• Member Since 21st May, 2012
  • offline last seen April 1st

Cpt Celti

A scottish brony/pegasister writer. I seek to better myself with each chapter.


Fourteen years have passed since the Changelings were thrown from Equestria and chased from its borders. In order to preserve a brighter future from further threats, the nation of Gryphnia constructed a super weapon to prevent any further transgressions from the hives. However, the late King Sharpclaw has been rattling his saber, holding "Sky Breaker" above the heads of the others. After tense planning, the leaders of AEGIS (Allied Equis Guard of Independent States), launch an attack to destroy it.

It fails.

Now the continent of Equis is thrust into another destructive war. AEGIS is on the run after a massive blow to their air power. Now Rhapsody, a young pegasus Lieutenant, and the flight lead of Ghost Wing, must lead her comrades to victory before the Gryphons finish the job and take the continent as their own.

This is the first story I've uploaded to fimfiction that I've been working on for over a year. I'll accept any criticism, I just ask for politeness. Anyone who can recommend a good proof-reader is also welcome!

Chapters (33)
Comments ( 68 )

Oh my God... My childhood just flashed before my eyes upon seeing this.

It was full of missiles and crashing into things... And rage. Yes, rage was the most prevalent emotion I felt when playing this game as a child.

But, Ace Combat taught me a very important lesson: I should never, ever, try to fly a plane in real life. If ever I am on a plane and the pilot goes down, a new born would stand a better chance of saving the aircraft (and those onboard) than myself. :twilightsheepish:

I'll see if I can't find the time to gove this a read.

7065284 I'm hoping you'll enjoy it.

7095816 Never read it, why?

7095816 Also no. No relation.

Hmm, you have my attention... Also, space things out, it looks like a wall of text, but other than that, it looks good!

yeah been working on that during the adding. I promise you, I'm trying to do better.

I'm guessing Rainbow is a Wonderbolt in this story?

Considering this is my first story, that mean's a lot. Thank you so much!

Honestly, at this point I think your story is managing to prove a match for the original. Your writing is steadily improving to boot. As an AC fan all I can say is, you're definitely doing it justice.

thank you so much!

Congratulations, you took on Shattered Skies and you made it a ride every bit as worthy as the original. I couldn't help but play both versions of Comona as I read and that just made it perfect. Can't wait for what's coming next!

It means a lot to hear that. Thanks!

7095879 Because it has a similar name and premise. It's clearly going to be quite different though, even if it wasn't anthro.

Bloody hell...This is intense...That cliffhanger too...Sorry, I'm just really invested with this story and this chapter was a hell of a punch, even if I feared something like it.

Something about the story that's been bugging me for a while though. Fluttershy, last time we saw her was on the Gryphian helicopter, yet everypony acted as if she was killed. Did I miss something or will it be addressed later and I'm thinking too far ahead?

It's addressed later. And the way Gryphon's treat prisoners, it wouldn't be far fetched to fear the worst.

Damn, poor Ditzy...Probably doesn't help that I played Into the Dusk over that part. Still, you're really managing to get my emotions working now and considering how hard it normally is for me to get a reaction from stories, you've gotta be doing something very right.

Will Rainbow Dash be beating anybody up in this story? Will she be reaching Unstoppable Rage levels of anger? Will she be giving out any No Holds Barred Beatdowns?

Soon... the beatings will commence...

Cut Celti! I might not read alot, but I would say, you did a fantastic job with this story!

Thank you so much!

Well, both you and Rhapsody just keep getting better and better. It's almost a shame there's only three missions to go because I can safely say I love this story.

Only three missions to go, but we've still got a ways to go before the story is out. Stay tuned!

Well, that was an intense chapter...Fluttershy and Babs though...Bloody hell. That was tough to read, even if they'll probably make it. That's probably the one major criticism I've had with this story so far, named AEGIS characters seem to be almost unkillable and it makes the stakes never feel as high as they should be. Still, I'm not going to stop just over that and it's as good as ever in all other areas.

Also, a word to any newcomers to the story, playing Ace Combat music while reading does so much for the experience.

I didn't have the heart to kill Fluttershy. Babs was kinda iffy, though. the original writing, she dies in AJ's arms from blood loss and shock.

Not to mention, I'm a sucker for the "Yay! They all make it!" ending to the stories.
But thank you for making a mention of it. I'm working on the sequel right now and believe me... that will be fixed.

Dis was charming. Good work; the good-ol' memories are a-ragin' right now.

I'd had a sinking feeling this was the way it would end ever since the Wyvern was first mentioned, I didn't expect every plane from both wings though...A salute, to those who fell in their honourable final duel.

On the plus side, Mythic confirmed as the biggest badass on the planet.

I didn't want to leave the whole fight to Rhapsody. She's got Möbius One's place, but I don't want her to achieve Mary sue status quite yet.


Don't worry, she hasn't felt like that for much of the story. If anything, having the others go in and everypony coming out with the same result simply confirms the development I've been seeing. Rhapsody may be the ace of aces, but Mythic, Sprig and Amethyst are more than capable of keeping up with her now.

You sir have my attention, added to watch later

Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi
Dona eis requiem
Qui tollis peccata mundi

Sorry, couldn't help it.

A worthy match for Megalith in every regard, I salute your ability. Though with those final lines and the possible symbolism we saw over Fyrick before...The cliffhanger is killing me.

Ahg! :raritydespair:
This... this brings back memories...

I really liked the ending, cant wait to see what you do with the sequel.

I should be elated that I didn't have to wait for the cliffhanger resolution, or weirded out that last night I dreamed about what the Shattered Clouds version of Operation Katina would be like, but the feels on this amazing ride coming to an end just top it all. Your writing came on in leaps and bounds throughout the story, to the point that I wish I could be this good.

Only one question remains, will the sequel follow on from this story or take after another Ace Combat? Either way, I eagerly look forward to it.

I've actually got three different ideas in the works. Operation Katina will be done at a alter date, believe me. That was a fun mini-game.
The sequel is indeed following after the events of the Third War.

Quick Fix... thank you. For your comments. they inspired me to keep going.

You're more than welcome, and thank you, Cpt Celti. For giving me something to constantly look forward to and be inspired by.

Till we meet in the skies of Equis again.

Looking forward to it.

Staff Sergeant Babs Seed checked her magazine before checking both ways of the street.

I was pretty sure you made babs a master sergeant. That said, I just wanted to take a break from marathoning your story to say that you are an exceptional writer and that though this may be an inspired story, that you have breathed a new life into it all the same.

That means a lot to me. Thank you!!

Sir... will... Wraith One be flying in the battle?

Should be either "Ghost One" (Lead plane of the Ghost wing) or "Wraith", the call sign of that particular pilot.

with a pair of mortal launchers on top.

That... actually sounds like a rather bad ass, albeit hellish, weapon...
"Foolish mortals! You are all on 'ammo duty'!" :pinkiecrazy:

"...retrieve Ghost Wing members Wraith One and Bolt One and..."

Rather than "Wraith One and Bolt One" it should be either "Ghost One and Ghost (Whichever number Bolt is assigned here. However, Bolt being Rhapsody's co-pilot, her designation would be "Ghost One Alpha". So "Ghost One and Ghost One Alpha") OR just "Wraith and Bolt".

When using the call signs of individual pilots (Wraith, Specter, Banshee, Bolt, etc...) , a number doesn't follow. When using the call sign of the group/wing (Ghost in this case) each vehicle (In this case, aircraft) gets a number (Ghost One, Ghost Two, etc...), and if manned by multiple personnel, each extra passenger gets a letter from the alphabet added after the number (Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, etc...) The personnel in charge of the vehicle/team (Rhapsody in this case) gets no letter added at the end and is simply called as "Ghost One".
When attempting to contact the vehicle, Using "Ghost One" can be intended to either get in touch with the individual in charge of the vehicle, or can be intended for all personnel aboard. Often (Especially if it's for only the ears of the one in charge) they may attach "Actual" to the end. (Ghost One Actual)

Also, when not on mission, it's quite rare to be addressed by their call signs, much less the group designation.
In a cafeteria setting, they would have been addressed as "Captain Rhapsody and Major Spitfire).

Ex-Air Force myself. (Wasn't a pilot, but I know how call signs work.)

I'll tag that in a bit. I just still had her registered as Bolt One since she was technically still a wonderbolt.

Whoops xD just now spotted that.

If you're former air force I may count on you to point out my mistakes. My father was Royal Navy so air force info is kinda skinny on me

Mere minutes away, two helicopters carried their charges low across the water, a unicorn in each pouring themselves into an invisibility spell.

Perhaps it should be noted somewhere why this tactic didn't see more use throughout the war. Why weren't there Tomcats or other two-seater fighters with a unicorn as co-pilot shrouding their planes? Why weren't there tanks with a unicorn capable of this on board? Why weren't bombers taking advantage of this? Without a valid reason for it not being more widely used, it just seems that a lot of ponies were holding the idiot ball until now. Don't get me wrong, I'm actually glad it wasn't used. Invisible planes and tanks would start getting into "Mary Sue" territory, or at the very least feel kinda 'cheap'. It just seems like it needs some explanation as to the 'why'.

Minor complaint though. Still love the story. It's a great take on one of my all time favorite game series. (Excluding "Assault Horizon" of course. Never started a second playthrough with that one. Barely finished the first.)

Also, You've used the term "Barrel Roll" Numerous times throughout the story. PLEASE tell me you aren't taking a note from starfox and assuming it is essentially a "flip" while maintaining direction.
If so, it's really called an "Aileron Roll" (It's appalling how many people get those mixed up on account of that game). An actual barrel roll looks more like the path of a cork screw.
(Imagine what the flight path would look like if you pulled the stick both to the side and down. Great for evading missiles in games - not so effective with the actual missiles we have now.)
Since you haven't actually described the motions of her plane when using the barrel roll, I don't know if that's what she's really doing or you're getting them mixed up, but as an Aileron roll has virtually no evasive ability (You're still traveling straight after-all) and she uses the barrel roll to evade, I think you got it right. But still, doesn't hurt to make sure. "The more you know" and all that.

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