Long ago, in the desert land of Saddle Arabia, the sultan chooses a beautiful yellow pegasus to be his queen. However, will she be clever enough to survive? The king has a habit of choosing a queen every day, only to kill her by the end of the night. Things are not looking good for Fluttershy.
This story was inspired by Arabian Nights
Sounds promising, keep writing.
Ok I actually kind of like where this is going. Look forward to the next chapter.
Oddly enough this idea occurred to me at one point. I just hope you're kind to these Middle Eastern stories.
Make more!"
Now this is a very interesting idea! So far, I've enjoyed it!
Hey there. Thanks very much for getting this next chapter up. I have to say, excellent job on the exchanges, emotional content and future chapter set-up in all the right places. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing who you cast as the characters in the Aladdin and Sindbad stories when you get to those chapters. And, at any rate, I will definitely be looking forward to more of this as soon as time and inspiration will allow.

Thank you so much!
Hopefully new chapters will be coming much more quickly!
7457994 You're quite welcome. And, as for speed, well, I don't mind long waits as long as the quality makes the wait worth it. :-D
Just out of curiosity, when you get to the Aladdin story chapters, will you depict the one in the Aladdin role as the poor, but noble street urchin from the Disney versions (which would make sense since Fluttershy is the narrator and she would logically not only be pretty firmly against unnecessary violence but also want to depict the main character as sympathetically as possible)? After all, even if this IS based on the original "Arabian Nights", I would think you would be allowed to get away with minor differences here and there. Even if it's not the case, though, I AM mature enough to accept and respect that this is your story and you have the freedom to write it your way.
7458014 That's the plan
7458226 Okie-dokie.
Hey there. Thanks very much for getting this next chapter up. I really appreciate you going to the effort. Once again, very good job on the exchanges, emotional content, action, story wrap-up and future story set-up in all the right places. And, yeah, I can understand concerning - you know what. I'll definitely be looking forward to more of this as soon as time and inspiration will allow.
can't wait to see more
I hope to see more soon
Hey there. Thanks greatly for getting the next chapter up. I really appreciate you going to the effort. It took a while, but was well worth the wait. The exchanges, emotional content and future chapter set-up in all the right places. I particularly like how you are following the spirit of the Disney version of Aladdin without following the movie completely word for word. I also really liked your pick for the Genie (I was half-expecting either Pinkie Pie or Cheese Sandwich but will admit to being caught by pleasant surprise) Of course, I have a hunch that the evil sorcerer is going to be played either by Sombra or Tirek (though the latter guess is mostly due to the character tag), but I will admit that I could be wrong. At any rate, I'll definitely be looking forward to more of this as soon as time and inspiration will allow.
Thank you! (And you too, Dr. Midnight)
I just thought Trixie was perfect for the genie'e antics (though Pinkie or Cheese Sandwich would've been my second choice).
And, actually, the Tirek character tag is for the story after this, Sinbad. However, I haven't read the story yet, so that might change
. I'm not quite sure who the Jafar will be, but Sombra is quite likely.
7849669 You're quite welcome.
Is that an Undertale reference?
If it is, it's unintentional
Can't wait to see whats next.
"Human being?" Don't you mean "Pony?"

Whoops, thanks for the catch!
The story is pretty good Please continue writing the story
me again hahaha, when is the next chapter going to be out soon ?
i really like the story and it would be a shame if you didn't continued the story.

Yeah, sorry about that - I've been busy
Coincidentally, I happen to be working on the new chapter today so it will probably be out within a week? Don't trust me though.
Great i can't wait for it !
Do your best
How Nice
That was worth the wait.
Keep up the good work, i can't wait for the next one
more please
Please update
I love it, I just thought that Sombra would be a ting as Jafar!
Please add more! Or is this story as dead as a dead fish?
Will we find out soon why he killed the other mares?