put up a magical dome that's expanding by the day killing everyone that is human...so far it had already covered one-third of the planet, and the numbers of us are dropping rapidly."

"I will support your cause in defending against these ponies, but I do not think we can carry all of these supplies our selves."

I give Android 16 a confused expression, "What do you mean?"

"Follow me." was all Android 16 said before walking deeper into the laboratory as my brain instantly clicked at what he meant. He couldn't mean them could he? He knew that Android 16 was good, but those three? But maybe 16 was on to something. maybe seeing another one of their kind will also bring them to our side as well. I took a deep breath and followed the big green armored android to an elevator as we descended into the lower levels of the laboratory.

A purple alicorn rushed through the halls of Canterlot Castle, she had heard the news from Sergeant Sentry that her brother was in critical condition and that Celestia required her audience. She finally came to the huge, golden double doors and swung them open and galloping in, instantly spotting the large white alicorn sitting in her throne. Twilight came to an abrupt stop with a look of worry and fear in her eyes.

"Celestia!", Twilight screamed out, "Shining...is he..."

Celestia held up a hoof cutting off her former student, "Shining Armor is fine, Twilight, but....his horn has been severed and the doctors were not able to reattach it. I'm afraid that Shining Armor has lost his magic."

Twilight stood frozen with a shocked expression on her features, her big brother, best friend couldn't be able to use magic for the rest of his life. The purple alicorn fell back on her rump staring at the ground trying to process the thoughts and emotions that ran through her mind. Why would the humans doing this? Didn't they know that they are trying to save them? Why did it have to him? Tears began to form in the corner of her eyes as her chest tightened and her heart fell to the pit of her stomach.

She felt a wing over her body as she looked up to see Celestia giving her a sorrowful expression, and pulled closer into the embrace. Twilight cried into her old mentor's chest as Celestia couldn't help but shed a tear as well. After a few moments, they both separated, Twilight wiped the final tears from her eyes and recomposed herself.

"I-I'm sure that's not the only reason why you called me." softly said Twilight.

Celstia nodded, "Indeed, I'm sure you heard of the blue-haired human that has been giving us trouble lately?"

"Of course, pretty much every pony AND human heard about him."

"In that case he's...." Celestia paused before continuing, "He is the one responsible for Shining Armor's condition."

Twilight stayed silent as Celestia continued.

"I am sending you outside of the barrier to find this human and the other human resistance. Once you do I'll send your friends with company to assist you in any way they can...."

"Wait," interrupted Twilight, "I'm going alone?"

"Yes, I know this is a lot to ask but we don't want to send out a squad of guards. Not for this task."

"You also said I'm going to need assistance when I find them, I can't fight all of them myself?"

"You won't be fighting Twilight...you'll be surrendering."

Twilight was taken back at this. Surrendering? What did she mean by that?There is no way Princess Celestia could be giving up, not when they are the ones pushing the humans back. But then why would she send her friends to help her? None of this was making any sense to the purple alicorn and it was making her head spin.

"I'm...not sure I follow, Princess." questioned Twilight with a confused and shocked expression.

"Twilight," started Celestia, "Our guards from the outside has reported that the humans are building something that could hopefully allow them to win this fight. If we let that happen then it could be the end of Equestria as we know it. I need you to surrender and allow yourself to be taken prisoner and slowly gain the trust of the humans especially the blue-haired human and gain any information on whatever their building, Once you have done that you will send out a magical beacon and I will send a detachment of guards and your friends to aid your escape."

"What about the humans? Are they going to be converted?"

"I have been giving it some thought, and concluded that I am not going to let any more them be converted after what happened with Shining Armor."

Twilight tilted her head, "So, we're taking them prisoner?"

"No, they will be terminated."

I followed 16 down the dark nostalgic basement under Dr.Gero's laboratory, his heavy step echoing through the hall. I remember when me and Krillin came down here to take care of Cell in their timeline. We came to a steel door at the end of the hall, I watched as Android 16 cocked his fist back and struck the door blowing it off its hinges. Once the dust cleared I was met with the familiar underground lab, I noticed the broken tube in the middle of the room and glared at it.

16 motioned me to follow him as we came to three android pods, confirming my suspicions, could these androids really help us? I know they were bad back in the past but could they be different here? Androids 17 and 18 were different. I didn't have time to think as I saw Android 16 punch some buttons in on a nearby console opening the three pods. I was about to draw my sword but a look from Android 16 told me not to, I hesitated but complied and released my grip, but I had to admit I was still on edge.

One the pods fully opened out stepped the three androids that was inside. One had the appearance of a short man, with purple skin, orange jacket, big green hat, and a big red bow on his chest with the red ribbon logo, this was Android 15. The other was a more taller and muscular build with grey skin, no shirt with a strap going across his chest, black pony tail, and a green cloth around his waist, this was Android 14. Lastly was a medium sized man, with long white hair, yellow vest, green baggy pants, and a trucker hat, this was Android 13.

I remember these three, they were immensely powerful when I fought them for the first time. Hell, it took Goku to absorb an entire spirit bomb to defeat them. The three glanced toward me and Android 16's direction and made their way over to us.

"Number 16, your awake." said Android 13 in his country like accent, before looking over to my direction, "And who is this?"

"This is Trunks Briefs, and he is in need of our assistance." replied Android 16.

"I'm afraid we can't do that buddy, we still need to kill that fella' Goku."

"No need, Goku has been deceased."

Android 13 stood their quietly before smiling.

"Alright, what does the kid need help with?"