• Member Since 31st Jul, 2016
  • offline last seen January 30th


Comments ( 12 )

First thing crossing my mind reading title

Im a simple agent of chaos. I see futa, I dislike.
Aaaand here we...go!

Oatsy #3 · Aug 27th, 2016 · · 1 ·

7514272 I'm a simple man. I see a story promising giant futa balls (and other wonderful things), I like.

This is acceptable. :1

7515425 Oh, you flatterer. :rainbowkiss:

I really hate it when I see a story like this and it has almost as many dislikes as likes because of assholes who probably didn't even read it past the description and downvote because it's a fetish story and they're all StoplikingwhatIdontlike.jpg

Good story, I really don't have any constructive criticism for it.

7566960 I know what you mean. The early downvotes bothered me a little bit, but as long as some people are favoriting and upvoting it, that lets me know that it's reaching an appreciative audience. Anyway, thanks!

Really loved this story. The balls, the musk, her sweet temperament. Thank you for sharing it.

7621454 Thank you so much! I just saw the Micro POV pic you did on your tumblr. I'm really glad you liked the story, and I'm honored that it inspired a picture.

This stuff is great! I love the pantie stuffing at the end, awesome!

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