• Member Since 19th Jul, 2011
  • offline last seen Mar 16th, 2020



The Tribal War, A dark blotch on pony history. Every pony knows the story, it's studied in every school curriculum. The Inspiring story of Delta, a simple earth pony who rose through the ranks to end the great war and guide all of Ponykind to a mutual peace... But was that really the whole story?

With the Discovery of a rare magic stone a series of events is set into motion that brings six ancient heroes to the present day. How will these warriors adjust to this new age of peace and friendship?

An Alternate Universe Fusion of MLP and Final Fantasy Tactics. The fusion aspect basically replaces the founding of Equestria with the events of The War of the Lions (Just Ponified).

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 20 )

Haven't even read any of it yet. Just favoriting for now for later just because The Zodiac Brave Story is the best thing in Final Fantasy ever. Even better than FFVI, which trumps everything else in the main series by far.

Will read later, tho. Count on it!

7266552 Well I will do my best to make the story live up to that confidence :) Tactics is my favorite FF entry. I go back to that game at least once a year just to experience it.

I, for one, am interested in seeing where this goes and if it were not for the fact that I'm terrible at placing my thoughts into paper I would go forth and writhe this kind of story.

Nice story so far. Keep this up and the story may end up being featured.

7266866 I wish, but nah. My stories are to niche to get featured :twilightsmile: As long as people enjoy my stories I'm pleased.

Nice, you brought all the cool characters in.

You going to use their regular names or do you have pony ones in mind for them?

I might have a few in mind if you're interested.

7279135 I have pony names for each of them :) I think I did a decent job fitting them to the character and such. But that will be for you all to judge later I guess haha.

All right then. Good to see you got things covered.

I'll leave my own ideas here just for the hey of it if you want to see whether if I was even close to what you were thinking.

Ramza Beoulve - Rally Beloved
Alma Beoulve - Alms Beloved
Mustadio Bunansa - Studious Bonanza
Agrias Oaks - Faith Obliging
Cidolfus "Thundergod Cid" Orlandeau - Thunderstorm Cinder
Meliadoul Tengille - Melodic Tempest

Extra props for bringing in Worker 8 btw.

Oh so much nostalgia with Tactics being my favorite game of all time. Tempted to do a run through now, lol. Are you planning to add the job/class system as a part of the story, such as a skill/magic lost in time, or just let it lie as 'these are just the skills they specialized in'?

7279691 a little from column A and a little from column B. :twilightblush:

This is a Fusion with mlp, so i can't completely up end how magic works... but the idea of ancient ponies being more in touch with their personal magics is a fair enough statement. As are certain magic-like classes (Geomancer, Dancer, Bard, Mediator, etc) being 'lost arts" or at least diluted over the years. After all you could argue Fluttershy has some variation of 'Monster Talk', or that Pinkie has a bit of bard and/or dancer in her (and time mage cause she clearly can teleport at times :pinkiecrazy:)... So many of the 'spells' that used MP are likely unicorn only, give or take, but the special skills could be much more pervasive and easier to teach to the new generation.

On the more physical side of things there are limits to what weapons certain ponies can utilize effectively compared to others... not to say you couldn't have a earth pony Lancer, but they are going to have a much harder time wielding that in general combat then a unicorn or even pegasus. Not impossible but just not nearly as effective.

Each character is going to have their strengths and special skills they bring to the table. But they won't be wholly limited to one set of skills and that's it...Well I may be continuing the joke within the Fandom that Pony Ramza (the games lead) is just as much a hyper skilled jack-of-all-trades as ever. If only for the comedic side of it :twilightsmile:

Interesting. I may be jumping the gun but I wonder if you are going to write a story about the Vagrant next?
Or would Ashley be in Equestria's far future?

7298967 I unfortunately haven't played Vagrant Story. Rented it a few time back in the day but just never stuck with me. Someday would like to play it but yeah sorry :twilightsheepish:

7280120 Looking forword to this, intend to start readin soon. While FFVI is my fave RPG of all time The lower spots keep it in good company such as FF Tactics. so seeing a pony fic about it is a surprise and a pleseant one at that!

As for Ramza being a jack of all trades, it's true, but honestly I tend to make him either a monk or Lancer ( baring the final fight with a certain Night at the end of chapter two (Seriously that fight can kiss it!) But yeah Ramza's one of the few who can give Twilight a run for her money in being a posscible Mary Sue. Though what really has me worried about weather or Not Equestria will be left Standing is that T.G. Cid is apparently in this fic. Love the guy but he basically slaps gameplay balance across the face and make it go sit in a corner and wear a dunce cap. Though give what his newphew showed himself capable of doing... I really shouldn't be surprised that T.G. cid is a force to be reckoned with.

Speaking of game breaking though, I wonder how much seeing the "Galaxy Stop" spell would make twilight geek out. Better yet seeing a calculator in action. Heh, got to love those guys, Terik wouldn't know what to do with them.

Well, some grammar/spelling issues aside, this is turning out to be a fun little mash-up. So, it seems we have Ramza, Alma, T.G. Cid, Agrias, Meliadoul, and Mustadio as the final group to face down Ajora (Ultima) in the Airship Graveyard. Now, they're awake in modern Equestria after a thousand-year-plus stone nap. Call me paranoid, but Final Fantasy villains that are 'only' Petrified for thousands of years tend to not go away as easily as depicted in this chapter. I doubt that's the last we'll see of the alicorn High Seraph before this is through. Or his (her) buddies...

Call me strange, but I actually never really use the named characters throughout most of FFT. I enjoyed getting two generic males and two generic females, and make one of each into a melee and mage character, and having them, alongside Ramza, as my only team. Being able to have a team specifically tailored for full positive Zodiac interactions and solid Brave/Faith scores for intended roles can really make a strong team. Especially in the War of the Lions version with the new jobs.

You thought T.G. Cid was broken? Let me introduce you to the Dark Knight...

7299233 Monk Ramza is pretty popular choice (done it several times myself) but perhaps do you playing way too much of tactics I've tried a lot of other options. Challenge runs and such :)

As for Cid heh, yeah he is easy mode generally speaking. But having that much power in such an easy going character makes for some interesting interactions. he's that kind of old warrior who would enjoy a peaceful age... and perhaps be looking for an apprentice :trollestia: we'll see...

as for calculators, I always saw them 'mad men'. I imagine them talking about lvls, experience, brave ratings and such while their companions look on worried. You can basically see the matrix :p I may bring it up in a non-canon goof story but not in the main plot.

7299531 It's not strange, some of my favorite groups had couple of generics to roll along with the crew... Though I always used Mustadio and Agrias. Occasionally Rafa. I tended more toward 'thematic' generics or bit of personal rp with how they developed... archer thieves, chemist mediators, red chocobos, long range Break Skills... etc etc. I leave the min maxing to my friend Prospeio (who is my main idea guy).

As for Ajora welllll.... :pinkiehappy:

7299885 I'm liking things so far wondering something about how Luna seemed to focus on Ramza more then the others but without proof my theory about that is just that.

"I've played the game through a few times, but I'm ot very good with it's mechanics. much as I love the battle system and all you can do with the jobs, I'm not the best tactition. Hell I'll admit that I tend to use level grinding as my silver hammer for problem solving. Much to my shame when I beat the game the first time through my party was in the seventies. Like I said, not the best tactition, though I'm stubborn as hell.

Witch only seems to give me grief with the battles at the end of chapter two. screw Weigif and his bullshit, and screw the battle on the roof thrice over!

Fair point about Cid, I can see him getting along with big Mac fairly well. Him taking on an apprentice is an interesting thought and amusing too. Though what I think would be more amusing would be say something like a hydra starts causing trouble near ponyville, Cid's gearing up to bust heads... and fluttershy convinces it to leave peacefully, dumbfounded blinks from the FFT crew, then after processing it for a bit Cid busts a gut laughing and either makes refrence to Beuowolf, or wishes they had someone like Fluttershy around during the Tribe war, either to negotiate peace, or to "Tll the fools off like their mothers never did when they were children!"

The calculaters may be "Mad" but their methods "work" so thus that makes them all the more amusing. After all is it really "madness' if what they say is right? Or do they just have an awareness that others don't... And now I've likened them to Pinkie, witch gives me the horrifying thought of her being a calculator. Probly been reading too much of Dexter's Lab Equestria lately, but well the last chapter of "Nightmare Trip" is way too awesome for it's own good.

7300540 Hey, I give no judging on playstayles. If you cared enough to power through it to beat the game and see the ending doesn't matter how to me. I fell into the weigraf trap & Riovanes Roof 'speed check' like everyone else first time through. Had to completely restart my game since I had no previous save. Eventually had to get into habits of specifically playing certain ways for those battles and then going back to my preferred styles afterward.

Hell I know I'm an odd duck out because my favorite class is Mediator. :derpytongue2:

I do plan on having fun with the 'culture shock' for the tactics crew. Stances on Violence, modesty/clothing, and general "progress" should be fun. Some will adapt easier then others of course. As for Luna it will come to pass, the princess' history will be revealed in time and thus their connections to the tactics group. It'll be a bit, but looking forward to it

7300653 Weigraf honestly wouldn't be so bad if he and his flunkies didn't have those damn summons. Honestly the attack they have, along with them being HP walls is more then enough. still that fight gives me a love of the 'Yell" skill I don't spam it much outside that fight but it still gets plenty of use. And the speed check, is just so irritating, though stripping someone nude, and keeping them fairly close to a chemist so that they can have phenix down lobbed at them helps a good deal.

On a different not, one of my favorite fights in the game is putting and end to a certain dark night, It feels rather cathartic to end him, especially as the two most aggravating backstabbers in the game don't get proper comuppence if you ask me. (Deleta's too sympathetic for his to feel satisfying enough even though he's still a horrible person.) Another fun fight is the one at the sluice gate, drowning armies for fun and profit!

The fish out of water thing is great for comedy, drama, or even adventure, Futurama shows us that. As does Samurai Jack. Can't wait to see the story continue.

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