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It has come...
Oh it happened. Hype approaching maximum.
>FiMC sequel story
Huh, neat.
A sequel to Friendship is Mind Control?
Oh wow! A full blown Sequel! This will be fun! I hope Twilight goes Evil or insane![:pinkiecrazy:](
Favorite it. Like it. Track it. Read it. In that order.
I feel joy. Pure, unhampered joy.
As for the chapter itself...
I think I once said something to the effect of this being one of the greatest fanfictions, as well as one of the greatest stories, I have ever read. I still stand by that. Your ability to craft deliciously erotic scenes, yet simultaneously fill each action with raw, believable emotion is something I cannot help but gawk in wonder at.
My only hope is that the antagonist of this sequel will be the logistics of the harem, and just the consequences that would naturally come about from Twilight's actions. The weakest part of the original was definitely the parts where Twilight had a direct opponent in the form of Celestia, since the best conflict comes from Twilight's own internal struggle with her growing power.
So, yeah. The only criticism I can offer is a single spelling error and an urging that we don't have another counter-hypnotist running around. Other than that, I eagerly await the further adventures of Empress Twilight Sparkle.
Been waiting a good long while for this to crop up. Looking forward to reading this tomorrow! (I sadly have work in the morning, and need to sleep.
7102713 same![:fluttercry:](
It begins.
That's one good way to use your time
Can't wait for more
Man i am so glad this this story is back. I like the idea of slowly going mad with power and her letting in her darker instincts.
I hope she gets a updated version of her caped Mistress outfit, maybe something akin to a evil overlord look or something that is both menacing but Princessy or Emperess like...IDK...I don't come up with designs.
I am so curious how this will all pan out, Twilight now has a Harem and a Castle, and also a entire world to rule. Bet the stress will get to her. Wonder if she'll take any anger out on her friends. She can you know
I felt a very strong giddiness while reading this entire chapter knowing that Twilight has won and now it's all about dealing with the consequences, too many stories end on the high note and never bother to show what happens after the main story. Also that bit in the author's notes about adding more ponies has my heart all aflutter
And like you said Twilight is now realizing some of the logistical problems of her harem, specifically trying to keep everyone happy but just not being able to be everywhere. Most of the Mane Six also have family and responsibilities back in Ponyville that they can't ignore, and obviously Celestia and Luna have to be in Canterlot ruling the country which means Twilight may have to divide her time between Ponyville and Canterlot.
It was very satisfying seeing Celestia be punished especially with how frustrating it is that even being under The Charm she manages to manipulate Twilight. In the end though Celestia seems like the real winner here because all she really wanted was for Twilight to ascend, winning the battle at that point wasn't important and now she can basically just continue to do her princess duties and enjoy Twilight's punishments.
I liked that you had Twilight and her friends pay attention to Twi's newly improved body (it's always been my headcanon that ascension to being an alicorn meant at least a larger and more curvaceous body), and because of that I suppose while Rarity is designing outfits for Zecora and Trixie she'll need one for Twilight as well.
I'm ecstatic to see how Twilight manages to deal (or not deal) with managing things and what other possible ponies she'll be tempted into... tasting
So just as an FYI you can link this story with the original one. All you need to do is input the story ID into the Prequel ID box and it'll make this story a sequel to FIMC (BTW FIMC ID # is 238368)
I have never wanted a horse to get dominated as much as I do right now.
7102846 I wonder how dark Twilight will go...maybe play favoritism to keep the harem in like. Play one off against the other that sort of thing
7103004 Dark Twilight? If you mean like becoming a evil tyrant or something I don't think Twilight is going down that path anymore, she's already won and has plenty of ponies watching over her that she cares for who will tell her if she's slipping too far.
I haven't even read this but I've already favorited it. Time to dig in! ... tomorrow.
That actually contains a huge loophole....
All it takes is for Celestia to believe that controlling Twilight is in Twilights best interest, then she can use loopholes in the orders. She then can, for example, use a different spell (or brute force) to force Twilight to give consent and order to be charmed, then alter her orders however she wishes, and then use Twilight to free herself of the charm.
...hmm. I really hope that's intentional and will be used later.
Empress Twilight is really hot, but also incredibly annoying.
I have to be honest, literally that first few sentences of the first chapter took my breath away, in more ways than one!![:raritywink:](
Oh my goodness you have no idea how long I've been waiting for Celestia to get what she had just gotten. And I have to say that I KNEW IT!! SHE WAS A VOYUER and a secret masochist. There are too few fics with Celestia as the sub and Twilight as the Dom, so that's even more reason to love this story. It's really hot seeing Celestia being the kind of feisty sub, and who can blame her? Manipulating others comes second nature to her at this point. It is going to be so so very satisfying when Twilight reaches the point where Celestia can't manipulate her anymore, I just can't wait!
Ahh, the logistics of the harem, that's always the problem isn't it? I just wonder how long Twilight will last before she caves in?
I'm getting pretty nervous for the next chapter since it's a confrontation with Luna and I think at this point I'm more terrified than Twilight. But still I can't wait for it as well as more Celestia punishment. GIVE THAT WHITE HORSE WHAT SHE DESERVES AND MORE TWI!!!!
Ahhhh... yeah... that's the good stuff. It's been a long couple of months.
Oh what I'd give for a time-machine for the next chapters.
7102711 Good spot, thank you. I've fixed that typo.
7102910 Set it as a sequel, thanks. Didn't notice that box.
I wonder if the other 27 people are just reading this..... or is jacking off... hmmm
I remember saying something to the effect that Twilight, to me, didn't seem to have to confront her own decisions in a satisfying way at times.
Let's see where this leads!
Jesus fuck, this is good.
Now before I begin, there is one thing I must post. My reaction to this now being a thing.
Smart move.
VERY smart. No wonder I like calling you Purple Smart.
How very interesting.
It really is the little touches that make this fantastic.
You think of everything.
Even charmed she's capable of screwing a little with her old pupil.
You just told her to...
To be fair, if she tried to write without a pen name, short of a few ponies, very few would give her honest critique and give her honest opinions on it.
Celestia, you Magnificent Bitch, I read your BOOK!
This really is what makes this a fantastic story, it's more than just clop, it's a story, clop just happens to be integral to the story.
... Damn
Thank goodness.
There is nothing I can say that can make this scene any better, this is amazing.
Then I highly recommend you sober up, drunk of ANYTHING is never good.
*laughs* Calm down, motor mouth!
Girls, girls, you're both pretty.
WELL then. You don't waste any time, do you Twilight?
The very same.
Technically, she's incredibly light pink, but, semantics, anywho,
It really is the little things.
Ain't that a contradiction in terms.
Which I'm sure she's looking forward to as much as we are.
This is very interesting, we're so used to the brash confident pegasus so seeing her unsure and stammering like this is very entertaining. Really shows how much of an effect she has on others when even bound, gagged and sorta stripped, she still intimidates Rainbow, it's like she's afraid this is all an illusions she's afraid to shatter.
Well, she IS a mammal, warm blooded and stuff, and the Princess of the Sun, a massive fireball in the sky so I should imagine so, yes.
Twilight, you are GLORIOUS!
You're enjoying this a LOT I can tell.
I'd ask why she has it, but, I supposed you never know when it can be useful.
Oh certainly.
If I were her, I'd pick best.
She is, isn't she?
I sincerely doubt the readers would mind.
As usual, your ego is most entertaining, Rainbow.
You tease.
Lovely, very lovely.
I adore the way you write Pinkie, her sheer almost child-like exuberance is great
Please do.
You troll!![:rainbowlaugh:](
Oh yeah. And it's great.
I have no doubt about that.
This being in rhyme makes it work even more, than and reading this in Zecora's voice.
THis is so hot.
Innit grand?
Again, it's the little touches.
VERY real.
I am relatively certain that isn't a word.
Terrorboner. Imma use that.
Oh yeah.
We'll have to see, won't we?
I still want a redoing of what Twilight did to Applejack in chapter 4 in the 1st story but on a wider scale with a few changes here and there. Thank you.
Keep up the good work.
I second that!
God damn, man! 14,000+ words?! Don't have time to read it yet, but eagerly awaiting the point where I will.
I needed this fic in my life...
And now I need more of it, damnit.
It isn't consent if you're forced in any way, magically or physically. You can't really give consent while under duress, I believe.
Oh yes finally, i cant wait for more, this is a awsome story![:twilightsmile:](
But once Celestia becomes aware of this loophole, she'll be compelled to tell Twilight of this as per
You're missing the point. This only covers loopholes that allow Celestia to act against Twilight. I am talking about the case where Celestia believes that she acts in Twilight's best interest even if Twilight herself would disagree.. E.g. being a thousand-year-old ruler she may, very rightfully, believe that Twilight should not wield the power of the charm and would be better of having her sex harem of willing slaves back in Poniville, or even having all the memory of the whole event erased and reset back to how she was before she discovered the charm, only now with more fool-proof instructions against regaining her memory and a better cover story, or heck, just being charmed into eternal unconditional happiness, wherein she'd sit and stare at the wall all day for the rest of her immortal lifespan.
Since she is not acting against Twilight, she is under no compulsion to report this loophole, as it does not allow Celestia to act against Twilight, nor any other loophole she finds while pursuing this course of action (since if she were to try to use the other loophole against Twilight, she'd have to report it, and any loophole that is covered by "report loophole" clause is not a loophole by definition).
Oh, there's also a hilarious sort-of-doublethink loophole, where Celestia can use someone to magically persuade her (without this particular charm) that it's in Twilight's best interest to be instantly burnt into ash, which is in intself not against Twilight directly or indirectly, but merely changes Celestia's opininon on what is best for Twilight.
And then nothing is stopping her from doing exactly that....
Whether or not it falls under "report loopholes"would depend exactly on how much changing one's opinion of what is best for Twilight would be a means to an end.
That's a moot point anyway. Once allowed to act covertly and seek loopholes in these rather loose set of commands, she can easily find a way to remove them entirely, or force Twilight to do so, e.g. via proxies.
i wonder if twilights "pets" will follow there dreams still or are there dreams dead? i worry for the girls family like rarity sister and applebloom
What would be Twilights treatment of Celestia, if Zecoras great grandfather was a giraffe, and she inherited little but his tongue? Especially with certain alterations to the throne to give it a nice comfy zebra butt cushion?
Trixie though, far too much topping, trying to demonstrate her abilities through noise instead of action, and doninant actions also means she effectively needs crushing, not just breaking, unless she wishes to constantly go against that which she herself is declaring.
Simplest way to start is one per night through the week and a day at the weekend together, with a full weekend per month and a week per year?
Oh maaaaaaan that is a gooooood chapter. Nicely done.
I am intrigued as to the crises you gone pose in htis book.
AWWWWW YISSSSS. I've been waiting for this to come out. Can't wait to read it tonight.
7103977 Probably the biggest thing keeping Twilight somewhat grounded is that she genuinely cares about her friends (and even Trixie) and values their lives and personalities apart from being her slave - so, while she may get caught up and not notice herself monopolising somepony's attention, when it's brought to her attention, she'll give them time for their other obligations.
And, while it's fun to play out orgy scenes, she also likes hanging out with her friends when she's not in Empress Twilight mode, so I have trouble seeing her giving that up...
My only complaint is that Twilight is pretty restrained about abusing the charm now. Focusing Rarity, Focusing Fluttershy, and A Reasonable Request were my favorite chapters.
Oh well. I trust things will get out of hand sooner or later.
No. Slavestia
Y'know, if Trixie ever got the short end of the attention stick, she could always use Twilight's countermeasures against her.
"Trixie, I'm busy"
"So you're busy, hmmm?"
"Fine, Trixie didn't want to have to do this. TRIXIE LOVES YOU!"
"Um, that's good to hear"
"Nono, Trixie means, TRIXIE 'DOESN'T' LOVE YOU... Trixie is a lying slut, spank her as the whore she is"
"Oh dear"
Twilight couldn't bear to let Trixie suffer like this, and assuming Trixie is just the teensy bit masochistic, she'll revel at being spanked by Twilight. Twilight would be unable to stop herself at giving just one spank :p
7106276 ...that's a really cute idea.
It will be very amusing to watch Celestia influencing Twilight's actions from her position, with just her words.
For example, here is a way for Celestia to 'convince' Twilight to be put under the influence of the charm once again... even if Celestia wouldn't be the one doing the charming.
Step 1: Tell Twilight about how she could use the charm in creative ways to enhance her friends' scenarios. Triggers, playing with memories and sensitivity tricks are just child's play; the charm can also be used to make scenarios that would normally be impossible happen in the minds of the subjects. The imagination of the controller is the real limit for this charm.
Step 2: Wait until the 'impossible scenarios' are a well ingrained part of Twilight's games with her friends/slaves. Tell Twilight that she also wants to be included in those, and enjoy the results.
Step 3: Mention that she would have liked to use the charm on herself that way long ago, but she couldn't because the design of the charm and the lack of people she trusted with it.
Trixie is a cute pony/human... when she wants to be