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Nice start so far, I'll keep an eye on this one.
7243423 Thanks. If I didnt have any help this would probably be much worse hahaha
7243529 Heh, fair enough, at least you have help, I've got to write everything on my own because I've got like two people I know who can help, one has never read FoE, the other I like keeping in the dark about major plot twists, so, yeah.
Pretty good so far
Not bad style of writing
I know right?
I just copy pasted everything for my fic in the end. Good intro; I'm going to go freak out about how I've found another FO:E side story with an interesting number of similarities to my own
Ooooo I'm immediately interested in this, bonus points for the android body. I assumed he was gonna wake up as one of the alicorn mutants
Fairly good