So, I was living a fairly normal life, going to school, reading fanfics, marvelling at the magnificence of the internet and humanity at large, you know, a totally normal person. Then, suddenly, I wasn't. No biggie, because every brony's dream came true for me: I was reborn as a pony, an Alicorn even! That sounds great, right? Ah, aha, um, nope! Not when I'm the "son" of God-Empress Celestia of the Holy Empire of Equestria, who would make even the Imperium of 40k balk at her xenophobia and egomania. Well, I've got magic, that has to count for something, right?
If you would, please contribute to my Patreon, where you can support me and commission stories: Link
2017-07-09: Holy salmon, I've been featured. My first ever story got featured. In 3 days. I have no idea what I did to have the honour, but thank you all!
Edit: Here's a picture of the main character, Solus:
The the described details are pretty good, and the self awareness of the situation only makes it better
MORE CHAPTERS!!! NOW!!! I like this story.
Also Blue eyes, Golden Mane? Super Sayian Pony confirmed! (Just excited)
His mane not nearly as spiky, though!
Or god forbid... Daybreaker?
Only one I saw. Like the story btw.
That one was deliberate, since I'm an agnostic. Glad you like it!
Not bad. Keep it up!
He's white, blonde and has blue eyes. Let's just hope for his sake he won't accidentally disappoint his Fuhre- I meant mom. Definitely mom.
I was going to say "I hope he melts her icy heart" but it's probably already burnt to ash by now
^ I don't get it...
It's a french song used by children to designate someone. You point at a different person with each syllable until the end of the song.
This looks really interesting, can't wait for the next chapters.
I’m going to read this, I’ve put it on my Will Read list. I just wanted to say Congrats on getting featured.
It’s a nice feeling isn’t it?
Also I like the Pony Imperium idea.
Looks interesting, but I'm left with a burning question in mind. Why can't he just let her tyranny continue? At worst, he's expected to excel in his new life. Oh the inhumanity.
Really though, so long as he does that he's got fucking immortality, and presumably phenomenal magical power from his alicorn body to look forward to. Why fight for the underdog when you're already on your way to the top?
Gonna go figure out how this is featured...
TRUE THAt , because there is no faker character then a selfless human
#Me,myself,and pie
In case you didn't notice, you've got an error in your description.
brony's dream
5 bits says its pinkie pie
i like it good job
only if there was more, one can only hope.
This story has potential, and I am willing to give it a go... that been said do try to get yourself a proofreader, or another one if you already have one. The more eyes looking over your story to catch the little mistakes the better.
Just you wait, he has very good reasons to oppose Celestia.
I do hope this goes well and Celestia is purged of whatever the hell is possessing her, While i abhore time skips as they take alot out of the story i Hope Solus takes the fight to Celestia the tyrant and takes Luna's side and bring the Empire down and remake all the laws that he can see easily that were not supposed to be there.
I dont think i would have been able to endure what Solus is going thru, even to appease ''mother dearest'' I would simply tolerate her presence (to which Solus probably already does as hes too scared to do anything else)
Celestia the Kind and loving ruler is probably an ideal that already died in Solus mind and he wont be able to see her as anything else. I do hope there is a fight between her and Solus before the purge or whatever. Celestia of after would have ALOT to answer for and probably will never get the love and memories of a mother and son as they never bonded properly. He will be grown up by the time shes free and unable to show the love he should have had from the start and a loving family enviroment.
Also did u think about what are u going to do about Cadence?
(i can see her being against Celestia cold/tyrant rule and thrown in the dungeons as she is a threat to her and her sons rule)
I would not mind seeing Solus save Cadence from some horrible fate like getting her horn and wings removed by saying he will be responsible for her and that it would be a shame if she couldn't be of some use ( just to save her life until Celestia is dealt with)
Just wait, you'll see...
Oh no, the ominous author, damn it why does it have to be so good. You're killing it for you're first fan fic. With the way you're going I'll be addicted to this story even more.
I bet that in this universe, commoners have a really shitty and poor lifes. This Equestria has byzantine type of rulership and such rulership usually abuse citizens both with laws and taxes to hold expenses of government. You are noble and live inside golden cage, where one bad word may cost you live, or you are commoner and you eat grass and of course one bad word may cost you live.
Nightmare Moon, compared to this Celestia, may be far better choise.
More or less, actually. Scratch more, it's mostly less.
I find myself rather enjoying this story. I hope we get to see what happens when he goes to a day court and his mother makes him pass judgement on someone. *wink*wink*. I do like that it didn't go from baby to teenager in like one chapter because now it doesn't feel rushed and the character feels more filled out. Is this gonna be a harem shipping or 1 or 2 shipping. I'm guessing harem. Only reason i think that is because if the other two races are treated like poop it's one of the few ways i can see the other two tribes not turning on the unicorns if and that's a big ifffffffffffffff the author does make celestia turn good which might be seen as weakness in there eyes and make it there time to strike. Your not gonna forget a 1000 years of abuse because she has a change of heart. They'd need physical proof that things will improve.
To be perfectly honest, I have no idea where this story is going. Hell, I didn't even intend to have Shining to be more than a cameo, and I even pictured him as a possible future antagonist. I'm glad you think his development isn't rushed because I thought it might be!
Well when you think about it you didn't go to far ahead and you explained pretty much what lead up to that point. I'm pretty certain most of us didn't care to hear to much about his pooping into diapers stage ... except those few sick sick people out there .lol. ..... so jumping from newborn to 4-5? Is a good start we get to see how things start and how he starts to effect those around him. Even if you jump a few years every few chapters it's still better then 0-nightmare moon in one chapter. Same thing with romances ...there is such a thing as love at first sight but some authors have them meet and screw 1 chapter apart. That's awful unless it's supposed to just be for clop reasons...... or estrus season .lol...gotta love a season where mares act like flesh eating zombies. But unless he's somehow picking up a mare at a bar for a one night stand I couldn't see any self respecting mare putting out after a day. But that's just me.
Oh this seems brilliant. Keep up the good work! I wonder how our little "Solus" will do about future events. More world building while doing so I presume. I hope to see more in the future since this is so god damn INTRIGUING!
God, Solus- Even at this young age... Seems like a Badass.... Don't ask me why.
Hopefully Solus doesn't mess with his mother too much. We wouldn't want an Exterminatus in the the form of a solar flare, now would we?
After Armor tells his mom that he said he "loves" the MC and the Prince wasn't upset his mom will say what an ''honor'' it is,etc.
Cause you know she gonna want to know everything they talked about and did... and likely jump to conclusions...
Twilight got her crazy from somewhere after all...
I like your writing style and am curious about how the story will unfold. Can't wait for the next chapter :)
That's it I'm following you your first story is just sooooooooooooooooooo good.
Celestia's strange personality split amuses me.
And if he's close to shining, are we going to see him train Twilight?
Perhaps friendship? A romance?
You talk about over throwing Celestia, but I don't see much reason to. Sure she's scary, strict, and full of herself, but I don't remember hearing one mention of her abusing her subjects so far.
With Shining Armor? I guess I'd be okay with that.
really good story
longer chapters maybe?
Somewhere right now, there's a bald man in a basement stroking a Star Wars wookie doll in a sexual manner, whispering to himself ancient incantations and uttering spells designed to bring forth pillars of fire and small clouds of ice around him.
I bet his name is Keith or Benjamin.
I've changed my mind, Chris.
I wanna pick door number three for £500, please.
Oh, is he the Cadence equivalent in this universe?
Friends with the family
Babysitting Twilight maybe
Using his thick arms to give lots of consensual and platonic hugs to Shining Armor
so when does the shit hit the fan?
The title refrences diary of a wimpy kid, right?