• Published 29th May 2016
  • 591 Views, 16 Comments

MagiWars! - Draco Loco

Sunset Shimmer is concerned because her magic starts to feel strange.

  • ...

The First Day

The warehouse district of Canterlot city. Here, a woman walked along the side of the road. She wore a black tracksuit, bandana face mask, and sunglasses. She walked up to a building with a guard on either side of the front door, both similarly dressed to her. After exchanging a silent greeting with them, she entered.

An hour later, she exited the building, and proceeded down the road in the opposite direction from which she came. As she walked, she pulled out her cellphone, and made a call.

"Sir, project 'Angel Fall' is proceeding according to schedule, and our partner has already completed the preparations for all subsequent projects."

"Very good. What of our other partner?"

The woman stopped and looked behind her, "The mob queen has set up her agents, just as she said she would."

"And target 'Prism'? Is their involvement guaranteed?"

The woman smirked as she began to walk again, "Their pass has already been issued."

"Then all is going according to plan. Excellent. Proceed to your next assignment."

"At once, sir." She then flipped her phone closed and dropped it in the nearest trashcan.

One would imagine that a facility for something like MagiWars would be big, intricately designed, and furnished with all the latest technologies. Imagine the surprise felt by the Rainbooms when they walked in, and none of that was the case. It looked like an average gun store, with a pleasant wood furnished aesthetic, and gun replicas adorning the walls and cases. "Welcome to the Canterlot MagiWars registration office. How can I be of service?" a woman greeted them from behind the back counter as they walked through the door.

Rainbow stepped forward, "Uh, hi." She pulled out her pass card, "We have a team pass, and we want to get geared up for a practice sesh. Help us out, uh," she looked at the lady's name tag, "Jade?"

Jade gave one of those professional smiles, "Of course," she then reached behind the counter and started to pull out some tablets, "Just take these and follow the instructions. Feel free to walk around the shop front if you feel the need for some inspiration." When she pulled out the last one, she gave a professional "Have a nice day."

The group took their tablets, shared a nod with each other, and went to separate areas of the shop.

Sunset went to the pistol section, and started looking at the individual guns on display. After several minutes of looking, she gave a sigh, Figures there's nothing. I don't even know what I was expecting to find, just something to help us figure out what's going on. She then looked down at the tablet in her hand and shrugged, "Might as well." She turned the tablet on, and words started to appear on screen.


Sunset raised an eyebrow, "OK?" and did as the tablet instructed.

After she heard a beep, she took her hand off the screen, and saw there were new instructions.


Curiosity got the better of her and she tapped the 'mix and match'.


She tapped the bodies icon, and the screen switched to a list of gun bodies. After seeing the list, and scrolling through it a bit, Sunset sighed and had one thought, This might take awhile.

Meanwhile, in the front of the store, Rainbow and Pinkie forwent searching for anything, because Pinkie said "If they're smart enough to build a company, they're smart enough to not leave anything important out in the open," and were instead designing their gear.

"Definitely going to be a glider pilot, no question," Rainbow was adamant on that. "Gotta have a good gun mounted, but most importantly, it's gotta be fast."

Pinkie just nodded along, "Oh, definitely!"

"What about you, Pinkie?"

"Me? Oh, I'm just designing a couple of grenade happy tommys, that's all."

Rainbow raised an eyebrow, "Uuh, OK?" and went back to picking out her glider.

In the back corner of the shop, Applejack and Fluttershy had decided they weren't going to find anything useful, and were scrolling through the guns list. "Find anythin', Fluttershy?" Applejack asked.

Fluttershy was scrolling through the list, uncertainty in her eyes, "I'm not sure. None of these look like something I'd be comfortable with."

"Is it 'cause these are all modeled after guns meant to kill things?" upon receiving a hesitant nod, she offered a suggestion, "Well, have you tried the tranq' guns yet?"

Fluttershy looked surprised, then her cheeks grew red and she looked away, "No," she then hid her face behind her hair as she scrolled through the tablet in search of the tranquilizer guns.

Applejack smiled, rolled her eyes, and continued to scroll through her own list, when something caught her eye, "Tanks, huh?"

Rarity, having already picked out her gun, was currently scrolling through the accessories list, when she noticed Twilight looking disappointed. "Twilight, dear, whatever is the matter?" she asked in concern.

Twilight looked down and said, "It's nothing." Upon seeing Rarity's sceptical look, she let out a sigh, "It's just, I was kind of hoping one of these guns would have been a working one, so I could see how it's built," she looked at the guns with a furrowed brow, "But instead, they're all just plastic replicas."

Rarity put a hand on Twilight's shoulder, "Oh Twilight, we all knew finding something wouldn't be easy, it's nothing to get upset or discouraged over."

Twilight slumped against the wall, "I know." She then let out a defeated sigh and slid down until she was sitting on the floor.

Rarity looked on with sympathy, then offered Twilight her hand, "Let's go see if the others have had better luck."

Twilight looked at the hand, then gave a faint smile before taking it, "OK," and let Rarity pull her to her feet.

Once they got to the back counter, the others were already there, and judging by their faces, they're luck wasn't any better.

Jade saw them and gave her professional smile, "Ah, I see the whole group is back together again. I hope you were able to make adequate decisions regarding equipment?"

Realizing it was a question, rather than a statement, Rarity responded with "Oh, yes, of course."

"Excellent. Now, if you'll hand me your tablets, I'll upload the data to the assembly, and you'll have them by the time you're done getting your uniforms. Now, about payment."

Sunset pulled out her wallet, "Right, how much do we owe you?"

Jade looked to her computer screen, "With the cost of uniforms, as well as the guns and equipment you all chose, it comes up to..." she trailed off and double checked the screen, "Huh. Looks like you're being sponsored, so you're all paid up."

The girls all shared a look, Sunset was the one to voice their confusion, "Sponsored? By who?"

"By me, of course," came a wholly unwelcome voice, to which the girls all had various negative reactions, ranging from hostile, to disgusted, to concerned. "Or rather, Crystal Prep," the voice amended.

"Cinch," Sunset growled, then turned around. "What are you doing here? Trying to help us? Redeem yourself in some small way?"

Cinch just raised an eyebrow, "I think we all know that is complete rubbish. Why I'm here, is to improve my reputation, as well as that of Crystal Prep."

Sunset frowned and started to turn away, "Yeah, I think we'll just pay for our own stuff, thanks." She then asked Jade "How much is it if we're not sponsored?"

Jade looked at her screen, typed a bit, and said "If you're not sponsored, the total comes to, five thousand," she ended with her professional smile.

Sunset smiled, "OK. Yeah, I can afford that." She then started to reach for her credit card, when she felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned and saw it was Rarity.

Rarity turned to address Jade, "Would you excuse us for just a moment, please?" When she saw Jade nod her head 'yes', she dragged Sunset to the side.

Sunset frowned, "Rarity, what-"

"Sunset, darling," Rarity interrupted, keeping her voice low, "I know you can afford that, but I also know that you have expenses. If you pay this money, you'll need to find a job all the sooner, and need I remind you you haven't the proper paperwork to get a legal job as of yet?"

Sunset just groaned in response, "Principal Celestia said she was going to take care of that."

Rarity nodded, "Yes, but until then, our options are to either rely on Cinch's generosity, or postpone our little investigation."

Sunset growled, reluctantly agreed with a "Fine," and walked back to the others. "Cinch," she started hesitantly, "we would," she held back the urge to say what she really thought, "appreciate, your sponsorship."

Twilight tugged on Sunset's jacket sleeve, then asked in a harsh whisper, "Are you sure this is such a good idea?"

Sunset let out a sigh, "I know how you feel, Twilight, but apparently our options are a bit more limited than I first anticipated."

Jade clapped her hands to get everyone's attention. When they looked back at her, that smile was still present on her face. "Now that that's settled, uniforms are through that door there," she said, pointing to her left, "And when you're done getting dressed, the practice range is through the back door."

Cinch folded her hands in front of her, "I'll be waiting for you in the back." She then proceeded through the back door.

Pinkie couldn't remain quiet any longer, "Wow! She's just as unpleasant as last time."

Rainbow snorted, "Yeah, no kidding."

Sunset hummed softly to herself. Applejack noticed this, "What's up there Sunset."

Sunset looked up, "Huh? Oh, just thinking. Why would Cinch sponsor us for a brand new sport?"

Rainbow raised an eyebrow, "Maybe because it's the most endorsed sport, like, ever?"

Sunset raised a sceptical eyebrow, "Really?"

Pinkie nodded her head, "Yeah. How do you think I found out about it?"

Sunset turned to her, "I try not to think too much about how you know things."

"What is the meaning of this?!" Rarity yelled from the room with the uniforms. As the others came into the room, they saw Rarity looking at one of the uniforms in disgust, "It's so, bland! It's completely devoid of personality, or individuality of any kind! Even that could be forgiven somewhat if it at least looked nice, but no! It's grey! I wouldn't mind it being grey if it at least had some accents, but no! Nothing! It's just a plain old grey set of cloths with a hat and combat boots! COMBAT BOOTS! You cannot honestly expect me to wear this!"

The young man that was holding the uniform appeared to be quite nervous "Um, ma'am? The uniforms are mandatory for all MagiWars participants."

Rarity gave a 'hmph' and said, "Very well. I shall wear this 'outfit', if I am aloud to make modifications."

The young man scratched behind his head, "Well, uh, you can't cut any of the fabric off, but you can add accessories."

Rarity grabbed the uniform the guy was holding, "That'll have to do," before disappearing into one of the dressing rooms.

The young man noticed the other girls in the room, and put a bit more confidence in his voice, "Hello. My name is Helping Hand. If you need any assistance with finding a uniform that fits, just tell me your size, and I'll get it for you."

Sunset nodded at him, "Thanks, we'll keep that in mind." And everyone went to look for a uniform in their sizes.

Fluttershy came up to Twilight and asked her "Um, Twilight? I noticed you're not wearing your backpack. Did you leave Spike at home?"

Twilight looked away from the uniforms to address Fluttershy, "Huh? Oh, Spike's staying with my brother for the weekend. Why do want to know?"

"Oh, I was just thinking he could help us with our, investigation. Because he's so small, he could go places we couldn't."

Twilight stroked her chin for a moment, "Huh. That's a pretty good idea. I'll talk to him about it when I see him tomorrow."

Eventually, they all found a uniform in their sizes, and got dressed. Pinkie was the last one out. "How do I look?" she asked with her usual level of enthusiasm.

Rainbow snorted a short laugh, "Like a soldier with cotton candy under their hat."

Pinkie pumped her arm, "Yes! Nailed it!"

Rarity was busy looking over her own uniform, "You know, despite it having no visual appeal, I have to say, this uniform is quite comfortable."

Sunset tapped the toe of her boot on the ground, and readjusted her hat, "OK girls, time to get our weapons."

Rainbow looked up with a big smile on her face, "Sweet! Time to check out my glider!"

Applejack started for the door, "And mah tank." Everyone looked at her in surprise at that, except Fluttershy. She noticed and said "What?"

Rainbow put voice to everyone's surprise, "You got a tank."

Applejack raised an eyebrow, "Yeah. So?"


Applejack shrugged, "Dunno. Just felt right, ah guess."

Sunset stored that bit of information away as something else to look into. Afterwards, everyone left the uniform room, and went to the back room were their guns, and Cinch, were waiting.

Author's Note:

Hello everyone. Took me longer than anticipated to write this, but it's here.

To EchoWing: sorry man, I know I told you they'd get their weapons in this chapter, but I decided to put that in the next chapter. If you, or anyone, thinks that it would be better to add the weapons scene to this chapter, let me know, and I will do so.

Finally, a challenge to whoever is reading this story: Who can guess who the villains are and their overall plot?

And again, this is done without an editor, or pre-reader.

Comments are encouraged.