Twilight and Rainbow Dash are sent out on a friendship mission together to help a stallion from their own hometown: Coalstone. Luckily, with him so close, this should be a cake walk, right?
Commissioned by The Fan Without a Face.
Original Works. It was a good run.
Twilight and Rainbow Dash are sent out on a friendship mission together to help a stallion from their own hometown: Coalstone. Luckily, with him so close, this should be a cake walk, right?
Commissioned by The Fan Without a Face.
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Well, that was an enjoyable story to say the least. You get a like from me.
I was honestly expecting Twilight to go all Sweetie Belle when she found out where the problem was. "Aw, come on!!"
Huh, looks like I found a nice little gem of a story.
A pretty rare sight on