• Member Since 13th Jul, 2011
  • offline last seen Jul 18th, 2019

James Light

Former writer / owner of Family Jewels.

Comments ( 4 )

Wish I may, wish I might! Have this I wish tonight! Are you satisfied?! Dig for gold, dig for fame! You dig to make your name!! Are you pacified?!!!

*reads story*

good going Lu-

*reads author’s note and bails*

It's just too silly for me to enjoy it. Pinkie being Pinkie is one thing, but jumping into her daydreams, having Luna be Pinkie-like in her behaviour (which, given how little she has appeared in the actual show, isn't impossible, it's that this is on top of Pinkie Pie) and things in general being so silly - it's not even funny, imo. A comedic clopfic is balancing a fine knife's edge to work, and this time I feel it failed. It's barely "clop worthy" and it's not funny. Sprinkling a clopfic with comedy, or having a comedy with sexual scenes is fine. This story however? Being random AND funny/enjoyable in any way takes precision, precision that this "random comedy clopfic" is sorely lacking.

In general, I just don't think "Random" works well with "clopfic", unless the author is exceptionally talented or lucky.

Then again, I'm one reader with an opinion, what do I know?

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