• Published 27th May 2016
  • 1,021 Views, 15 Comments

The Mystics History - JusSonic

The story behind the Mystic Ponies is revealed.

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Chapter 34: Towards the Justice

[Enter Three Kingdoms Theme Song]

Twilight Sparkle and her friends screamed wildly as they entered into the Book of Ages. As they landed on the ground, they came across the Ancient Land of Ma. They all entered it as they're ready to face it. They witnessed the land was in turmoil as Imperial Court argued with each other while civil war broke out between peasants, rebels, imperials, warriors, nobles, warlords, ministers and even the Emperor.

Stallion: Through the storm,
Through the darkness,
The once peaceful kingdom
Lost its Love and Harmony
Turn into grief despair

Virtue Dragon, Blade Dragoon and Warpath Temper prayed and bowed down before the altar as they make a vow of sworn brotherhood. They joined up with various brave and compassion warriors in journeying across the land to help troubled ponies.

Azure Phoenix stood on the Imperial Palace's entrance as he held his sword up high proudly as his Imperial Phoenix Army. His army cheered wildly and proudly. They all went from territory to territory for conquest and control of the land.

Claw Tiger smiled proudly as he led his Tiger Warriors to deal with rebels. As he was dying, Claw Tiger passed the sword to his eldest son, Brave Tiger. Brave Tiger led his warriors in reclaiming Wuhu River for his clan. As he died, he passed to Courage Tiger as the new Leader of Kingdom.

Stallion: The destiny is now yours
To change its course and fate.
Heaven and Earth chose you to fulfill its purpose

Virtue Dragon helped ponies as well as showing kindness and compassion. His warriors of Western Dragon Kingdom fought bravely and determinedly to defend the innocent.

Stallion: A hero with benevolent heart
Desires a land of virtue.

Azure Phoenix recruited more of warriors and strategists under his banner. He led the Imperial Phoenix Kingdom army across the land for conquest and world domination of empire.

Stallion: A hero with great ambition
Desired a land of power and talents

Courage Tiger was in great doubt and pain about his past. Nevertheless, he stood proudly on Water Tiger military naval ship, along with others. He was leading them to defend his home.

Stallion: A hero with courageous fangs
Desired a land of unity.

Three kingdoms marched into the battlefield as they all charged into it as they began battled with each other fiercely and firmly.

Stallion: Pray its Terror Ends,
Hope the Peace Returns

Twilight Sparkle and her friends witnessed the holographic form of history records about the heroes and villains from Qin Dynasty Era into the Three Kingdoms Era. They were amazed and shocked, but sometimes angered and upset while others - pained and despair.

Stallion & Chorus: Oh, Great Warriors of the Heaven
Save us from the Demon God's Hell
May you guide us to Paradise Land
Where no blood shall ever shed again

Azure Phoenix and Han Zero stood before Royal Sisters. Both sides held each other hooves for the moment before the princesses disappeared from sights, including Han Zero. Azure Phoenix slowly turned and faced his two biggest rivals - Virtue Dragon and Courage Tiger. Three Rulers held anc crossed each other's their swords up proudly. It created the magical aura forms of Greenish Dragon, Bluish Phoenix and Crimson Tiger stood up and roared wildly as the mightiest warriors in Land of Ma!

Stallion & Chorus: Whenever we're in grave danger,
You braved to bring us home
Your deeds will not be Forgotten
Your Tale becomes Legend

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic - Mystic History


Chapter 34: Towards the Justice

A week has passed, Virtue Dragon and his army attended to Old Pony Pang's funeral. The peasants approached and offered their foods and drinks to honor the fallen strategist. While dilemma of invading and conquering the Benevolent Palace, Virtue Dragon can't ignore what has happened especially if it's Old Pony Pang's death and ponies desired his rule. After the moment of thinking, he has decided to launch full-scale invasion on Shu Province at once. They all charged to the battlefield, and engaging the defenders.

"Though Old Pony Pang was lost, cheers of joy from Virtue Dragon's army and his peasants followers flooded Basilisk Fort. Virtue Dragon could not help but think that this was not the right path." Narrator narrated, "But to avenge Old Pony Pang's death and to answer the fervent answer desires of ponies of Shu Province, Virtue Dragon advanced his army on the Shu Province capital of Benevolence Palace. For he had finally made up his mind to attack Alchemist Dragon."

Receiving the news of his friend's death, Skysoar led the reinforcement in assisting and helping Virtue Dragon to push forward while conquering most of fortresses and bases. He is determined to fulfill his deceased ally's dream.

"Meanwhile, hearing of Old Pony Pang's death, Skysoar Intellect left Blade Dragoon in charge of Jing, and set out to join the battle. He joined up with Virtue Dragon, and together they looked swiftly capture Benevolence Palace. Driven by the lost dreams of his fallen friend and ally, the Dragon would soar over the hills of Shu, where the feathers of the Phoenix lay scattered in the wind..."


After Skysoar and his forces have arrived and joined up with Virtue Dragon and his forces, all of them were at the war council chamber for discussing and planning a strategy to conquer the Benevolence Palace. They were all chatted and discussed of how they would be able to conquer the land without bloodshed.

"If we can secure Benevolent Palace, Shu Province will be ours. Lord Virtue will finally have a country on his own." Skysoar said calmly and firmly, "And with the land divided in three, then..."

"So, we can launch the attack and defeat Azure Phoenix?" Virtue Dragon asked.

“That is what you got in case, right?” Tigress ask, arching an eyebrow3 at this.

"Indeed..." Sksysoar nodded firmly, "However, the road will be difficult and danger. It's not only Azure Phoenix we should be weary of."

"What? What are you saying?" Tigress asked angrily and suspiciously, "Are you talking about my brother?!"

Skysoar nodded his head, "Yes. I hope they would maintain our alliance until we defeat Azure Phoenix."

"Yeah, well, patient isn't what my brother's good at, unless you did exactly what you've promised to him," Tigress commented dryly, "Returning Jing to him."

“Otherwise, we’re in big trouble.” Virtue Dragon remarks with a nod.

"No, we need it for invasion. I am confident that your kingdom will be fine without it," Skysoar said firmly, "I assure you that we will return the Jing when our mission is complete."

"Hello! Should we focus on battle?" Warpath asked impatiently.

Dragonspear nodded, "Indeed. It seems that Lord Alchemist Dragon refused to surrender. He would rather fight than surrendering to us."

Skysoar sighed, "I know waging this battle violates the principles of justice and honor. But we need Shu Province." Levitating his war fan, he moved some chess pieces towards the enemy fortress on battlefield map, "We begin marching towards the targets. As Mr. Xan has informed me that some of officers and soldiers wished to surrender and defect to us."

Xan nodded, "Indeed. Lord Virtue Dragon's virtue is known to ponies of the land. They would welcome his rule."

Remembering his fallen friend, Virtue Dragon sighed, "Pang's devotion showed me the truth. I have not doubts about this battle. We must end it as soon as possible. Instead of battling and attacking them, try and convince the warriors to join us. Rally the peasants. If they refused, we have no choice."

“Are you crazy?!” Tigress yells out in alarm. “We can’t go attacking peasants.”

“Right, we would be no better than the ones who did before.” Dragonspear admits seriously.

"I'm afraid there is no other way," Skysoar said calmly, "But I am certain that ponies will not fight and welcome us in. Use our lord's banners. It will help us convince the peasants to let us without spilling bloodshed."

“Well, that could work.”

“At least unless there are violent ones who don’t like our lord.” Tigress suggests worried.”

“We will used what’s works.” Skysoar explains calmly.

"Then, it is settle. All forces, advance!" Virtue Dragon ordered firmly.


As ordered, the army of Virtue Dragon's marched out and engaged the enemies head of, with Virtue Dragon and Skysoar leading them from behind. They have easily overpowered and defeated the enemies, as well as conquered most of fortresses, armories and supply bases. As instructed, they used the banners of Virtue Dragon to convince and insisted the officers and soldiers to surrender, as well as rallying the peasants behind him.

They have arrived on another fortress, when they confronted a Griffin Minister, who is outside and guarding his area With his soldiers standing besides him, they're all readied for the fight.

"Out invaders! Benevolent Palace is our land!" Griffon Minister snapped in anger.

"Under Alchemist Dragon's rule, Shu Province will wither and die. Lord Virtue's wisdom sorely needed." Skysoar spoke out, "You can fight on if you like, but it is pointless. Under its current rule, Shu Province will be doomed."

“Right, so I would give up if I were you.” Virtue Dragon explains seriously. “This won’t end well.”

“Either way, we win.”

"Even so, I cannot turn my back on my lord!" Griffon Minister protested.

And just before anyone could do anything, Virtue Dragon put his twin swords down as he approached to Griffon Minister. He bowed to the ground humbly shocking everyone of what they just saw.

"Minister, I understand your devotion. I have no intention of harming the innocents nor would I challenge Alchemist Dragon," Virtue Dragon said humbly, "However, as long as there is chaos, I cannot stand idly by and watch ponies suffered. But if I won't do it, then who will? Who will Azure Phoenix?"

Griffon Minister was in shocked and surprised by Virtue Dragon's wisdom. He gave some thoughts of what he has said. He took out his sword, alerting both sides of the army readying with their weapons for a fight. Instead of engaging, he placed the sword down. He bowed humbly before Virtue Dragon.

"My lord, you are truly benevolent warlord. I shall surrender to you for my griffons," Griffon Minister declared.

Virtue Dragon smiled in relief as he helped and raised minister to stand up, "Thank you..."

Seeing Virtue Dragon and Griffon Minister shook hoof and claws, the soldiers and peasants gave the loud and happy cheers for them.

“And so, it looks like the battle has won.” Virtue Dragon comments in observation.

"Let us hope everything will be fine..." Skysoar said firmly.


At the Benevolent Palace, Alchemist Dragon and his son Brawl received the news from the battlefield. They and their loyal ministers and officers couldn't believe in their ears that their own soldiers and peasants have turned on them. Sunburst and Phobos were there as well. They were tied to the chains against the pillar.

"T-This can't be happening! We're losing to them!" Alchemist Dragon snapped in frustration, "Why has my own people joined the enemy?! Do they wanted to be invaded and subjugated by them?!"

Phobos groaned, "Obviously, you're a terrible leader. As in, a big fat loser!"

"What was that?!" Brawl demanded angrily.

Sunburst yelped, "He means to say that if you had just agree to our negotiation, we wouldn't be in this mess in the first place. And not to mention, you guys could have keep your positions. Perhaps, this is the time for your guys to surrender?"

"I'm cute and fluffy!" Phobos cheered.

Brawl snarled, "Never! We'll never surrender to them!"

"B-But what if they're right? Have I made the wrong decision?" Alchemist Dragon asked in concern, "I shouldn't have done so rashly in the first place."

"It's not too late to stop this. Please, surrender now," Sunburst pleaded.

"My lord, wait!" The dragon officer spoke, "I might have the idea. An idea that will bring salvation to us and destroy the enemies. With his help from the north, we can take our enemies down for good..."

Knowing what his officer has suggested, Brawl nodded, "Father, please! Summon him here. It's time we destroy them. He's our only hope."

As ministers and officers chatted and insisted, Alchemist Dragon sighed in defeat, "Very well. Get him here. We need his help..."


After conquering most of the bases and fortress, and even gathering and recruiting the peasants and soldiers on their sides; Virtue Dragon and his forces marched and headed to the Ghidorah Fortress, where they make the camp and also preparing to launch the attack on Benevolence Palace. Xan, Veteran Shot and Gutsy continued marching to the south, convincing and turning peasants to join their sides while Starlight, Applejack and Dragonspear continued fighting and defeating the enemies. Virtue Dragon and the rest of his allies are inside the war council chamber for planning the strategy.

"We're almost there..." Saber said in relief.

"Yeah. Can't believe it," Sandbar said in surprise, "Its been almost two years. And those guys still want to fight."

“It’s like we have been doing this whole thing for a long time. And don’t ask me why I said that.”

“Yeah, I won’t.”

"Well, we just have to push harder. No way that Alchemist Dragon gonna win. The people of Shu Province are on our side," Warpath said firmly and proudly, "He's finished."

"Warpath is right. If we give one more push, they should be surrendering to us," Skysoar said firmly and calmly.

"Report!" The Dragon Guard exclaimed in concern as he arrived and entered the chamber. He bowed and reported, "Enemy reinforcement has arrived. They were led by Justice Tackle! He's coming from the north. Heading straight towards us!"

Everyone gasped in shock and concern. Apple Bloom asked, "Justice Tackle? Who the hay is he?"

"Justice Tackle is the mightiest Dragon Raider from the Dragon Desert," Saber explained, "I heard that he was notorious criminal and murderer for abandoning his own father and slaughtering the innocents for so-called 'revenge' against Azure Phoenix. He's nasty criminal."

“Well, he can’t be all bad, right?”

“He can be bad if he wants to be, Apple Bloom.”

"That doesn't seem to be adding up," Sandbar said in concern.

"And after he was defeated, he is now working for another religious sect." Skysoar added firmly, "And now he's on the way here to assist Alchemist Dragon. It will be difficult for us to beat him and get to the palace."

Warpath scoffed arrogantly, "Not if I have anything to say about it..."


Virtue Dragon and his allies have gathered at the walls of Ghidorah Fortress, where they found the large army of 30,000 soldiers were led by Justice Tackle and Breaker.

"Wow. Never thought that we'd see him here." Ben spoke upon glancing at Justice Tackle.

"Why? Were you expecting somepony else?" Virtue Dragon ask Ben with a skeptic arch.

"No, just wasn't expecting him."

Warpath scoffed arrogantly, "He doesn't look so tough."

Virtue Dragon on the other hoof spoke in precaution, "Warpath, do not underestimate the enemy. He's much stronger and powerful than you realize."

Skysoar nodded as he confirms, "Indeed. He did challenge and fight Azure Phoenix's Hound - Bullhound, knowing that he does not stand a chance."

"What? You'd think I'll lose to him?" Warpath demands as if his pride is being insulted here.

"No. All I ask is that you should be careful. Good luck." Virtue Dragon warns precautiously to his ally.

Warpath scoffed, "Luck? All I need is the big jar of apple cider. It does make me strong and powerful.

Apple Bloom groaned, "Haven't forgotten how crazy you are over a drink."

"He is like a male big version of Rainbow Dash." Ben remarks with an annoyed sigh.

"Only more arrogant."

Warpath led his small units out of the castle walls. They're now confronting Justice Tackle and his units.

Justice Tackle chuckles in amusement, "So, you have finally show your faces? I was wondering of how on The Land of Ma's name can I make you come out.

Warpath snaps angrily, "Hey, kid! Has anyone told you about me? What I did at Changban Bridge? You'd think you can take me down?

"Please. That is nothing. I have fought tougher and strong warrior than you are!"

Warpath smirked while boasting, "Want a bet."

"Bring it on." Justice Tackles taunts in determination. This pony is going down!

Both Warpath and Justice Tackle mounted up their dragon steeds. They both charged at once straight at each other. They swung and clashed their spears at first strike before passing them by. They go around and make two to six clashes. At the seventh clash, they began swinging and striking their spears at each other wildly and firmly for few times. And at the same time, their own soldiers cheered out wildly and proudly for their own generals to win the duel.

Sandbar whistles in amazement, "Wow. Gotta admit it. That's some fighting."

"Eeyup. Who will win, that's the question." Apple Bloom comments in amazement.

"I'm more worried if they killed each other."

"Who knows at this point?" Ben comments to the two foals as he kept on watching.

Saber admits, "Well, Justice Tackle is supposed to be courageous and bravest warrior, especially riding a dragon steed, among the Dragon Raider. Don't wanna mess with

"No kidding. Last time I rode a dragon ride to challenge him. He make me look like an amateur."

"I still don't get one thing. For someone like him being courageous and heroic, why would he turn on his own father in the first place?"

"Yeah. That's a good question."

Sandbar looks thoughtfully as he explains, "Smolder said that Justice Tackle is avenging his father after Azure Phoenix executed him. Maybe that's the reason that he became a criminal?"

Saber shakes his head while countering, "No. Justice Tackle rebelled first before his father got executed. I'd say it's upside down."

"I'm confused. Is he supposed to be a good guy or bad guy?" Apple Bloom ask in confusion by this.

"That's a good question." Sandbar admits. He wishes he got an answer to that one.

Warpath and Justice Tackle continued swinging and striking their spears at each other wildly and fiercely for few times. They then clashed for the moment.

"Your lord talks of benevolence, and yet brings the destruction! It's unforgivable!" Justice Tackles roars out in fury at his opponent.

"Look who's talking, jerk! You talk about justice, and yet when you rebel against Azure Phoenix, you've abandon and let your pops died. Not to mention, you kill those poor ponies!" Warpath exclaims furiously towards his enemy right back.

"No! I'd never meant to let my father died! I was told that he was executed, so I set out for revenge! But he tricked me and framed me!"

"Yeah. Not falling for it, jerkass!"

"Like how you and your lord invade Benevolence Palace?! Then, you're no different from Azure Phoenix!" Justice Tackle snaps in defiance to Warpath. As you expected, that pisses him off more.

"I'm gonna make you eat some dust, asshole!" Warpath exclaims in rage.

Departed from the clash, both Warpath and Justice Tackle swung their spears at each other fiercely for ten rounds. The brute warrior thrust his spear at the young warrior, who dodged his head down while kicked the spear off and then him away from him. Justice Tackle began swinging and striking his spear at Warpath, who blocked and deflected the attacks firmly and seriously. He then swung a punch at him. He nearly fell off from his steed, but thanks to his spear tipping and holding on the ground, allowing him to kick his face. This annoyed and angered Warpath to grabbed and punched at Justice Tackle's face for few times until the latter gave a headbutt against him.

Both Warpath and Justice Tackle continued swinging and striking their spears at each other while trotting and riding their dragon steeds around for few rounds in dueling circle. Their own armies cheered out for their generals to win.

"Wow, looks like anything can go here!" Apple Bloom cheers out wildly as she bounces up and down.

"Yeah, anything which is better than this." Ben mumbles in concern.

Justice Tackle roared out loud as he nudged his dragon steed to jump over Warpath. He then thrust and struck his spear at him. He barely dodged and evade the attacks before grabbing and pulling him down to the ground. Both of them continued swinging and striking their spears at each other for few times. The duel continued on until noon.

Sandbar groans in boredom, "Aw man! That's gotta be longest duel I ever seen."

"I know. Can't one of them win and get it over with?" Apple Bloom complains. "Or make a Round Two?"

"Right. Somepony ring the gong already!"

Virtue Dragon seems to agree as he calls out, "Sound the gong!"

With gong banged, both Warpath and Justice Tackle halted their fights at once. They turned around and returned to their army at once.

Warpath, Ben and his team climbed up the stairs and meet up with Virtue Dragon and Skysoar.

"Why would you do that for?! I almost had him!" Warpath demands furiously to his allies for interrupting his match.

Virtue Dragon explains calmly, "And he almost had you too, Warpath. So, it is best that you replenish your strength before you returned to the battlefield, otherwise you'd be defeated."

Skysoar agrees as he added, "Our lord is right. You maybe the strongest, but that doesn't mean you won't get easily tired. Best to eat and drink up."

"Fine. But I'll show you all that I can win this fight. I promise." Warpath growls out in defeat. He does need to recover his strength before continuing the fight after all.

"Wow. He's on fire." Ben whistles in amazement.

"Yep. He's like my sis." Apple Bloom remarks in agreement. "Once AJ begins to do something, she is Tartarus determined to finish it."

"Right. Still, not like this."

"Let's hope he can win another round." Saber added seriously to his allies.

By night time, Warpath and Justice Tackle have replenished their strength and sharpened their weapons. They're ready for the second round. Both of them have entered and moved around the dueling circle.

Warpath exclaims in determination, "I'm going to win this round for sure!"

Justice Tackle chuckles skeptically, "Not a chance. Prepare yourself!"

They nudged their dragon steeds in charging straight at each other. They swung their spears in a brief clash. They turned around and began the fierce brawl by swinging and striking at each other for few rounds.

Both Warpath and Justice Tackle clashed their spears for the moment. They then departed at once. As the young warrior swung his attack, the brute warrior quickly dodged down before launched his uppercut attack on his chin but got kicked by face. Warpath grabbed and thrown him off from his dragon steed. Luckily, he threw the spear on the floor, allowing him to stand on top of pole's end. He turned around and charged straight at him. Waiting at the right moment, Warpath swung his spear at Justice Tackle, who just jumped over it while kicked at his face again before grabbing and swinging his spear at him off from his steed. Justice Tackle landed on his own dragon steed before grabbing his spear.

Angered and annoyed by insults, Warpath charged and rammed the dragon steed, pushing Justice Tackle down. Both of them grabbed their spears while preparing to attack. As the leaf slowly descended and touched the ground, they both charged and engaged a fierce duel. Both of them are equally matched in fighting with brute strength and skills.

"Incredible... Justice Tackle is indeed fierce and mighty dragon warrior. The rumors of him is true." Virtue Dragon spoke out, amazed by the power and strength that is Justice Tackle.

"That maybe so, my lord, but what of his history?" Skysoar points out to Virtue Dragon seriously. "Could it be true that he has turned back on his father?"

"I do not think so. I believe Azure Phoenix wanted him to attack him, so he can framed that Justice Tackle is a murderous killer, who has no honor and benevolence in him. He wanted him to be killed."

"I suspect as much. So, tell me, my lord. Do you wish him to be part of our units?"

Virtue Dragon pauses to think on that one. He then nodded while answering, "Yes. We need more allies to defeat our enemies."

"Let us hope that Warpath defeat and make him to join us." Skysoar spoke out in agreement. That is if Warpath doesn't kill him first.

Warpath roared as he charged and slammed Justice Tackle off. But the young Dragon Rider was able to withstand and hold him down, he began pushed back. Both of them struggled in pushing and ramming at each other for the moment. The brute warrior gave him a headbutt before grabbing and holding him up for the moment. He thrown him off to the ground.

While recovering from the attack, Justice Tackle quickly rolled over and evade Warpath's thrusting his spear at him for the moment. He managed to grab and hold the spear down before kicked him off. He managed to get up as he began thrusting and swinging his spear at Warpath, who struggled to dodge and block his swift attacks. He then managed to grab the spear, followed by thrusting back at him but did the same thing.

As both Warpath and Justice Tackle struggled and held on the spears for the moment, they dropped their spears down before charged and attacked each other fiercely and determinedly for few times by punching and kicking. And once again, they held on each other while pushing each other for long moment.

Eventually, both of them kicked each other off. And at the same time, they grabbed each other's head wear. Warpath has the dragon-like helmet while Justice Tackle got the turban. They turned and glared at each other for the moment. They then laughed out loud and heartily while returning to their own army.

"Did I miss something?" Sandbar spoke out, confused by this turn of events.

"Rught. One moment, they are preparing to strangle each other, the next, they acted like it's no big deal." Apple Bloom added, surprised as Sandbar is.

"Perhaps there's more to this than meets the eye." Ben spoke out thoughtfully.

Warpath interrupts Justice Tackle as he held out his opponent's helmet, "Hey, kid! Want your helmet back?!"

Justice Tackle scoffed, "Don't you mean you want your turban back? I can trade it for you."

"No thanks. But I dare you to try and take it."

"Make me."

Both sides of the army gave the loud battle cry and cheered. They marched out and ready to attack, but Virtue Dragon in front of his own army.

"Master Tackle, you have fought gallantly. I admire your fighting spirit. However, I wish that we return to our camp and rest until tomorrow morning. I assure you that I won't harm you." Virtue Dragon promises to Justice Tackle sincerely.

Justice Tackle thoughtfully spoke, "Hmm... Very well, I accept it. Till we meet again."

"Are you sure?" Breaker ask Justice Tackle curiously yet concerned about this.

"Do not worry, I believed they're honorable warriors."


At the war council chamber of Ghidorah Fortress, Virtue Dragon and his allies were discussed of their next plans to fight against Justice Tackle.

"Wow?! Seriously?!" Warpath yells out, surprised by what Virtue Dragon has decided on.

"I am. I believed that Justice Tackle can be convinced and join our cause. You did fought him. What do you think?!" Justice Tackle ask Warpath, pondering if his ally likes his idea.

Warpath laughed, "I admit that guy's a fierce fighter, alright. He's definitely matched with mine. I want to have rematch."

"Well, it will make for one less enemy, I will give you that." Saber admits in amazement.

"Plus, we will have Justice on our side. No pun intended."

"However, we need one of you to go and talk him. We need to persuade him to join us, in order to fight and defeat Azure Phoenix. With him on our side, we would able to force Alchemist Dragon to stand down." Skysoar suggests to the others.

Saber raise a hoof as he offers, "I'll go. I mean I can try to convince him. But I do need some assistance. I need Ben, Sandbar and Apple Bloom to help me with this."

Ben who is in the room sighs, "Somehow I knew we will end up in this again."

"Relax, this shouldn't be hard."

"Very well. I trust you would able to achieve this mission." Skysoar said to Saber in confidence.

"It'll be done." Saber spoke as he bows.


Saber and his team made their way to Justice Tackle's camp, where they talk and negotiate with him inside his camp. As both Justice Tackle and his allies listened, they were in shock and surprised by the proposal.

"You wish us to join your cause?" Justice Tackle ask, still recovering from the surprise.

Saber answers with a nod, "Yes."

"I am sorry. But I cannot do so."

"What?" Sandbar ask as he arches his eyebrow. "Why not?"

"Yeah, you would be done perfect!" Apple Bloom exclaims to Justice Tackle in concern. "What gives?"

"I was sent here to assist my lord's allies to repel invaders like you." Justice Tackle explains seriously, reminding the group of one fact: he was send to deal with the invaders and that's that.

Breaker spoke out, "Much like the Young Master here, I'm sure you have reasons for your action. There's not much point in talking about them now though."

Saber sighed, "Believe me, Breaker. We didn't come here to invade in the first place. We tried to reason and negotiate with Lord Alchemist to surrender his land to us without the fight. But instead, he chose to resist us. We didn't have the choice. Plus, they murdered our ally."

"Right, as much as I hate to say this, we will need all the help we can get." Ben sighs in agreement.

"So how about it?"

"Why should I believe in you?" Justice Tackle ask Saber skeptically, pondering what makes him think that he should believe whatever the pony just said.

"Why should I?" Saber counters right back, confusing Justice Tackle.


"There rumors about you being a real rebel for betraying and rebelling against the Qin Dynasty. And for defying the emperor means the execution of all your clan. And also, you did massacre the innocents too."

"Wow! You got it all wrong!" Breaker protests to Saber but he rethinks it before continuing, "Actually I got it all wrong because I was deceived and misled that they've executed our relatives. I didn't know that I would lead us into trap."

"Indeed. Because of that trickery, I've let my rage and anger blind me and killed everyone including the innocents. I didn't mean to go too far." Justice Tackles admits in regret and guilt.

"Wow, sure feel bad about it, huh?" Apple Bloom ask Justice Tackle with a sweet smile.

"You better believe it."

"We did a lot of things we regret." Ben admits in sadness. "Not being there for Twilight when she felt into Azure's hooves is one of them."

"I see." Justice Tackle said, understanding what Ben is talking about.

"Will you join us?" Saber ask, repeating the offer.


"Seriously?! Master Justice, think about it. Our enemy is Azure Phoenix, not Virtue Dragon. He's the one, who framed you and massacred your family. It's him we should be battling, not us."

"Believe me, I want to join you. But my justice refused. If you defeat me, then I shall consider it." Justice Tackle challenges. As much as he would want to join the other side, his justice refused. If they were to beat him, he will reconsider.

"Alright, I'll do it." Ben said as he got his Master Sword out.

Saber however hold a hoof out to stop him, speaking, "No, Ben. I will. It's time to show them that I am my father's son."


Everyone was gathering at the center of main camp. Saber and Justice Tackle were armed with their weapons as they prepared to fight.

"Yeah, oh right, man, give it to him, man!" Sandbar calls out to Saber in support.

"Come on, win this one for our side!" Apple Bloom cheers out wildly.

"Thanks." Saber spoke out, satisfied by the support.

Breaker cheers out to Justice Tackle, "Knock them dead, cous!"

"I intend to win. I will not lose." Justice Tackle spoke out in determination.

With the gong sounded, both Saber and Justice Tackle charged and engaged a fierce duel at once. Saber tried to swing and strike his Twin Dragoon Sabers at Justice Tackle, who swiftly and quickly dodge and evade the attacks while easily fight back on his face, limbs and chest for ten times. The Dragon Raider kicked the young warrior off.

Saber grunted in pain as he struggled to get up. He charged while trying to swing and strike his swords down at Justice Tackle, who dodged the attacks at ease for few times. As soon as the former thrust his swords at him, the latter dodged and rolled over to pass him by. He kicked him off before grabbed and wrecked the young warrior in his surroundings. He then kicked him off.

Despite unable to land a punch and kick at him, Saber refused to give up and continued fighting Justice Tackle, who swiftly and quickly dodge and evade the attacks while fight back. Saber thrust his swords at Justice Tackle, who was about to block the attack, but instead the former rolled over to kick him off. This allowed Saber to charge and engage him at once, surprised and shocked Justice Tackle to unable to defend himself.

"Looks like Saber will win this one." Ben said in observation. "In fact, I think he has."

"Unless Justice Tackle gets the upper hoof." Sandbar added seriously.

Saber was able to gain the upperhand in beating and punching at Justice Tackle, who remained firm and endure the attacks. As soon as he wasted his energy, allowing the Dragon Raider grabbed and held the punch before strike back at him by chest and face, bruising and injuring him for few times. He then grabbed and thrown Saber to the ground. He jumped and slammed on the young warrior's chest hard.

As Justice Tackle walked away, he found Saber struggled painfully to stand up and ready for the fight.

Justice Tackle spoke in disbelief, "You still won't give up?!"

"Never..." Saber insists, to Justice Tackle's further disbelief.

"Why?! Why continue the fight?"

"Because if we don't get this land, then we wouldn't able to save everyone, stop Azure Phoenix and his empire, and also won't able to build the Land of Benevolence, where everyone that is strong and weak can live in harmony and peace, not against each other. We can't fail... We can't."

Shocked and surprised by Saber's commitment and personality, Justice Tackle gave the thoughts of what he has said. He knew what he meant and refused to let anyone share the same fate as his family.

"You also serve in the name of justice?" Justice Tackle ask calmly. Saber nodded. "In that case, I shall join you in your quest to right the wrongs in the land!"

"Young master... If that is what you desire, then it is my pleasure to join them as well." Breaker spoke out, agreeing to join as well. If Justice Tackle agrees to join, then so shall he.

As Justice Tackle raised his hoof up high, his Dragon Raiders gave the loud cheers and battle cry as they all agreed to join the part of Virtue Dragon's.

"Well, that went well." Ben spoke out in amusement. "It took one big speech to win them all."

"Why can't every battle be like that?" Apple Bloom ask Ben curiously.

"Because then we wouldn't have movies!"


Saber and his team including Justice Tackle and his army have arrived at the Ghidorah Fortress, where Virtue Dragon and his units were waiting.

"Welcome back, son. I assumed the mission a success?" Virtue Dragon ask Saber curiously.

"Yes. father." Saber answers as he bows to his father.

Justice Tackle bowed humbly as he spoke, "My lord Virtue Dragon, we are honored to serve under you. I will do everything I can to help you achieve your ambition. I fight in the name of justice."

"Thank you, Justice Tackle." Virtue Dragon spoke out calmly.

"We have added a new officer among us. Now, it is time to end this. Onward to Benevolence Palace!" Skysoar exclaims in determination. With Justice Tackle on their side, time to put an end to this madness!

Virtue Dragon's Army gave the loud battle cry and cheers. All of them are now marching off to Benevolence Palace as they prepared to conquer it now.

"Sure hope this is right." Sandbar mumbles to the present ones in concern.

"As long as something unexpected doesn't occur." Apple Bloom added.

"Somehow, I wonder if it has already." Ben said seriously. In this timeline, anything can AND will happen.


Inside the Benevolent Palace's Walls, Alchemist Dragon and his loyalists of ministers and officers including his son were waiting for the reports from Justice Tackle. They have waited for two to three days, and no reports have come. More of Virtue Dragon's army have surrounded and readied to attack the castle, on their lord's order. The ministers and generals muttered and wondered of what's really going on, and thinking about what if they lose again. This annoyed and angered Brawl a lot.

"Enough!" Brawl shouted in anger, scaring the loyalists, "I don't believe that we will lose. We can't! We have Justice Tackle with us! There is no way that they can beat him!"

"I wouldn't be too sure of that," Sunburst said calmly. Everyone turned and looked at him. He continued, "Just listen to me for once. Think about it. You've gotta stop and surrender to Virtue Dragon now. If you do so, then he will forgive you all."

Phobos scoffed, "I wouldn't hold my breathe..."

"Phobos!" Sunburst snapped in anger.

Brawl snarled as he aimed his sword at Sunburst and Phobos's throat, "If I were you, I'd be silence! We will not lose to your friends. They will die. When Justice Tackle come back, then we have no further use of you..."

"Lord Justice Tackle has returned!" The soldier reported.

Everyone, from the castle's walls, looked up and found Justice Tackle and his army arriving and standing before the Benevolent Palace. Alchemist Dragon and his allies cheered out wildly and happily, believing that he has won the war.

"Justice Tackle! You came! I trust that you have succeeded dealing with the rebels?" Alchemist Dragon asked hopefully.

"In the name of Virtue Dragon and the dream of benevolence, I have come to plead you to surrender to him now!" Justice Tackle ordered firmly.

Alchemist Dragon and his allies were in shocked and disbelief of what they just heard. The Lord of Shu Province stuttered and quivered in fear and shock before fainted to the ground. His son grabbed and hold him, assisted by his ministers and generals.

"I'm begging you now! You have to surrender or else you make things worse!" Sunburst pleaded.

Brawl snarled, "Quiet, thieves!"

Phobos groaned, "That guy got the attitude problem..."

"No... You're right..." Alchemist Dragon said sadly and weakly, shocking everyone to look at him. He cried tearfully, "It is time to surrender. We don't stand a chance against them.

Brawl gasped, "Father, no!"

Alchemist Dragon cried tearfully while struggled to get up before the walls. He then looked at Justice Tackle, "General, tell Virtue Dragon that I have decided to surrender. No more bloodshed. Just promise me that he will tend and manage the land well."

Justice Tackle nodded, "You have my word!" He turned to his army, "Warriors of Dragon Desert! Raise the cry! The battle is ours!"

Dragon Desert Raiders gave the loud battle cry and cheers that they have won the fight, followed and joined by Virtue Dragon's army as well. On the castle walls, most of loyal ministers and generals cried tearfully and sadly that Alchemist Dragon has decided to surrender. Brawl grunted in anger while punching against the floor very hard. Sunburst and Phobos remained silent from the event. Alchemist Dragon looked down in defeat as he has lost.


With the news have spread across Shu Province, Virtue Dragon and his main army arrived and entered the Benevolent Palace. They met up with Alchemist Dragon and his loyalists. They all bowed down in defeat yet humbly. The citizens of Shu Province gave the loud cheers while welcoming their new lord to rule their land now. The soldiers released Sunburst and Phobos as they both reunited with the rest of their friends. Starlight and Sunburst gave each other a deep passionate kiss.

"Sunburst, I am so glad that you're alright!" Starlight exclaimed in relief.

“It’s as if my life passed by in front of my eyes.” Phobos comments. “It was boring.”

“Yeah, yeah, no offense, it isn’t about you.”

“Well, excuse me!”

Sunburst chuckled uneasily, "Well. It wasn't easy. After all, this is my first time to negotiate with ancient ponies."

"Tell me about it..." Phobos grumbled.

Virtue Dragon approached to Alchemist Dragon, who is still looking down in defeat and shame. He spoke sadly, "Lord Alchemist Dragon, I-!"

Brawl interrupted, "We do not need your stupid apology! You've got what you want. So, leave us alone. We don't want to see you! You're not benevolent hero. You're a thief and intruder! Azure Phoenix was right! You're the traitor to Qin Dynasty!"

Virtue Dragon was stunned and hurt by the comment. He then looked away in shame as he knew that Brawl was right. He did attack their home in the first place.

"Wrong. My lord chose Sunburst's suggestion as a way to avoid conflict. But instead of negotiating, you chose violence and aggressiveness against us. It is clear that you and your father were not great enough to rule in this time of strife." Skysoar said firmly, "My lord is a benevolent ruler. With Shu Province in his hooves, that is what Lord Virtue Dragon has become."

“Ye4ah, I gotta agree.” Sunburst admits meekly. “It wouldn’t happened if you agreed to the negotiations to begin with.”

“And not be a total jerk!” Phobos exclaims in amusement.

"How dare you?!" Brawl snarled.

"Enough. Do what you must..." Alchemist Dragon said firmly.

Virtue Dragon nodded, "I will. You have my word."

Skysoar's gesture, the Soldiers of Virtue Dragon moved and led Alchemist Dragon and the rest of his soldiers away from Virtue Dragon and his allies. The leader of his forces turned and faced his friends.

"It wasn't easy for me to fight my own relatives. And I'm sorry to drag you all into this," Virtue Dragon apologized, "But I thank you all. I know there would have been no victory without you. Weren't it not for your loyalty, I don't know how I would able to go on."

"No one's here because they want to follow the House of Noble Dragon," Warpath said calmly.

Dragonspear nodded, "I know we are here for only one reason and that is the vision you've shown us all."

"You are our lord, regardless of what name you bear." Skysoar said calmly, "It is your vision that hold us to you. Master Old Pang would be proud of you."

“Yeah, if it weren’t for his silly idea to give up on Twilight.” Ben remarks dryly.

“I don’t think that’s what he goes on.” Starlight comments in concern.

Virtue Dragon couldn't help but smile, "I shall not lose my pride in my name. However, no more will I be prisoner to it. From now on, I shall fight only as myself. Together, we'll put the end of chaos and bring forth the Land of Benevolence!"

Everyone gave the loud battle cry and cheers to Virtue Dragon. They have won not just the battle, but also earning the respect and supports of ponies and the land. They are ready to fight and defeat Azure Phoenix sooner or later...

"Twilight, hang on, we're coming..." Ben said firmly and calmly.


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Author's Note:

Main Casts:
Jason Marsden: Ben Valorheart
Michelle Creber: Apple Bloom
Vincent Tong: Sandbar, Griffon Minister
Dave B. Mitchell: Virtue Dragon, General
Will Friedle: Saber Dragoon, Soldiers
Lex Lang: Skysoar Intellect
Steve Kremar: Warpath Temper
David Beron: Justice Tackle
Michael McConnohie: Narrator

Minor Casts:
Ashleigh Ball: Applejack
Ian Hanlin: Sunburst
Chris Sanders: Phobos, Alchemist's Officer
Kelly Sheridan: Starlight Glimmer
Justin Giddings: Breaker
Johnathan Frakes: Xan
G.K Bowes: Tigress
Terrence Stone: Dragonspear
Christopher McCullough: Alchemist Dragon
Kyle Hebert: Brawl

Next Chapter 35: Sticky Situation - Both Virtue Dragon and Water Tiger Clan are on the feud again over Jing Province after conquering Shu Province! It is up to Applejack, Pinkie, Rarity, Sunset, Flash, Smolder and Ocellus to prevent another battle against each other! Will they succeed or complicate the situation than previous?

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