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Where can I find the cover picture?
7145855 #1068565 on Derpibooru
7145869 thank you
I have no word to describe the amount of gratitude I have for you taking your time to type this. You're doing God work.
Now I have a gay dragon gic to read.
7145869 Before I look at it, I have to know: Is it NSFW?
7169479 Very
I'm looking forward to the inevitable buttsex
Welp. That was super gay.
So thanks for that.
After this story, let's just say my drill could pierce the heavens.
Dum duM dUMMMMMMMMM! pause for dramatic effect.
Story is looking good so far. Hehe. Can't wait for more. Must read further
You claimed Fizzle before Rarity, Spike - Now you have to be his mate.
Hoping there's a sequel comin'. No pun intended. Lel.
So I guess this was the point where Spike found out that he's attracted to other males, or at least Fizzle. I wonder when Spike realized that he was gay. I'm saying this because based on how the third chapter happened, there was something there before that was under the surface and apparently that get-together and the two of them alone triggered some attraction between the two, if not more...
##Disclaimer: I understand that this was part of the setup of the story, not trying to say anything wrong out of turn. That is all##
7745807 Nope, it's related to the saying "let sleeping dogs lie" which, if I had to guess, is what the mission in halo reach is named after as well.
awww no dragon orgy
Another glorious chapter again causing need for a very cold shower.
When the hidden warning for gay dragons came up, I was like "this isn't my cup o' tea" but reading the rest, I got to the really gay dragons bit… I laughed so hard and decided 'fuck it' might as well read it
This is exceptionally well written. The Garble spying subplot at the end of the second to the last chapter is a loose thread that could have been wrapped up (I'd like to see it comically done, but I feel like it would clash with the overall narrative), in addition to the Twilight Sparkle freakout which felt like it might have been referenced again later but wasn't.
That said, I very well enjoyed the story. I'd love to see more but I think it's at a very good stopping point as well.
i love this story.
BUT i was still hoping for a 3some between them and garble! XD
Maybe someday. Surprise people still come back to this story after it being out for so long.
I try to reread this every so often cause it's hot AF.
Overall I did enjoy the story. Nd the details we’re great but I will admit it started to feel too long at the bonus chapter.
Personally it would have been fine without it unless it was focus on Spike being the Top for the entire part of it as we had just seen a very long chapter of Fizzle slamming him already.
Still well done.
I'm just imagining how Spike said that.
two small issues with this
missed opportunities(mainly in Garble and Fume's lack of real involvement in the... proceedings), and no real ending
Is Spike the same age as the other dragons in this story?
A dragons balls are inside their bodies
I can't tell you how often i used that name on blogs ... xD
How often?