Rainbow Dash asks Quibble Pants out on a date. He already knows what's going to happen.
As a writer you ask yourself to dream while you're awake. As an editor you ask yourself how to change a story while leaving it the same.
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Ha ha, this was golden!
A perfect way to start my morning. Or any morning, really.
Cute story! ^.^
The ending was cool, didn't egt the bit about the saddlebags but I loved it all the same! Wish there was more of this ship...it's adorable
7609590 Yeah, this is one of the few straight ships with Rainbow I can get behind, the other weirdly enough being Zephyr Breeze for some odd reason.

7609595 ....I disagree with your opinion
I respect it, but i don't agree. Zephyr is urm...kind of a creep? Kinda....yeah.
7609601 Yeah, that's exactly why I find it weird. Don't ask me why I support it, as I can't figure out the answer myself.
7609606 --> Shipping goggles
The only answer!
7609610 That must be it! The only logical explanation must be due to me finally gaining my shipping goggles!
7609618 Congrats! When's your goggle-ceneria? (Funny enough autocorrect puts that as nitroglycerine, just thought i'd share that ^.^)
7609623 Yeah, auto correct can do funny things at times. Like sometimes it puts at as 31st or something like that for some unknown reason.
7609626 Yeah...stupid technology!
7609639 Hear, hear!
Ya think Rainbow was hoping he'd forget something and come back?
I'm assuming this was the thing I missed out on editing, due to poor punctuality?
7612257 I'll make a promise to look over the next piece to make up for my absence.
Sounds good, I just started on it today. Hoping to finish it soon.
Did you make that cover art? If not, than who did?
Oh no, I could never draw something like that.
I found the picture here.
Man the guns and hoist the sails! This ship is headed to the high seas!
God-awful shipping joke aside... I loved it. Liked, Favorited, and I would have done anything else I could to show how much I liked it if there were more features to do so.
Ha, well I'm glad you enjoyed reading it. I'm trying to branch out into other ships, so there may be another one with Quibble Pants since there's only like eleven other stories with his character so there's a lot of potential in building how the fandom views his character.
Ooh, is someone a Quibbledash shipper? Nice! I'm a hardcore quibbledash shipper, ya know. :3 This was really sweet and funny, hope you do another one like it!
Not sure how I feel about it honestly. I ship SoarinDash more (CalmWind is really to blame for that) and if you read the author's note you'll have seen that it was really just because it was a little more logical. I think that Quibble would fit really well with Twilight, since both of them probably have a similar love for books and an analytical nature.
QuibbleDash best ship!
Alrighty so were to begin, I liked it. It was good, you did an excellent job imitating the Holms boyo, normally it's done wrong make the character seem omnificent, not so here. I liked the flow and the chem-is-try. The characters felt in place as well, especially Rainbow Dash. That being said the ending was rushed, and I kept looking for Rainbow Dash to do something neat and out of the ordinary. I was expecting it to be related to the stars that she mentioned, but there was nothing about them. That was kinda disappointing. All in all though I believe there is no such thing as a bad chliche and this is proof, because I said so. Seriously though good story over all.
A really cute fic.