When a madmare bestows a 'gift' upon a humble cellist, her life is changed forever. Her lifelong career ruined, and the royal guard unwilling to enact some justice upon the one who wronged her, she decides to take matters into her own hooves.
If only things were ever that simple...
inspired by this image by the talented Tzelly-El on DeviantArt
No this doesn't mean i'm dropping Vampony chronicles, i just felt like writing something with a different tone to it.
Ooo ill definitely give this a shot
Yay an Octavia focused adventure fic :D
I have been looking for one ever since i saw her portrayed in part of an epic adventure scene. I was darn near about to write one myself!
All I can think is Dr. Octopus.
Ohohohoho! Wasn't expecting this by a long shot! You amaze me yet again Sir Steampunk.
I'll give anything that focuses on Octavia a chance. dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/misc_Octavia.png
I really wanna see more of Oct-Avia, heh. I just wonder what Vinyl Scratch will say about this...
Deus Ex, anyone?
Oh my, this starts out gooooood!
Next chapter~
Well... this strangely has a lack of... panic and bewilderment. Shouldn't Octavia be really REALLY panicking right now? I mean, sure she lived with Vinyl for 6 years but to have giant mechanical arms attacked to you is something where most people or ponies would go: HOLY B***ING SHIT, WHAT THE BUCK IS THIS!?! SOMEPONY HELP ME, FOR THE LOVE OF CELESTIA!!!
She takes it like a boss but even the guards are somewhat faint towards it.
I can understand some form of professionalism should be in play for them (not panicking at the sight of these things and all) but... I'm not sure.
If this was a Spiderman movie, Dock Ock would have been experimented on by now and never let out again for the public to see.
Disregarding this all, I liked the chapter a lot. I was wondering if you would have Octavia be ponynapped for several days, with each day the ponynappers doing experiments on her but I find this to be a well enough actually; short and blunt.
Good show! Hope to see further chapter
Well, i decided to play up what seemed like the fandom's given roles for everyone's favorite dj/cellist paring.
Octavia: deadpan extrodinaire, by now takes everything in stride
Vinyl: enough crazy theories to ruin a small country, and enough of a bank account and more than enough enthusiasm to pull off a good deal of them.
so yeah, this one is my 'screw this, I do what i want' fic because this will go from random to serious to anywhere in between depending on how i feel like taking it.
the only thing set in stone is that at some point 'tavi is going to be designated badass as she climbs the ouside of a tall building with a money bag clenched in a claw. not sure how i'm gonna do that but...
Ah Ok, that's good.
Good luck with this further.
Woah amazing cover art. Haha, and the story...
Dat thumbs up button, Dat fav button.
Lunar Justice
Doctor Octavius, I should have seen this one coming sooner or later. Octavia... I just hope, it doesn't end for her as it did with Octavius himself... *sighs deeply* The poor man... But, for what it is, it really got my interestes. You have done a very, very good job dear.
Ok, I'm interested.
All what we need now is that Vynil suddenly develop the power to launch laser beams from the eyes and her sun glasses are the only thing that stop her from killing everypony, Twilight develop telepatic powers due to a magic accident produced by a sudden magic surge of her horn, Big Mackintosh more fur and muscle than usual while gaining incredible superpony agility, strenge and increasing his coeficient of inteligence, Pinkie keeping being Mare-Do-Well....And Rainbow Dash becoming Spider-Mare
Vinyl is now jealous
773994 I can see Twilight being the phoenix or Ironmare. Dash has to be a Quicksilver just because of her speed. But I can't think of what Fluttershy Rarity and Applejack will be. Or Spike or the CMC. Anyways I'm tracking this better then an AN\TPQ-37 radar (which I use and dam near nothing gets past, I pick up bullets from M16s and AK-47s from firefights!) great story and update soon.
Dear, Princess Celestia
I never asked for friendship dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/misc_Octavia.png
sounds like some serious equiptment, military brony I take it?
Eyup going to Kuwait in a couple months for my first deployment.
Best of luck to you then, while I personally don't have much interest in military service I have a respect for those who have signed on.
Thanks you just keep righting these great story they help with the home sickness. Oh if you want to do one hell of a mind f¥ck have a certain tan and pink pegasus be the Wolverine.
782721 Actually Twilight is the equivalent ofJean Grey, even her own story sounds identical to each other, both of them were found by their mentors when they lost control of their powers, their mentors saved them from literally explide themselves and then enrolled into their schools to learn to control their powers, besides the schools names sounds wayy too much like each other: Charlse Xavier Institue for Gifted Youths and Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns
Also we would need that Applejack is actually G1 Applejack thus making her the legendary Captain Equestria now living under protection of Princess Celestia's S.H.I.E.L.D.-like agency and the Apple family(Thus making Granny Smith her Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great ......................... grand daughter), Pinkie being either deadpool or a Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great ......................... grand daughter of Loki, Flutteshy being HULK Rarity becoming Rouge(Of all the bad things that could happen... This is THE WORST. POSSIBLE. THING!)
Beau said hand instead of hoof earlier, when she asked Octavia to hold the cloth for her.
Still loving it. Still wish the chapters were longer.
Awww... No Doc-Oct style beatdown.
I'll be waiting for Vynil to become CyClops, then we will have one badass fank-kicking crime fighting team!
Two things I want to say...
Take the time to do proofreading/spelling fixes etc. before you put it up. We won't mind the wait that much, and it shows that you care.
I like how you're pacing this! Some recovery, a little excitement, and some explanation of where she got her skills. I'm looking forward to seeing what this all builds up to.
I'm very interested as to where this will go. I've always like situations where a story has to deal with situations that are not regular, i.e., technology in a magical world, aliens, etc. I will be looking forward to see where this goes.
But two complaints: The first, and this is just my own personal preference, I'd like to get into Octavia's head a little more. Most of the dialog is just here stream of conscious narration and I was looking forward to more than that. But that's just my own references.
And two, the word you're looking for is Ma'am, not Mam.
While personally I think Blueblood is too much of a coward to fight anypony, it's good to see Octavia have a bit of a bite to her.
Jesus, I'm starting to say anypony instead of anyone now.
I am going to get around to editing this sometime in the future, but in my defense it was past midnight when i posted this i think.
Does this take place in the same universe as 'TVC'? Cause if it does, I can just imagine how Twi and Octy would be like!
You know, i may just have to cross that over at some point.
(I'm Totally fucked up on Caramelicious)
Name doesn't lie, shit tastes like caramel!
having a bob marley day then my friend?
just remember what zecora said in stonershy.
Was it 'Puff, puff, pass that shit'? Cause i would if I could, and its pretty nice too, had to have a lot because of my tolerance (according to my friends, it has something to do with my depression or something, but even when I started, after the stupid thing were you don't get high the first time, I was doin' dimebags of quality shit like it was nothing) but after that, its fuckin' awesome!
well all I know is that when me and my bud's sit down to have a sesh everyone pitches, and everyone passes the peace pipe if you catch my drift.
I usually go with a 'when I finish it' attitude. at the moment, i got nothing done on it. I'll try writing later today, i was just taking a break from it after I snafu'd a little with the latest chapter of vampony.
If you want you can run it past me, while i'm not much of a proofreader i'll tell you if anything seems off.
Wow... I expected good work but this is great! Lots of potential! Love it.
The last update was in June... It's now the second week in July...
i0.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/004/006/y-u-no-guy.jpg Y U NO Update??
Cause I need
haven't had the muse to write much on this, i'll see though.
920060 No worries, I understand. I can't finish my story for the life of me either.
You introduce traits about Octavia that help explain her reaction in a situation just as the situation occurs, or following afterwards. "The metal tentacles on my back don't scare me because Vinyl has put my life in jeopardy on numerous occasions." "I can take on that fool Blueblood because I know a bit of zebra kung fu." These are plausible, and the actual writing is competent and comprehensible, but it comes out of nowhere. We learn about your version of Octavia at a rate meant for moving the plot along.
Yeah update. Now you have two other stories to work on. I can't wait to see that party scene. And what type of trouble these two will get by those arms.
Edit: FIRST!!! MAOR.
Brilliant! Me read later.
Heh. Vinyl in socks. Also, keep up the awesome!
Whoopie! it's been updated! Now, to read.
edit: THAT'S IT?!?! I was kinda hoping for more.
It"s nice to see you giving attention to multiple projects at once, considering how difficult this is to do.