• Published 15th Sep 2016
  • 896 Views, 6 Comments

The Mane 6 in Minecraft - MiKaylaDaPegasister

  • ...

In the Overworld

Third person's P.O.V

Twilight opened her eyes, amazed at the same time, worried. What happened? Where are her friends? Are they still alive? Where is she? Where are THEY? Thoughts came rushing into her mind, she decided it would be best to not panic, since panicking doesn't solve anything.

"Twilight? Care to explain where in they HAY we are??", she looked up, seeing Rainbow Dash hovering in the air.

"Well, I'm not sure..", she looked around, seeing her six friends, all together and safe. But that's not all she saw. The whole area, the whole world she was in, was made of.. cubes!

"Okay.. I really don't know what world this is..", she said solemnly. Twilight looked down, she saw 10 red hearts, and 10 .. uhh.. well she isn't sure what they are called. But they looked like one of those 'drumsticks' she used to eat in the other dimension. And a green-ish

translucent-ish hotbar.

"What are those!" (A/N: are you thinking what I'm thinking? No? Kay..) , Twilight said looking down.

"What are what dear?", Rarity sent her a confused look.

"Don't you see anything like.. Here??", Twilight gestured her hoof to the hotbar, but the others can't seem to figure out what she was trying to point out.

"What do you mean? All I see at the bottom of my perspective is this weird looking.. bar.. Uhh.. With hearts and some weird baseball bats!", Rainbow Dash added.

"Exactly! What are these things?!", Pinkie asked.

"Well, I ain't got time to figure out what 'these things' are! Ah'm starvin'! Wait here! Ah think Ah see an apple tree.", Applejack trotted towards the tree, and gave it a large buck. What happened next was beyond her prediction. The part she bucked, broke and shrunk into a smaller piece of log! Leaving the tree hovering in the air.

"APPLEJACK!" her friends cried in worry, running towards her.

"Are you okay?"

"What did you do?"

"How is it hovering in the air?"

"Did you get an apple??"

"ENOUGH!", she yelled out. "Honestly, Ah don't know what's up with this tree. Ah didn't get an apple, a piece of the trunk broke, but AH GOT A LOG!"

"Well, that's odd enough.... BUT REALLY EXCITING!", Pinkie said. The pink mare ran towards the tree, giving it a hard buck.. with her face. Surprisingly, it broke. The tree trunk, not her face. It shrunk, and got sucked into her chest, and appearing again inside one of the boxes in the 'hotbar'.


"I don't know! But what I do know, is that if you break something, it will shrinkthenitwillappearinoneoftheboxesinsidethehotbarthiingie!"

"What?", the other six said in unison. Spike, who has been quiet the whole time, decided it would be best to try it out himself.

he started to move towards the hovering tree, and punched the lowest part with his claw. 'Huh. It didn't hurt. It didn't break either.' He tried again, and again, and punching it again, until in finally broke, and as Pinkie said, it got sucked into his chest, and appeared in the hotbar.

"Hey! It really works!", Spike said satisfied. But what would he do with a log? He could make wood... Just as he thought about wood, he saw a much bigger 'screen'. In front of him was a large 2x2 grid, he saw the log being put in one of the grids, and beside it, a chunk of wood appeared in the smaller box. It appeared in his hotbar, and he saw a number '4' beside it.

"Spike! What did you do? And why are you holding.. wood?"

"I don't know! I just thought about making it and.. well it appeared!"

"Well, the sun's going down... We need to find some shelter. Come on. I think I see a cave just a mile away.", Twilight lead the gang to a small cave, just enough to be their only shelter.

"Welp. I guess it's not too bad..", Rainbow Dash said looking around.

"ARE YOU KIDDING? THIS PLACE IS DREEAAADFUL! I MEAN, LOOK AT ALL THE DIRT! AND THE DUST! EWWW! AND DON'T EXPECT ME TO SIT ON THE FILTHY STONE FLOOR! THIS IS JUST.. UNACCEPTABLE!", Rarity complained. The others traded annoyed glances, while Rarity was finding a 'decent' place to rest her hooves.

"Rarity, Ah swear if ya complain about a single thing, Ah'm gunna throw ya out!", Applejack mused.

"APPLEJACK! That's no way to speak to a friend!", Fluttershy reminded.

"Gawd, will you guys just please shut up already?!"

"Me? But what in the hay did ah' do??"

"Well, for one you threatened me. Two, you YELLED in my ear."

"Well that ain't mah' fault! You were complainin' like a little foal!"

"Humph! If you hate my voice you might as well just say it!"

"Ahm' not saying that! Ahm' saying that you should sto-", Applejack was cut of by a scary moaning sound coming from outside. It was already dark, hence they couldn't see anything clearly.

"W-what.. What was that??", Fluttershy shivered.

"WAAAHHHHAH! ZOMBIEEEE!", Spike hid behind Twilight, shivering and scared.

"Uh oh..", Twilight said as the zombie came closer. More zombies came approaching. They were surrounded.

"Now what??", Rarity moaned.

"WE KICK THEIR FLANKS!", Rainbow Dash said eagerly and started punching them one by one.

The others nodded, and started to join the fight.

Twilight used her magic to flip the zombies over.

Pinkie threw them with her party cannons.

Rarity yelled in her most highest pitched voice.

Fluttershy used her tail to whip them.

Applejack gave them a big buck in the face.

Rainbow Dash speed kicked them in the face. (A/N: Idk if that's even a thing..)

"Well, we got rid of them. Now, I think we should get some rest.. We need our energy to.. do whatever we're supposed to do here. We'll find a way out.", Twilight said. Just as Rarity was about to complain, Applejack gave her a cold glare.

'Looks like our adventure will have to continue tomorrow'