Vinyl Scratch, the energetic music loving psycho mare we all grew to love by a first 3 second glance. This story, is not that different, or so it seems. Vinyl's social status is very healthy in terms of knowing who she is, but something amiss arises within our beloved DJ. Vinyl will soon show us all her hard times and she may soon learn a very valuable lesson.
And don't worry, it's just a sad/happy ending fic, not tragedy sad. So you will walk away from this fic happy :)
This fic was inspired by TsubukiChan on DeviantArt and his flash animation called Vinyl's Silent Wish.
The image belongs to Opera-Romance.
Many thanks to my awesome friend, DoctorBrony. He helped me out with proofreading and editing. DoctorBrony is best pre-reader pony! :)
Fic Stats:
Time taken: ~6:30 (from about 12:30 am to about 7:00 am)
coffee consumed: 3 Cups
amount of times almost dozing off: too damn many
Sleep: yay
Also if you like this fic, show some support and send a suggestion to EQD.
Special thanks to Storm Quill for the reading! Check it out!
i liked the other better FIRST COMMENT FUCK YEAH
it's possible I could, thought the original goal of the fic was to have more of a story from the flash this fic was based off of. there is so much I can do honestly, and I feel it's a good job imo since it's from another's story
Little bit of behind the scenes factoids for ya, the first chapter I wrote on an iPod touch, second I went through with MS word. Though it's awesome to know that the iPod version is still loved
Someone else wrote a story based on a game the same as my own story based on the same game?!
Really wish I had known about this before I wrote my story... I guess the game was pretty good if two authors wrote about it. Well, just wanted to apologize, I don't know who wrote the story first but it doesn't matter. This is just really awkward.... Best of luck to you.
Edit: Read the fic, it's really nice and I like it, although there are (no offense I know how it is to be a writer) many writing mistakes as far as story telling and speech. some small notes.
This shouldn't be written this way, as it makes it seem that Octavia already knows Vinyl. She approaches the mare/stranger/strange mare, would be more appropriate, but that isn't a big problem. I'm no spelling master, so I can't see any spelling errors.
This is a bigger error. Two characters speaking to each other should never be mixed in the same paragraph, it confuses the reader, at first I thought the cab driver was talking to himself.
An example would be (I'm just pulling a random idea):
"How much for the ride?" Vinyl asked looking through her purse. The gruff cab driver chuckled and clicked a few buttons on his trot meter, canceling the charge.
"Oh, don't worry 'bout it, Vinyl," he turned back to the mare with a grin and continued, "But, how about a song during my brake?"
Vinyl smiled and nodded, reaching out her hoof, promptly receiving a hoof bump from the driver. "Sounds like a fair deal to me," she answered putting her hoof back to the concrete.
Overall, the content of the story is good, but the writing errors distract a little too much from it. Also, Vinyl's eyes actually are crimson, so you were right.
The game did make quite the impact, that's for sure, and yes I am aware there are bound to be some mistakes. This fic was written a while back, closer to when I first started even, and it's had several edits and reitterations that's for sure. So I'm not really insulted that there are, mistakes are the best learning tool honestly. Oh, by the way, the first thing you mentioned where Octavia walked up to Vinyl, that was actually when I started to tie in the story of the flash game so I limited myself to the game's dialogue, making a few grammar corrections here and there. Thing is I didn't want to lose the moment the reader gets when they had already played the game, then later read this story and get hit with that "Oh! I recognize that!" sort of feeling. :P