• Member Since 27th Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen Dec 2nd, 2018

The Lunar Samurai

If you are enjoying my stories, I thank you. Nothing means quite as much to me as someone really appreciating what I put out into the world. So, from the bottom of my heart... Thank You.


Sunset Shimmer discovers how difficult it can be to admit something so blissfully childish as a crush.

This story is set in the EQG universe, but one or two liberties are taken for coherence. Therefore, it is AU.

I'm sorry in advance, ImperatorTempus42 made me do it. :twilightblush:

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 18 )

The incident Sunset speaks of... Would it be the Anon-a-Miss incident?

Sunsets internal conflict is nice, but the end felt a little forced. It just seemed to move a bit too fast. It was not bad though for a quick one shot romance story.

Plus it has Sunny Shimmy so that's a win for me.

It's a good first go at the genre, man.

I added this story to the Sunlight groups for you, hope you don't mind. Groups are a great way to get more publicity.

7358998 looking back on it, the ending was indeed rushed. Internal conflicts are my specialty so I focused on that because of it's familiarity. Glad you liked it though!

7359776 Thanks! This was more of an exercise so I'm not going to publicise it too much, however, if you think it's worth it, by all means go ahead! I really appreciate it!

7360980 I did. I will agree that you are good with internal conflicts, but branching out and practicing with things you are not as familiar with will definitely help you out overall. This was a great first step.

7359246 Thanks! It's hard to work outside of my comfort zone, thanks for pushing me / being the guy to take the blame if it turned out poorly! :twilightsmile:

7360989 The thing is... I'm not very fond of shipping characters inside canon. It just kind of strikes me as odd despite knowing full well that people do it on a regular basis. I guess I'm much more comfortable developing romantic relationships between characters that I have either created myself or have had some hand developing their relationships independent of canon.

7361009 I kinda feel the same way. The shipping can get really out of hand sometimes in this fandom. I don't really spend a lot of time reading the romance based stories, but I suppose sometimes it just happens to be in the story I want to read.

7361015 I feel ya. I guess it has something to do with the fact that romance isn't something I really experience on a regular basis. ;-;

7361041 I understand that feeling all too well. Either way it was a decent first attempt for this story.

7360994 Happy to do it, I think? I could use a shove like that to continue my OC fanfic, or even get it on here.

story was good but mentioning that stupid comic was a mistake as nothing int he movies presents the rainbooms in that negavite light they love sunset and she loves them they would never doubt her like that they trust her 100% by the end of rainbow rocks and beyond

This was cute. More Sci-Twi x Sunset please.

“We were on the phone an hour ago,” she said as she brushed a strand of hair from her view. I glanced to my phone. Sure enough an hour had slipped by since my last call. “So where’s the plant?”

Guess the time flew by quicker than she expected with her thoughts distracting her.

“Ah, here it is!” she said as she held the phone a bit too close to my face. “It’s called Foxfire. Apparently it grows in decaying wood.”

Cool name.

Words couldn’t convey how we felt, but our eyes did all the talking. She leaned in and the world grew dark as my eyes drifted shut. A moment later and our lips connected. All the doubt and fear melted away as her hand drifted to the back of my head, pulling us ever closer in our budding love. As we pulled away we both bore infectious smiles. A moment later, and she had pulled me into an embrace, stronger than I had ever felt before.

I'm so proud of them right now :twilightsmile:

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