• Member Since 25th Mar, 2014
  • offline last seen July 1st


Previously fluffysam1212. Updated to match other socials because I tend to come back on to reread things. Will I ever fully come back? Who knows. Certainly not me. they/them/xey/xem/it/its


This story is a sequel to Celestia's Birthday

Celestia and Luna plan for Discord's birthday.
Alone. That can only go well, right?
Yeeeeeeaaahh suuuuuree...

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 8 )

Aww. Thank you Fluffy!
I liked the story, and you did a good job! :twilightsmile:

“I don’t think he believed us…” she said quietly.
No $h¡t Sherlock Holmes

7742386 I just choked, I laughed so hard :rainbowlaugh:

7743235 Great story btw.

so you roll along Lunacord also? :rainbowlaugh: I just discovered your stories an hour ago and you're already making me laugh more than what's normal in me during a whole day :heart:

Naah my friend is more Lunacord than I

Also yayayayayy making ppl laugh :D

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