About a week and a half had passed peacefully after the battle with the dreaded Terran Empire, while some of the debris managed to make it down to the planet's surface, most of the space junk was tractored and destroyed by the Alliance ships, not only that, but no casualties were reported being caused by the debris. Along with the Alliance accepting the assistance of Equestria, they had gained another new member of the family as well. Despite being a despised foe, Queen Chrysalis had been convinced into helping out with their now former enemies and their allies. On the crew's part, Wyatt had just about fully recovered from his injuries, having to have several bandages and using a walker was finally paying off, as well as knowing that his counterpart was most likely going to be in the agony booth for quite some time. His ship, the Sacramento, was getting put into spacedock for repairs and a refit, and to add to those treats, Twilight had asked for a bit of shore leave for both her and Wyatt's crews, getting away from the violence of war and getting to know more about their friends. At Cloudsdale, a Wonderbolts performance was gathering most of the city, as well as the crewmen from the Chestnut and the Equestria, all cheering and growing excited over the amazing maneuvers the pegasi performed. Wyatt had just gone through almost a whole glass of Romulan Ale as he spoke to his friends. "If I had wings, it'd be a dream come true to fly alongside them!"
Scootaloo chimed in with him. "I know right?! And seeing Dash up there is one of them!" She grew excited as Dash performed a ring-around near several clouds along with her teammates.
"It's been her dream to be a part of the team, and now I think that battle earned her that place!" Twilight said as she watched along with the rest.
"Mind if I join in, everyone?" Mioiil's voice sounded from behind Wyatt and Twilight, but she looked different, she resembled an equine pony with a red tail and mane on her. Looking at her hooves, Wyatt noticed that she seemed to have claws within them, along with that, her attire was what looked to be an off duty shirt made for ponies.
Wyatt whistled at her as he answered her. "I see you gave that genetic converter a try."
She nodded as she continued. "I felt confused as you are when I noticed claws on my hooves, but I then checked the converter and noticed it apparently mixes a tint of your DNA with the correct settings. So, what do you think?"
Wyatt blushed a bit as he answered. "I think you look magnificent." They kissed for a moment as they pulled away to noticed the group looking at them, except for Twilight and her friends. "What?" He asked with a curious tone.
"S...sorry, I just can't seem to get used to you two there." Luna said as she shook away her weirded out look.
"I think it's quite fine, same on our part of it." She looked to Flash, who was sitting next to her. She and him had taken a few days into their shore leave to go out and talk about each other and their adventures, as a matter of fact, she had asked him to join her crew during then. The stallion blushed as he sat with his princess and watched the air show with her.
The group smiled as Mioiil then spoke up. "About why I didn't get here sooner, I'd gotten a message from Admiral Quinn, he said that he's managed to gather several members of the Alliance to form a universal defense program, but for the moment, they're still getting underway. The Chestnut is also in orbit, so when we're ready to head out, you can give the word." She finished as she smiled.
The group looked to Dr. Hooves as he stood and spoke. "I believe I also have something to tell, earlier today, a man came up to me and asked me about joining this group dedicated to "protecting the timeline", and being worried about it, I accepted the offer due to my capabilities, he also said to privately inform you of this. Wyatt, do you know a group like them?"
Wyatt smiled as he answered. "I think I know someone that has worked with me on that exact task, as a matter of fact, I myself have been asked about that offer, and I plan to join in on the defense, same on Twilight's part."
The group murmured happily as Daring Do, who was in her A.K. Yearling ego, spoke up as well. "Well, this whole thing will be quite an adventure to write about. You don't mind, do ya, Admiral?"
Wyatt smiled as he replied. "No, I don't mind, I think it's about time we all became a part of a great adventure." The group smiled as well and went back to witnessing the squadron of pegasi flying over them, emitting smoke trails and making rolls and epic memories for the audience below them....
~1 week later, 0900 hours, Equestria orbit~
The hallway lights were blooming with light as Twilight walked the halls, nodding and waving to her friends and fellow officers around her. She had had a lot of fun during her time back home, talking with the family and friends she had been dying to meet ever since the taking of her and her six friends, partying, and adding some new touches to her ship's interior and exterior, a new shiny material for the hull included with that. But now, she had her duties to pay attention to, keeping an eye out for the Na'kuhl and dealing with typical attacks on allied territories wasn't too hard of a job to take care of, she stepped into the turbolift, thinking about what her friends had learned on flying and using the ship's abilities, upon the doors opening, she stepped out, but she noticed an unexpected face near her seat, Trixie was standing near her chair, this time in a humanoid form, bearing a similar look to her counterpart in that alternate world full of humans. The magician smiled as she spoke to her now former rival. "I hope you don't mind, but I've decided to lend a hand with you and your friends, and I've also kept your seat safe for you, the chair's yours, Twilight."
The princess nodded as Trixie took her new seat to the right of Twilight, who noticed Flash at her left as she got comfortable in her seat. She looked to Flash and asked him, "So, are you ready to sail the stars in a new ship, Flash?"
"Absolutely, Twilight, being the first royal guard to do such a task is a bit of an honor to me." He said as he smiled at her.
She smiled as well and looked to her comms panel and tapped it, she spoke up. "Equestria to Canterlot, Celestia, can you hear me?"
"Yes, Twilight, I hear you, good luck on your new mission, Princess." She said to her former pupil.
Twilight gave a confused look as she replied. "New mission? What's the change in the plan?"
Wyatt's voice then spoke up. "Ah, about that, Twilight, Starfleet has ordered us to lead a task force to lay stealth probes in other universes. The Alliance has grown worried about enemies of ours who might find out about the Preserver gateway and might try to take advantage of it, so we've been asked to place some probes in each universe in order to keep an eye out for trouble. How's that idea?"
Twilight looked to Flash and then to Trixie before replying. "That's a good move to make, it would keep others safe in those realms instead of having to deal with our problems. We're right behind you, Admiral."
Wyatt was chuckling before he continued. "Actually, I've decided to let you have that honor, your Highness."
Twilight looked to her friends again before she answered. "Thank you, Wyatt. Let's get going."
"Aye, ma'am. Stone out."
Twilight then looked to Rainbow Dash before asking her, "Dash, are our wings ready?"
She snickered before answering. "Ready for a Sonic Rainboom on your word, Twi!"
She then looked to her friends, who all nodded and smiled as she looked to the screen and gave the word. "Engage."
The ships' engines glowed a bright blue, a portal formed in front of the two ships as they neared it, then flashing away into nothing as they ventured through. The two explorers were in for quite an adventure, seeing new worlds in other realms, new species, and of course, going beyond the limit of what any being in the universe would've ever thought of crossing, and perhaps soon, all of them would go into the space where none have been together, but for now, that was only a possibility, and the only thing that held the answer was time......
looking foward to the sequel maybe a trilogy but its your call
7914238 Yeah, they actually were in the midst of taking out the smaller hands in the fleet, and since the cube was, in the Captain's eyes, "weak enough", he seemed to get cocky in his next move, a bit too cocky.
If the main OCs in this story were voiced, what would they sound like?
An interesting question, I'd say.
Um, thanks? Could you please answer my question now? Narrating the character's voices in my head when I read helps me enjoy the stories that I read more.
correction: They know about those fields as they existed in the...we'll be generous...and say 1950's. That is over half a millenium out of date and Starfleet is a military academy. Academies spend years training people.