Princess Luna keeps much to herself. Not even her sister knows the truth lurking in the depths in her heavy heart. She puts in ink what she never could in words.
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Great......THE FEELS!
I too wish they would address this in the show.
I'm going to be super-disappointed if they don't.
This could be when Luna was punishing herself with the dream spirit. This is what I expect how she should be still feeling at this point.
What happend between them and with Luna is not easily forgotten.
Nicely written. Thumbs up!
This was never about self-punishment, but I like that interpretation. It's more about feeling as if you got the short end of the stick and are being told to be happy with it. It's honestly about neglect and failure to learn from past mistakes on both sides.
The tantabus ep sorta did this, but not really.
I'm glad you like it. Writing it was a bit of a gutpunch to me as well.
This was saddening... but done so greatly.
I'll have a review up soon with it included.
Here it is. HERE
I'm glad you liked it. That means I've succeeded.
Celestia needs to read this...
Your story telling is improving. I liked the feels in this as Luna tells Celestia of her feelings of despair. Hopefully, Celestia will read this and begin the healing process with her sister.
Damn...that's heavy, I'm geting very inspired by this. In one of my crossover that I run, the remains of Nigtmare Moon will have a great foothold in the relationship beetwen the hero and Luna. I'm very inspired on how Luna actually feels inside.
A great work, a great writer you are!
Thank you very much. I hope your story goes well.
I had a strange feeling that this was perhaps...a suicide note.