• Member Since 20th Nov, 2013
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago

Foals Errand

Guess whose back?!


Cadance had always wanted a family of her own so to now have her husband and sweet daughter her life is complete and nothing could ever go wrong again. That is until Flurry Heart turned five and her Aunt Luna sent them an urgent message they needed to speak regarding nightmares that Flurry Heart was having.

Cadance's life would be forever changed after that meeting. One thing would never change though. She would always love her daughter... Always.

Thanks to Jumbled Thought for assisting so much with the first chapter by writing the base. It helped me climb out of the rut I was in, so thanks!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 18 )

Ooh, Chrysalis, you nasty :yay:

No, Chrysalis would not let a bad, rushed performance ruin her plans again. Not this time.

Damn. Chrysalis is not screwing around this time.

Very nice start, and I can't wait to see what you do with this.

Looking forward to the continuation of the story.:pinkiehappy:

Well, you piqued my interest. Definitely tracking for now.

Iiiiiiinteresting. Go Chryssie go! *waves a changeling swarm flag around*

Ohhh tracking this. Off to a riviting start.

Well, I'll be keeping an eye on it, I suppose... but I do wish you'd actually finish one of your stories sometime, instead of starting more and more new ones.

Almost a whole year now:trixieshiftleft:

will this be updated foals errand?

Yes, i'm not sure exactly when but it will be.

that's good to hear

Not dead, writer's block.

Medical problems and having My Mom have to have her leg amputated due to infection hasn't helped...

That would be a very, very reasonable reason. My great-grandmother died because she had an infection in her leg and refused to have it removed, saying she'd rather die that be reliant one someone else.

Thankfully my Mom allowed the amputation. But It's been quite the trip.

I'm glad to hear it. Best of luck for you all in the future!

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