• Member Since 19th Jun, 2016
  • offline last seen Nov 1st, 2019


Hello, I love writing and blogging. I have a blog on wordpress: thedorkslife.wordpress.com and PONIES ARE MAH LIFE


After Twilight found a book called, "Dimensions and galore" she decided to test one of the spells. Turns out, it transported her and her friends into a strange, cubic dimension, Minecraft. Follow the Mane 6 as they journey through the world of cubes, mining their way to find a way out of the strange dimension.

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 6 )

This is interesting

Yaaaay! More please!

Twilight here seems a little OOC since i doubt that she would try a spell, especially a spell that touches on dimensional magic, she would try to have a lot of safeties in place.:trixieshiftleft:

But! Then again, multiverse has many versions of Twilight and some may be a little less careless when a new spell is shown to her due to excitement clouding her mind a little.:applejackunsure:

So, what happened here, is not out of the realm of possibility:duck:

So let's carry on looking what happens to this particular version of M6

Well, this actually pretty decent.

Meh. I think i'll see where this goes:eeyup:

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