• Published 30th Dec 2016
  • 572 Views, 12 Comments

'Til Death Does Us Part - Styxxie

After a horrific incident in the local undertaker's establishment, Styxx Rivers goes to her bosses, the princesses, for somewhere to live for a while. But as she is staying in the Canterlot Palace, she begins to fall for a certain lunar princess.

  • ...

9: The Essentials

As the day slowly became night, Styxx had looked through almost every novel, every textbook, and every booklet on anything related to death and the afterlife. Styxx was growing sick of the words "spirits", "ghosts", all along those lines. Luna had to go out on Twilight's balcony and raise the moon, and eventually rested against Styxx as she closed the last book. The grey unicorn allowed a yawn to escape her muzzle.

The peace was not long lived, because there was the pounding of a hoof on the door. "Royal Guards! Open up, please!" a gruff stallion voice called. Styxx and Luna jolted up, and Twilight came galloping down the stairs. In a panic, Twilight waved a wing as a signal for the couple to hide. They hurried upstairs as quietly as they could manage, Luna taking the liberty of hiding in the rafters, trying to be light on her hooves. Styxx went for the cliche of stuffing herself under the bed.

Twilight answered the door, and gave a curious look. "Hello," she greeted. "is there anything I can help you with?" she asked.

"Princess Twilight Sparkle," the same guard began. "we are searching for Princess Luna and Styxx Rivers. By any chance have you encountered them in the past three hours?" he asked.

Twilight took a deep breath mentally, readying herself to lie. "No sir, I hate to disappoint."

The guard raised an eyebrow at the others behind him. He was reluctant before clearing his throat and looking back to her. "I see. I apologize for disturbing you. Have a good night, Princess Twilight." he said before they all turned away. Twilight calmly closed her door before calling out to the girls.

"The coast is clear!" she said, relatively quietly as to not alarm anyone. Luna came down from the rafters, and Styxx wriggled herself out from under the bed. They trotted back downstairs.

"That was a close call..." Luna remarked.

"Celestia is hell-bent on getting me to kill somepony, isn't she?" Styxx asked. Luna was so hesitant to believe this, but she had had an entire argument with Celestia about the matter.

"It is unbelievable, to say the absolute least." the lunar princess sighed. There was a bit of a pause, before Twilight broke the silence by changing the subject and mood of things.

"So, Styxx..." she began. "...what all did you find?"

Styxx grinned. "I believe I found more than enough of the information I need!" she happily reported. "As I read, I began to understand why these spirits are staying in my shop. Though the reasoning is frightful to think about, it is very likely. Especially coming from a screwed up family like mine."

The princesses gave the undertaker inquisitive looks. Styxx chuckled, and used her magic to hold up three books in particular: Hauntings and How To Survive, The Art of Death, and Necromancy, Cleansings, and Exorcisms. "Those are the books that are supposed to help!?" Luna exclaimed, reading the titles and feeling alarmed.

"Allow me to explain." Styxx said with a cheeky smile. "It's a simple concept really. See, when ponies die in the way this family did, they may have a reason to stay behind. I believe I mentioned something about unfinished business, or things along those lines? Well, that's basically it. I concluded that their deaths could be linked to me, just not directly to me, you get it?" she asked.

"Would you care to elaborate more?" Twilight asked.

"I'd be delighted to~ What I'm coming at is, the killer could be a close friend, an ex-marefriend, or even a family member of mine. As much as I don't want to think that is a possibility, it could be. The spirits feel the need to linger in my shop because they want me to figure it out. And thankfully their presence has made me want to figure it out, because I'm behind on appointments." she said the last part a bit flatly. Styxx then cleared her throat, and flipped to a particular page in The Art of Death, and showed the pages to Twilight and Luna. "Another problem is, of course, the brutal murder. The way ponies die can be a reason they stay. From any and all documents I have on ponies, I could tell this family was more than wholesome. It's a shame the way they went, really. As horrendous as the scene was. They didn't deserve that and they know it. But obviously, the killer has some kind of grudge against wholesome ponies."

"How would you say so?" Luna asked, skimming over the text on the pages.

"I mean, think about it. The most recent entry I saw was this newlywed couple. I pulled out any files I had on them and it too was a clean slate. It's like the killer has a jealousy. Also, look at it this way: as far as I can tell, innocent foals and straight pony couples have been murdered. No problems there, obviously." Styxx scoffed. "Sounds like sexism and God-complexism to me."

Luna and Twilight nodded in agreement. "So what can we do?" Twilight asked.

"Well, that's where we're fucked." she admitted. "We may have to side with Celestia, but propose that we do not kill the killer right off the bat, but give them a fair trial. I probably have all the files we need on every pony in Equestria." she told them. "However, if they are a family member of mine, then we are truly screwed over. Grandad Cadaver didn't keep files on the family. Something about 'family sticking up and protecting family' or some cringey shit like that."

Luna's brow furrowed. "So this is playing with fire, is what you're saying?" she asked.

"Essentially, yes." Styxx replied. "The plan would have to go in this order: side with Celestia with a mutual understanding, find the killer and do what we have to, then cleanse the shop. And magic! All back to normal for the rest of us."

The princesses exchanged worried glances, and then decided they all needed to see Celestia. As nerve-wracking as it was at the time, they knew it was for the best.

A train-ride filled with anxiety later, they were all going into the palace with brave faces. Celestia was pacing, seething with rage as she muttered to herself. Luna, the bravest soul, spoke out to her sister. "Celestia?"

The celestial princess quickly turned to them. "You! You turned on me, you absolute-" she was cut off by Styxx stepping forward to speak.

"Princess, please! I have taken the liberty to search for the information I need and I believe I have a plan that may serve better than trying to turn me into something like a reaper. If I may tell you?" she asked.

Celestia had to contain her anger, and she exhaled heavily. "Yes, Miss Rivers. Go on."

Styxx went on to explain everything she had previously to Luna and Twilight on to Celestia. Once she was done explaining everything in the simplest way she could, she looked the princess in the eyes. "What we need to do, is we first need to track down the killer properly. I believe it would help to keep some ponies I know on standby, and we can bring Twilight along. She had the books I needed to enlighten myself on the situation at hoof. So, Celestia? What say you?"

Celestia was hesitant, biting her lip. She turned her back to them, and called for a maid. She instructed her to let a guard that stayed behind to send for the ones out on the search. The maid nodded, bowed, then left. The princess turned back to the three ponies presented to her, and she let out a shameful sigh.
