• Member Since 12th May, 2015
  • offline last seen Oct 17th, 2018


Know me or not, I seek what?


Spoilers season 6 episode 1 & 2

Twilight is left holding the foal. One day with Flurry Heart and anypony would be broken, and for Twilight, that day is today.

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 6 )

Flurry Heart is evil, and deserves a hard spanking.

Honestly, i can't decide whether i hate her for being a mary-sue, ir love her for being a bitchy bad ass.

Flurry Heart is being a real headache for her Auntie Twilight.

I think Spike would make a more patient foalsitter than Twilight.

Welp, Shining and Cadence's foal is going to be the next Equestrian Overlord.😄

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