• Published 12th Jul 2016
  • 448 Views, 9 Comments

Teleportation to Equestria - MiKaylaDaPegasister

Three girls enter the world of Equestria. As they explore the land, and even encounter problems of their own. Join the daily lives of Prism, Vanilla, and Blossom as they explore the lands of Equestria, learning more about friendship on their way.

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The party Chapter 3

Author's Note:

A/N: Hehe so I need really need a cover artist.. Not sure where I can get somebody to help me.. If anybody reading this can help me out.. (Btw, I changed the character's appearances, well some of them)Please feel free to Private Message me! :pinkiehappy::twilightsheepish:

PS: There are some cheesy parts, so be WARNED! :pinkiegasp:
Also, should I make it a romance story?LOL But really tho..

Vanilla's P.O.V:

'Yaayyy on my way to Sugarcube Corner! Can't wait to meet Pinkie Pie!'

Along the way, I saw so many friendly ponies waving and saying 'Hi'. Of course, I waved and smiled back. Boy, was Ponyville a greaat place to live. After a few trots and hops I finally found it.. Sugarcube Corner. As I entered,I saw two ponies smiling at me.

"Well hello dear. What can I get for you today?", Mrs Cupcake greeted me.

"Hello Mr and Mrs Cake! Uhm.. I'm looking for Pinkie Pie? I was hoping I could help her for her orders."

"Oh, yes. I'll call Pinkie Pie. And you are.."

"Vanilla Swirl!"

"Oh yes, I will be right back with Pinkie." , she entered the small 'fence gates' and came back 2 minutes later with a pink Earth Pony.

"Sooo.. You must be Vanilla Swirl! Nice to meet you! Wait, actually I meet you before.. Ohyaa! You're one of the ponies who were lyingunconsciousontheground!",she jumped out and down, and her smile grew reaaallly big.

"Uhm, yup! That's me! So, are we gonnabakecupcakesorwhat???", I asked eagerly. I just can't help it.. I'm about to bake cupcakes with the moost amazingpartypony-earthpony-pinkpony-crazypony-BAKERPONYYY!

"DUUUHHHHH! Come on! Follow me inside and all aboard the Pinkie Train!", she pretended to pull one of those train whistles and we sung along to, 'Choo-choo!'

"Okaay! We're here! Station Kitchen!",she suddenly stopped and we arrived at Station Kitchen!

"Yaayy! So where do we start?", I asked.

"Well, I just need to fill in 1 more huuuuge order.. So yeah.. not really much left.."

"Okay! And that is??"

"We need to bake precisely 153 Red Velvet cupcakes and deliver them at 1:00." As she said those words, it was like my eyes popped out of my skull.

"Whaaaat? Then we'd better get to it! We've only got.. 4 hours!" And with that, me and Pinkie began to quickly crack eggs, fill in the ingredients, and stir the batter.

"Wow, you sure know how to bake!", Pinkie said as we pulled out two perfect trays of cupcakes from the oven.

"Thanks! I learned from my mom!"

"Wow, your mom must be a talented chef then!"

"Yeah.. She is..", I thought about my mom.. How she used to bake for me whenever I got home from school.. That happy face to greet me whenever I enter the door.. I miss her.. I mean, Equestria's great but.. Are we even able to get back home to our family? What if we won't? What if we'd be stuck here, and we'd never be able to see our family again???

"Uhm Vanilla? You okay? You zoned out a little there.", my thoughts were cut as Pinkie gave me a worried look.

"Is something wrong?", I shook my head.

"No, everything's fine.. Great, in fact! So, are we going to get bakin' again?" Pinkie nodded happily and we went back to baking. Before we knew it, we have finished all 153 cupcakes. And we have 30 minutes to spare! And since we have 18 cupcakes left, we decided to throw a Cupcake Party! Yay! A Pinkie Party and I'm going! This is going to be so awesome! I sound like Rainbow Dash now..

"Yayyy! We're done! Now we just have to deliver the orders! Let's go!", I headed to the door, but something grabbed my tail in the middle of the way.

"Whoa, slow down there! We don't have to carry all the cupcakes silly! I asked Big Macintosh to help bring them!", Pinkie waved her hoof at me dismissively. "Just leave the cupcakes here. He'll pick them up at 12:30"

"Okay. If you say so!", I shrugged.

"Now, let's tell our friends about the party!"

Blossom's P.O.V:

"Now Blossom, I need you to help me sew on these sequins. Oh, and feel free to use some gems in the middle of it.", Rarity gave me some sequins and gestured her hoof towards the box full of gems.

"Alright!", I started grabbing some needles and white thread and started sewing on the dress.

"I hope I'm not being too bossy, Blossom dear. It's just that, I have this client who may hold this boutique's future! If I do well, she'd be willing to put MY boutique in the 'Equestria Daily' news! This will be a great opportunity for me! I do hope I'm not being to hard on you, dear.", she turned to me with a worried look.

"Oh it's alright! Really! I understand your situation! And honestly, I'm actually enjoying this! I love sewing, and designing! It's my special talent! And your instructions even gave me some ideas!", I smiled at her.

"Aww! Thank you Blossom! You really are a true friend! Here, have this as thanks for helping me.", she offered me a beautiful diamond necklace in the shape of a Blossom flower. I just gazed at it in awe of it's beauty.

"It's your Birthstone, yes?", she asked with a knowing look.

"Wow, it's beautiful, and thank you but.. How did you know?"

Rarity laughed, "Ohoho.. Blossom.. I can read people's personalities. I can tell by your personality. Sometimes I can even tell from ponies' appearance! It's a pretty normal part of being a unicorn, really. We just have different talents, that's all."

"Wow.. That's.. amazing.. My dad once thought me how to read people's personalities!"

"Well then, your father must be a pretty talented unicorn if he can teach you those kinds of things! Even I can't explain much about psychic abilities! He must be an amazing father."

"Yeah.. He is..", I thought of my dad. He always comes home late and me, my mom, and my brother rarely get to see him during the weekdays. But whenever he has time, he is sure to spend time with us. I miss those days, when we can spend the whole day to just us.. as a family. I wonder, when can I meet my family again? Will we ever get back? It's not that Equestria's a horrible place.. It hasn't even been a whole day and I already miss my family.. What is wrong with me? It's like we are in seperate worlds- Oh wait..

"Blossom, dear? You just zoned out for a while there. Is something the matter?", Rarity stared at me with concern in her eyes.

"Uhm.. no, I'm fine! I just thought.. about.. something.."

"Oh okay then. Are you able to get back to sewing? I can handle it."

"No, it's okay. I can do it.", I walked back to the couch and started sewing again.

"Oh alright then."

Somebody's P.O.V:

As Pinkie and Vanilla arrived at their last destination, they knocked on the Carousel Boutique's purple doors. A white unicorn opened the door with a surprised but happy, look on her face.

"Hello Pinkie Pie! And uhm.. "

"Vanilla Swirl! Nice ta meet you, Rarity!", Vanilla extended her hoof for Rarity to shake, which she did.

"Nice to meet you too, Vanilla. Uhm, why are you wearing that basket on your head?"

"Oh! We just wanted to invite you to our Make-new-friends and Welcome-Prism,Vanilla,and Blossom-To-Ponyville party!", Vanilla exclaimed happily.

"Oh, alright then! When is it?"

"This afternoon at 5:00!", Pinkie exclaimed happily. "Everypony's gonna be there!"

"Alright! I shall inform Blossom. You best be preparing for the party now. Goodbye!"

"BYEE!", Pinkie and Vanilla yelled in unison.

Prism's P.O.V:
I'm on the way to Sugarcube Corner for the party and I saw so many other ponies going there. It was a though crowd, but I finally managed to find my friends.

"Hey gang! So.. how was your day?", I asked eagerly. Maybe they found some interesting new facts about Equestria! Who knows?

"Heyy Prism!!! IT WAS GREAT! I BAKED CUPCAKES WITH PINKIEE! And also, I helped plan this party so yeah..", Vanilla had an 'Yeah-I'm-awesome' face and tried to strike a 'heroic-ly Awesome' pose, but failed miserably.

"Hihihi.. It was indeed great! Rarity gave me this diamond necklace! It's also my Birthstone!", Blossom showed me her indeed beautiful necklace.

"Wow, how did she know it was your birthstone?", I asked.

"She can read peo- I mean, ponies' personalities. It's part of unicorn magic."

"Ooooh cool!", Vanilla fluttered excitedly but fell on her face. "I'm okay!" We had a little 'giggle moment' there. It was great to have my friends here with me. Speaking of friends.. THE MANE SIX (the other 3 too) ARE APPROACHING US!!!!!!!!!!! 'Act cool, they're just normal ponies.. Not fictional dream characters YOU ARE FINALLY GONNA MEET! Chill.. You've met Twilight and Fluttershy.. No problem with the rest..'

"HELLO EVERYPONY! MY NAME IS PRI-", 'whoops.. too loud..' Yup... Indeed too loud. Fluttershy hid under the table, the other 5 looked at me like I was crazy. To make matters worst, the whole room was staring at me.. I grinned sheepishly and a little, 'Eeek!' escaped my muzzle. 'Holy Celestia, that was embarrassing..'

"Uhm, Prism, that was a bit too loud!", Vanilla whisper-shouted in my ear. 'As if I didn't know that already..'

"Yeah.. It was.. Sorry about that everypony!", I said to the whole room. They all shook their heads and went back to what they were doing.

"Whelp, that was toootally a GREAT way to make an introduction!", Pinkie said (non-sarcastically).

"Yeah.. It sure was.", Rainbow Dash chuckled.

"Eheeh.. *squee*", soon, practically the whole gang was laughing at me. Not in a teasing way though.

"Uhm yeah.. Hehe sorry.. I do that when I'm nervous.. Yell.. Really.. Really loudly.."

"Aww don't fret' Sugercube'! Pinkie's not jokin' though. It actually is one of the best ways ta' make a new friend!", Applejack assured me. "My name's Applejack. And you are..?"

"Prism. Prism Spark. Nice to meet you Applejack! And this is Vanilla Swirl, and Blossom."

"HII! I'm Pinkie Pie! Nice ta' meet you, too!!!"

"Name's Rainbow Dash. You've probably heard of me. Ya know, Awesome, Wonderbolt, yeah you get it."

"Hello dear! My name is Rarity. I'm Carousel Boutique's fashion designer. Feel free to drop by anytime to get a fabulous new dress!"

"Hiya there, Prism, Vanilla, and Blossom! Good to see you again, here!", Twilight greeted.

"Oh! Uhm.. Hello again! I'm sure you remember me. But if you don't.. That's okay..", Fluttershy said shyly.

"Nice to meet all of you! I really hope we can be great friends.. We're new here in Ponyville.."


"Pleasure to meet you all!"

After that nice, introduction, we all talked over some cider about what me, Vanilla, and Blossom should do in Ponyville.

"Wow, I would LOVE to work at Sugarcube Corner! It's going to be so much fun!!!", Vanilla fluttered happily.

"Blossom, why don't you work for me over at Carousel Boutique? I could use the help and you seem PERFECT for the job.", Rarity offered.

"Oh YES!!! I'll start tommorow!!!"

"Prism, why don't you help me with some spells? I could use some help, and I'll give you some bits too. It could be your job!", Twilight offered me. Of course, I said yes. I mean, WHO DOESN'T LIKE SPELLS? They're fun to try out, and also, the results are pretty cool.

"Yaaay! Totally!"

"YAAAAYYY WE GOT JOBS! But.. there is one last teeny tiny detail we forgot about..", Vanilla added, getting confused looks from everypony around the table. "Where do we live? I mean, we don't have any money yet to buy a house.."

"Oh! You could stay at my castle for now! I have some extra rooms, and ever since Starlight moved out, me and Spike are living alone. We could use some company!"

"Alright! Thanks for the offer, Twilight! So it's settled! We have jobs, and we have a place to stay! For now..", I clapped my hooves in delight.

"Yaaayyy! Living in Ponyville will be great!"