Another day of work was over and Star Twinkle was happy that he could go home and relax. He was not planning to do something with his friends and just wanted to relax.
But of course, his relaxing day was interrupted quickly after he got home. Somepony was knocking on the door and Star Twinkle tried to think who it possibly could be. He opened the door and saw Scootaloo on her scooter and Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom behind her inside of a cart that Scootaloo was pulling behind her.
"Get your stuff! We will get our Cutie Mark!" Scootaloo exclaimed.
“Of course, that's the one and the only reason why they would show up,” thought Star Twinkle.
As always, he was not very excited to go on a Cutie Mark Hunt. It always feels like a waste of time for him.
"Well, actually, we wanted to ask Rainbow Dash how she got her Cutie Mark," Sweetie Belle corrected.
"Why?" Asked Star Twinkle boldly.
"Isn't it obvious? If we listen to her awesome story, how she got her Cutie Mark, it may inspire us and help us to find our special talent!" Scootaloo explained overly excited.
"Rainbow Dash's story how she got her Cutie Mark? Why would I want to know that?"
The only thing it would do is making Star Twinkle even more insecure about his blank flank.
"We wanted to ask other ponies how they got their Cutie Marks so that we can find out how we can get ours," Apple Bloom explained.
He never asked about how other ponies got their Cutie Marks and as a foal, he never saw how a pony got his Cutie Mark.
Most of the time they just showed up the next day exclaiming that they finally got it, usually making him think about himself. He was also imagining how his Cutie Mark would look like or what his destiny would be. But as soon as he realized that most ponies his age already got theirs years ago, he started to stop thinking about that.
First, he was telling himself that his blank flank was the reason why he never got any friends. But that was not true...
He imagined countless times how his life would be if he had a Cutie Mark.
If anything would have changed. If he would have gotten more friends by now. If he would do something else to earn his bits. If he would be happier...
Which all brought him back to the three fillies and why they wanted to know about Rainbow Dash's Cutie Mark.
Suddenly Star Twinkle's expression changed completely and he had a deferment expression on his face.
"Alright, let's go!" Said Star Twinkle unusually excited, leaving the three fillies surprised but also excited. "But I also want to hear some other stories from some of my friends," he demanded.
"Yeah, whatever, but first Rainbow Dash," Scootaloo demanded.
He had the chance to talk about this topic with his new friends. Maybe if he finds out something about the Cutie Marks of his friends, then maybe he can understand how important a destiny is and why he is so insecure about his own destiny.
Maybe they were also lost before they got their Cutie Marks? Maybe everything changed after that. Just thinking about that was calming him down.
Moments later the Star Twinkle was also sitting down inside of the cart which was pulled by Scootaloo and her scooter.
As always when Star Twinkle was around the Crusaders, giggles could be heard from everywhere.
It probably looked really strange to see a full grown pony hanging around with three fillies. And if that wasn't the reason for their giggles then probably the look of a filly who was dragging him and two other fillies in a cart behind her.
Suddenly Scootaloo stopped abruptly because three rabbits, each holding an apple were blocking the road. Moments later Applejack jumped out of a bush and accidentally crashed into the four ponies.
“Even if they don't look for a Cutie Mark, they still manage to get me hurt in some way,” thought Star Twinkle annoyed.
"Hey, sis! How did you get your Cutie Mark?" Apple Bloom asked right away after looking at Applejack's Cutie Mark.
"Hey, I thought we gonna ask Rainbow Dash!" Said Scootaloo almost protesting.
"We need all the help we can get," Apple Bloom replied.
Applejack didn't mind to share her story but Scootaloo didn't seem too excited to hear Applejack's story. Star Twinkle, however, was listening very careful as if Applejack was about to tell him the meaning of life itself.
To Star Twinkles surprise, Applejack's story began with her saying that she didn't want to spend her whole life on a muddy old apple farm.
As a filly, Applejack left Sweet Apple Acre and wanted to live with her relatives in the city of Manehattan.
Star Twinkle heard about Manehattan before. A big modern city with big buildings and very big crowds of ponies on the streets which was too much for Star Twinkles taste. Imagining Applejack in this kind of place was for him...unimaginable.
She wanted to stay with her uncle and aunt and planned to live a more sophisticated life. But when Applejack arrived in Manehattan, things weren't how she thought they would be. Life there was more complicated for a filly that lived her whole life on a farm.
But one day after looking out of the window in depression, thinking about how her life will go on, she saw a rainbow passing over Manehattan, pointing back to her home. After that, Applejack realized that she missed the life on the farm more than anything else and quickly returned to Sweet Apple Acres to find out that working on the farm was her destiny.
It was not exactly how Star Twinkle thought. Applejack was not aware of her destiny and only after experiencing something that was not like her at all, she found out what is most important to her.
Going by that logic, Star Twinkle should already have his Cutie Mark after going crusading with the Cutie Mark Crusaders.
After sharing her story Applejack ran after the rabbits from before.
They most likely stole the apples, that they were carrying and the Crusaders continued to look for Rainbow Dash.
Scootaloo was getting slower for some reason, making the trip a little slower paced.
"I think you're way too heavy, Star Twinkle," Scootaloo said who couldn't drive faster because of his weight.
"You didn't have to add "way" you know? He replied a little offended.
Wait. I get off so that you can-"
But after getting out of the cart the three fillies immediately accelerated, leaving him far behind.
"Hey! Wait!" he shouted running after them, earning some laughs from the ponies around him.
Eventually, the fillies were stopping a few meters away from him or rather crashing a few meters away from him.
"What happened?" Asked Star Twinkle who just saw how the three fillies were laying on the ground disorientated.
Fluttershy was in front of them, carrying some ducks across the street which was probably the reason why the Crusaders stopped so abruptly.
Fluttershy asked what they were up to and Scootaloo explained the situation.
“We're trying to find Rainbow Dash, so we can hear how she earned her Cutie Mark,” Scootaloo explained. “Oh, that would be interesting. You know, I wouldn't have gotten my Cutie Mark if it weren't for her,” said Fluttershy quickly getting the attention from Scootaloo after hearing the name Rainbow Dash.
Before they knew it, Fluttershy started to tell her story of how she got her Cutie Mark and once again Star Twinkle listened carefully.
Her story started in Cloudsdale in the summer flight camp, which was some sort of camp, where she was bullied by some other pegasi for being a weak flyer. Of course, unable to talk back to them due to her shyness, Rainbow Dash appeared and stood up for her.
Rainbow Dash was provoking the bullies that if they continue, they have to deal with her instead. Not being intimated by that, the bullies wanted to race Rainbow Dash to see if she is not only big talk.
Fluttershy, who stood in front of the start line, opened the race but the pegasi who flew past her knocked her of her cloud, leading her to fall down from Cloudsdale.
She imagined the worst after seeing how the ground got closer and closer but thankfully Fluttershy was saved by a swarm of butterflies who softened her fall. She never left Cloudsdale before and was fascinated by the pretty animals that she saw for the first time. Seeing all these new animals around her living in harmony, Fluttershy just felt happiness.
But after spending some moments in this beautiful new world an explosion was startling her. It was a rainbow that appeared nearby. The impact scared away all the animals, who ran in fear but Fluttershy quickly calmed them down, making them come out of their hiding places.
This was the moment where she realized that she somehow could communicate with animals and that's when she knew that taking care of animals was her destiny, causing her Cutie Mark to appear on her flank.
That's probably the reason why she lives in Ponyville and not Cloudsdale. Because there are more animals in Ponyville.
So her Cutie Mark helped her with that decision.
So Fluttershy has not discovered her destiny either. If she had never found those animals, then her Cutie Mark would not have appeared at that moment.
Does Star Twinkle not have found his destiny yet? Does he have to find something that is connected to his Cutie Mark?
He didn't have much time to think about that since Scootaloo wanted to get to Rainbow Dash already. She didn't seem to like Fluttershy's story, probably because of the lack of Rainbow Dash.
The next stop was Carousel Boutique. Sweetie Belle suggested that they should ask Rarity about Rainbow Dash's location.
Rarity, of course, took to opportunity to tell the four ponies about her Cutie Mark Story as well.
She was already designing dresses or rather costumes for other ponies as a filly. Once there was a school play where she had to make dresses for some ponies in her class.
While working on those costumes, her horn was suddenly glowing and leading her to her destiny, dragging her far away from Ponyville. Star Twinkle was not sure if he understood that since he wasn't a unicorn himself but apparently if magic happens out of nowhere, then it has to do something with a Cutie Mark.
Eventually, she reached her destination. It was a giant rock in the middle of nowhere. Of course, Rarity was not happy at all for being dragged by her horn to some dumb rock but as it turns out, this rock contained some beautiful gems which were revealed after the Rainbow traveled past her. Stunned by this sight, Rarity had the idea to use this gems for her costumes and needless to say, the play was a success and Rarity then discovered her destiny to create dresses.
This story confused Star Twinkle. “Does that mean your destiny can find you?” He asked himself.
He was no unicorn, so there was no way that this could happen to him. If there is something that Star Twinkle is good at, then it is waiting. But he can't just wait for his whole life for his destiny to appear.
Scootaloo couldn't take it anymore. She was complaining about all those uncool stories and just wanted to find Rainbow Dash. So the group left Rarity's shop only to run into Twilight minutes later. And of course, after revealing their plans, Twilight happily shared her story too.
It all started when Twilight saw Princess Celestia at a Summer Sun Celebration when she was a filly. Stunned by the view how Princess Celestia raised the sun, Twilight decided to learn everything she could about magic. After her parents realized how important magic to her is, they tried to send her to Princess Celestia's school for gifted unicorns in Canterlot.
But in order to get accepted, she had to pass an entrance exam to see if she was skillful enough. The exam required her to hatch a dragon egg with her magic. Star Twinkle figured that this would have been Spike. Unfortunately, Twilight's magic was not strong enough to hatch the egg right away.
At least until a rainbow came across Canterlot. Scared by the impact, Twilight's magic ran out of control hatching the egg on accident.
Princess Celestia noticed the commotion and managed to calm Twilight down before things could get out of control. Impressed by Twilight's magical potential, the princess offered Twilight to be her personal student. Of course, Twilight accepted happily since for her it was a dream come true and without realizing it herself at first, Twilight also got her Cutie Mark in that exact moment too.
“Must be lucky to have parents that support you and your special talent...” thought Star Twinkle.
He couldn't remember the last time when he saw his parents. They were born in Canterlot but lived in Ponyville when Star Twinkle was born, living there with him until he got old enough to take care of his own. They then wanted to return to Canterlot with him but Star Twinkle refused to leave Ponyville for reasons that he couldn't remember all too well anymore.
They were supportive too but Star Twinkle was a complicated filly who did not know what he wanted to do back then, making it really hard to support him in any way.
When it came to his Cutie Mark, he was on his own...
It took Star Twinkle some moments until he realized that Twilight was bouncing up and down in excitement after telling her story. She probably remembered how happy she was at that moment and all those good thoughts came right back to her.
The Crusaders decided to leave her alone in her excitement or rather took advantage of it so that they could leave.
Anypony could now tell that Scootaloo was getting more and more frustrated for not being able to find Rainbow Dash.
“Ugh! Why don't we ever smash into Rainbow Dash?!” Scootaloo said annoyed.
“You're looking for Rainbow Dash?!”
Suddenly Pinkie Pie sat inside of the cart, along with Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom.
“How did she? I didn't even notice her until she spoke!” Thought Star Twinkle who walked beside the cart the whole time without noticing how she entered it.
Pinkie Pie was suggesting to look for her in Sugarcube Corner and since the Crusaders went to almost every other place it was only logical to look there next. Of course, Pinkie Pie then took the opportunity to tell her story of how she got her Cutie Mark.
Pinkie Pie grew up on a rock farm which was hard to imagine for Star Twinkle. Times at the farm were pretty dull, boring and there was no fun at all.
Pinkie often had to mine rocks for her family, who were very strict and disciplined. Fun was something completely unknown in that farm.
One day when Pinkie Pie was doing her usual work of farming rocks, a rainbow went past her, making it the first colorful thing she ever saw. That rainbow was opening her eyes and putting a smile on her face. She then quickly decided to bring some fun to her family too.
For that, she started a party in their home with balloons, confetti, and all the usual stuff, Pinkie Pie was known for today.
Her family was happy to experience fun for the first time and Pinkie Pie was happy that her family was the first ponies to get a smile from. After that, her Cutie Mark showed up and Pinkie Pies destiny to throw parties was set.
Star Twinkle could relate to that story the most, so far. Pinkie Pie's life was boring and uneventful but after seeing the rainbow, she quickly knew what to do. The only exception is, that he still didn't know his destiny, which slowly frustrated him after five stories.
The four ponies then followed Pinkie Pie inside of Sugarcube Corner in hope that Rainbow Dash was there too. And to Scootaloo's relief, she was and she was also aware that the Crusaders were looking for her.
“I hear you're looking for my Cutie Mark story,” she said proudly.
She clearly could not wait to tell her story to the three fillies and Star Twinkle, giving her proud expression.
Her story also took place at Cloudsdale, when Rainbow Dash was participating at the race where she was defending Fluttershy.
Rainbow Dash would have won eventually but she was still flying like there was no tomorrow. Knowing Rainbow Dash, she probably enjoyed the race more than she should, given that she was racing for Fluttershy.
While racing the bullies Rainbow Dash realized that she wanted to win no matter what, accelerating to unbelievable speed until she broke the sound barrier, creating the Sonic Rainboom.
That must be the Sonic Rainboom, Star Twinkle heard about from the others a while back. So it was at that time where she made it happen.
Needless to say, it was that moment where Rainbow Dash discovered her destiny to fly faster than anypony else, making her Cutie Mark appear.
Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and even Scootaloo seemed to enjoy the story judging from their impressed faces. But just when Rainbow Dash finished her story, Fluttershy approached her, revealing something interesting.
“Wait a second. I heard that explosion. And I saw the rainbow too. Rainbow Dash if you hadn't scared the animals, I never would have learned I could communicate with them and gotten my Cutie Mark,”
Thinking about that, Star Twinkle did remember that a rainbow was involved in Fluttershy's story. Since she was close to Cloudsdale at that moment, it was obvious that she saw the Sonic Rainboom too, thought Star Twinkle.
“I heard that boom!” Pinkie Pie said after hearing Fluttershy's explanation. “And right afterward, there was this amazing rainbow that taught me to smile,” She added.
Star Twinkle also remembered that but before he could think about that in depth, the other ponies continued to add more information.
“When I got my Cutie Mark, I saw a rainbow that pointed me home. I bet it was your Sonic Rainboom!” Applejack explained.
“Wait a minute...” thought Star Twinkle.
“There was an explosion I could never explain when I got my Cutie Mark,” Rarity explained.
“They all saw that rainbow?”
“This is uncanny! If that explosion didn't happen when it did, I would have blown my entrance exam. Rainbow Dash, I think you helped me with my Cutie Mark too!” Twilight exclaimed.
“All of them?”
Rainbow Dash could not believe it and stood there stunned with an open mouth.
“We all own our Cutie Marks to you!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed after jumping at Rainbow Dash in joy.
“All of them...”
“Do you realize what this means? All of us had a special connection before we even met,” Fluttershy said.
“Yes, they did...”
“We've been BFF's forever and we didn't even know it!” Rarity said happily.
“Except for me...”
Star Twinkle could only watch, how they all hugged each other after this realization. He could feel how a feeling that he hasn't experience for a while was getting stronger in him. Something that he experienced a long time ago. But he swore to remove this feeling for his own sake so that it wouldn't bother him in his life. Yet, it was getting stronger any second, while watching this six ponies.
"Isn't that great Star..." but she stopped in the middle of the sentence after realizing that Star Twinkle was nowhere to be found.
Everypony was wondering why he left without saying anything.
“Where did he go?” asked Fluttershy confused.
“I think he went outside,” Sweetie Belle informed the confused ponies.
Star Twinkle was already on his way home. His head was down while slowly walking on the streets of Ponyville. He thought about all the different stories that his friends told him about and how they were all connected to the Sonic Rainboom.
"Must be great, to know that you have something this big in common," he said to himself in a serious tone in his voice.
That Sonic Rainboom connected his friends and it bothered him to no end without knowing why. He could only laugh in desperation.
"Why am I even surprised?" In an almost happy voice. "I mean, it's always like that. I am only the third wheel. The one pony that always is just there without being part of anything..." he said while his voice becomes more and sadder.
He then thought about the Elements of Harmony and how he was the only one who kind of stumbled into this. He didn't even know his element and what he is supposed to present.
Then there was the Sonic Rainboom which gave all of his friends their Cutie Mark. Except him. He never saw that Sonic Rainboom.
What if he saw it too? He thought.
Would he have a Cutie Mark by then?
Would he know what Element he was?
Of course, there was no way for him to find out which only made him more and more frustrated.
"It's strange. I'm not even sad or jealous about their Cutie Mark connection. I could care less..." he mumbled.
"I don't even care about my own Cutie Mark or about my friends Cutie Marks...
Even though, it proves that I don't belong to them...” he said while looking at the sky.
Then the feeling from before got stronger again but this time, he couldn't hold it back anymore. No matter how much he tried. In fact, the more he tried, the worst it got. Until he could not hold it back at all.
"Then why..." he said, while tears were running down his cheeks. "Why am I so sad?" he asked while sobbing uncontrollably.
It was strange. He was alone before he met Twilight, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie. He was used to be alone. It was nothing new to him. Things like that shouldn't bother him that much, he thought. Yet still, whenever he thought about not seeing the Sonic Rainboom, he felt more and more terrible.
Eventually, he calmed down a little and swept away his tears.
"I hope nopony saw me like that," he said while looking around in embarrassment.
"Star Twinkle!" Shouted Twilight in concern accompanied by his other friends except for the Cutie Mark Crusaders.
He then quickly made sure that they wouldn't realize that he was crying and swept away any remaining tears in his eyes.
"Hey!" he greeted them with a fake smile on his face.
"Don't "hey" us Star Twinkle," Rainbow Dash exclaimed who seemed a little upset about Star Twinkle's behavior just like the others.
"Why did you just leave without saying anything, darling?" Asked Rarity concerned.
Star Twinkle didn't want to explain. If he stayed, then he would have probably started crying in front of everypony and that was something he absolutely didn't want.
"I'm alright, see?” He said while forcing a smile.
They didn't believe him. He could tell that by the look on their faces, especially Pinkie's.
“Did we say something wrong?” Fluttershy asked.
“We know that you prefer to be alone sometimes but the least you can do is telling us before vanishing,” Applejack demanded.
Star Twinkle had a hard time answering those questions and stood there silently, looking down, somehow wishing that they would go away.
“Don't you think that it's awesome how all of us are connected by my awesome-”
Suddenly it hit Twilight and she stopped Rainbow Dash before she could finish her sentence. The others quickly caught up on it too after realizing how Star Twinkle was avoiding any eye contact with them.
“Is that what is bothering you? That we all saw that rainbow and got our Cutie Mark at the same time and you didn't?” Twilight asked.
“Don't get me wrong. I'm happy for you but just hearing this story just confirms that I don't belong-”
“But you do!” Twilight shouted in Star Twinkles face before he could finish.
Star Twinkle got scared from Twilight's sudden outburst, whose mind was still a little far away.
“Of course you belong to us! You are my friend as much as Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Rarity and Pinkie Pie.
And a Cutie Mark or a Sonic Rainboom won't change that!” Twilight once again shouted in his face.
“Yeah, it sure blows that you didn't see my Sonic Rainboom back then but you already saw it a while ago so don't worry,” Rainbow Dash said.
“I guess we got a little carried away back then,” Applejack said.
“Yes! I don't care if you don't have a Cutie Mark or not!” Pinkie Pie said.
“We were friends before we knew about the Rainboom so nothing has changed between us,” Fluttershy assured.
“I know that... I know all that...” Star Twinkle replied quietly.
Of course, they wouldn't see a problem. He knew that much about them already.
“Let's go back to Sugarcube Corner” Twilight suggested.
“Sorry but... I would like to be alone for a while,” he said while still trying to avoid eye contact as much as possible.
He didn't wait for an answer and just walked away, not noticing that they were looking at him in concern.
But for some reason, he wished that they would have said something. Or that he would have said something.
Talking with them was a waste of time and he knew that he was too stubborn to listen to them. He just wanted to go home and think.
And that's exactly what he did...
Got to say that was a good chapter, I just wish that Star would gain his Cutie Mark soon so that he wouldn't be so down about being a Blank Flank at his age, of course we would need a idea of what a good cutie mark for him would be and a bit of a back story for it too.
I didn't know how to properly end the chapter and that's the best I could come up with XP.
I'm afraid the Cutie Mark and the Backstory will take a little while XO.
There are other things that I had in mind.
Especially starting after finishing season 1, which for me felt a little boring so far ^^.
7585543 Well you might want to think of a good cutie mark for Star soon, because don't you remember what happens to Twilight when she reads a UNFINISHED spell of Star Swirls, you remember that episode no doubt, Star will need a cutie mark for when you do that episode chapter.
I'm aware of that ^^.
7586125 Of course after that I can't wait to see the Movie chapters you will do when it's time for those, also I remember this one fanfic here where the OC that is put into the story ascends from a Unicorn to Alicorn when he faced Terik and defeated him, here is the story if you want to check it out, the part where he fights Terik is around the 40 chapters. Consequences
Thank you.
Is that a FIM rewrite too?
I might give it a go then some day.
7586198 Well that fanfic is the third in the series, it's like this, the OC is a former human that ends up in Equestria before season 1 starts, he is a Unicorn that ends up living in Cantorlot and starts writing books based off of movies and books from the human world, I will tell you this much the first books he writes is a trilogy of movies but that's all I'm going to say. However what happens is that while he is now stuck in Equestria without anyway home he slowly befriends Luna to the point where she secretly is courting him without him knowing it, in the third book is when he ascends into an Alicorn but I would suggest you read the first and second fanfics before reading the one I gave you.
He would have been a colt not a filly. Filly is female and colt is male. The only major complaint about the story is it's disconnected feel from the narrative. The narrative tells us what's going on but the story itself is being parphrased instead of told. Like when there telling the story of thier cutie marks the dialouge cuts out and star twinkle just summarizes it for us, this isn't bad all the time but when someone is telling a story or saying something you tend to just put it in the narrative instead of having the charcter act/or speak for themselves. It does pull you out of the story a bit when it happens.