• Member Since 3rd Aug, 2014
  • offline last seen 8 hours ago


Spinning on that dizzy edge.


Starlight Glimmer wants to know why she's been left out of so many of Twilight and her friends' adventures this season, and so decides to have a little conversation with her mentor about the situation.

Pretty much a colour-coded conversation based fic, so please bear that in mind before going in...

Set just after the events of the episode known as Every Little Thing She Does.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 23 )

Ha ha ha :rainbowlaugh:!! That was great.
*aah* comedy so wonderful and fun.
Great work in this little fic it brightend up my day for soure. Have a like and a favorit.

This is interesting. It's something I noticed too, Starlight has been noticeably absent from a load of events. Either the episode focuses on her, or she doesn't exist. I like this interaction. It's believable. I just have a few nitpicks.

One is a personal one. The story comes out of nowhere. I get that it's supposed to just be a snippet but maybe a little bit before with just Starlight could strengthen the story? Just a nitpick and not really important.

Another small nitpick is that because of the style, mostly dialogue, a lot of expressive description is lost. You do have the little action words but I don't think those were a strong enough substitute. Again, just my opinion but to me it came off a little, flat.

Now on for a non opinionated nitpick. My only one for now. "Then there was the incident with Thorax, when you were one of the first to see that his intentions were anything but evil..."
This. Starlight wasn't the first. She was still just as frosty towards Thorax as everyone else until Twilight stepped in. There is one point during the song where she looks regretful of that, but Starlight doesn't make any meaningful moves forward. That is to the episodes fault I think, but it is what happened. Unless you are projecting past the episode, in which case I will shush.
What Starlight did do was realise that having the whole Empire in panic stations was too extreme.

Anyway, I did enjoy reading this. It brings up some good points and while I'm not familiar with the style I didn't notice any major flaws. Then again I'm not familiar with the style soo...here's your pinch of salt.

Overall, good job! Keep up the good work and have a nice day!


The story comes out of nowhere. I get that it's supposed to just be a snippet but maybe a little bit before with just Starlight could strengthen the story? Just a nitpick and not really important.

The 'build up' was the previous 20 episodes of the season, where Starlight wasn't featured as much as perhaps she should have been, if she's allegedly a member of the main cast. Whether this is a good or a bad thing, is entirely down to the viewer.

There is one point during the song where she looks regretful of that, but Starlight doesn't make any meaningful moves forward

She was the second Equestrian native to think about giving him a chance, therefore she was one of the first in my opinion.

But I appreciate the considered, concise, critique and take on board what you said. Have a nice day! :pinkiehappy:


The 'build up' was the previous 20 episodes of the season, where Starlight wasn't featured as much as perhaps she should have been, if she's allegedly a member of the main cast. Whether this is a good or a bad thing, is entirely down to the viewer.

Yeah I understand. Sorry it was just a personal nitpick. Nothing in the season has really indicated that Starlight has felt left out, but it can definitely be inferred.

She was the second Equestrian native to think about giving him a chance, therefore she was one of the first in my opinion.

Again, fair enough. That might have been some of my frustrations about how underplayed she was in the episode. My apologies.

Hm. Interesting.

Good, and I have been wondering the same thing. It probably would've helped me and many others to accept Starlight's behavior in "Every Little Thing She Does" if that hadn't been only her second major on-screen appearance since the Season 6 premiere. Now, I'm kind of worried about how the finale will handle her given how she was written in "Every Little Thing She Does".

That ending... :moustache: you earned it liked and subscribed

7609391 Thank you. It was a late addition to the story that just popped in my head, but so amusing I just had to edit it in. Nice to have you in my cult. BWHAHAHA!! :trollestia:

7609418 Cult...? :rainbowderp:
Sorry... I meant club. :facehoof:
Honest... (Tee Hee) :twilightsheepish:
Hides hooded cloak under table :moustache:

After today's episode, without spoiling anything for those who haven't seen it yet, I'm now imagining Starlight waiting for Twilight and go all "REALLY?! WE JUST TALKED ABOUT THIS!"

Hmm...just got an idea for a story I'll write.

7610819 Considering what happened on that fateful boat trip, she probably thought she was better off not going with the three stooges... :twilightsmile:


Indeed. Then again both Twilight and Spike left and dragged said three stooges out to show them the error of their ways and then they all had a great time. It was another missed opprotunity to give Starlight a lesson. Two birds with one stone.

But that's just me.

7610819 Perhaps Starlight was scuba-diving at the time... and in the buckball episode, she was just getting refreshments... and in the boutique episode, she was working behind the scenes... and...

Oh heck, I'm sick of making excuse for the other ponies. Poor Starlight... :fluttercry:


Well I'm positive that the finale will do her justice. Wonder who that team she'll put together will be. I'm guessing its characters we've seen throughout he season if that's the case...

The team would consist of:
Starlight Glimmer

That was a pretty funny story. though that ending :facehoof: spike...is this what you do when you're home alone?

That was so awesome

7636809 Thank you. That means a lot... :)

Comment posted by Starlight Glimmer1 deleted Jan 13th, 2018

God damn it that ending :rainbowlaugh:

LOL fantastic ending and story as a whole

Don't think the colour coding was necessary but otherwise an okay story.

"polishing off the silverware" means "eating them all up". Which sounds more like something Spike would do! It should just be "polishing the silverware".

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