While journeying out into the Royal Labyrinth, Celestia happens upon a rather sorry-looking draconequus by the name of Eclipse Tumult. While he's skittish at first, she eventually earns his trust. With his help, Princess Celestia hears Discord and Eclipse's story from a new perspective: one leading back to times long before she even existed...
Eclipse was Discord's "Brother", in a manner of speaking. The two had grown up together, moved from place to place together, and been shunned and hated together. Eclipse never left his brother, however... Not until he no longer had one.
May become romantic later on, but we'll see. If so, I'll add that tag.
Also, above poster, you are your own original pony, Blony.
Ooh, I like this. I like it a lot.
This is new! I like so continue please!
WOW! Thank you, everypony, for the warm reception to my new story! After reading your requests, I have immediately begun on chapter 2. It will hopefully be up before Celestia brings the sun back down again!
I just thought I should take a break and respond to all of your positive feedback.
I really like the idea of Celestia acting like Twilight when it came to this kind of thing! So I shall wait for more!
Had a bit of a setback with chapter 3... (Jesus saves... Be like Jesus.)
Starting the chapter from scratch is kinda disheartening. It may not be up today.
But don't panic, I'll have it up asap!
Nope! Turns out, there's this awesome collaboration between MLP musicians called the Massive Smile Project. Got me right back up on my feet! Chapter 3 is up, everypony!
*clasps hands evilly while a sheen reflects across glasses*
Let's see where this story goes, shall we?
Wow four updates in one day without lack of quality!
And you've been there every step of the way!
I owe most of this to responsive friends like you, your feedback motivated me to keep writing for the majority of the afternoon and evening!
Thank you for the comment about quality, I was a bit concerned about chapter 4 when I looked at the final word count.
I'm not always going to have the amount of free time that I had today, so I thought that I should get a lot done while I had the creativity flowing.
744248 No it's great! When you update alot like today small chapters are good, but if you can't really get to it cause of RL then try and make chapters a little longer.
Very impressive. I like the feel I'm getting from the Eclipse/Discord relationship.. it's like an.. understanding brotherhood.. thing.
You've made Eclipse quite a nice separate character and yet kept him a draconeques. Very nice, let's see where this goes from here eh?
I really like Eclipse, he is an interesting character. Also really good with the Parasprite.
that was one of my favorite songs
I like! I like alot!
"The unwrapped the lollipop and stuck it in her mouth"
She unwrapped
Amazing stuff man every time i finish a chapter i get sad that there isn't a next one
Lookin forward to more!
Thanks for catching that. Sometimes, I write so much in a day, I forget to proofread as I go along.
I wonder who's going to barge in unannounced at their dinner?
Great update speeds: Check. A twist I didn't see coming a mile away: Double check.
Thanks! You pointed out how obvious things were going to be, so I decided to use a different route to force him out of hiding.
754509 I helped?! Wow...
Of course you helped!
I try to take every comment people leave into account! It helps make the story better!
That's why I just want to point out that I really appreciate how closely you've been following my story and the comments that you leave. The comments and favorites I get have been what's kept me writing so much! I don't wanna let you all down!
So, did you help? Eeyup! Without a reader, there's no author!
754526 Yea I like little gems like this. I'd try and make an adventure story that I know is original but my grammar, to a word, sucks.
Y'all have to give it a shot, pardner! If you don't try, you'll nevah know what you'll accomplish! Why, Ah'm sure you could write a bang-up adventure!
Applejack's right! If I had never pushed my limits, I never would have discovered the Sonic Rainboom!
I was afraid that everypony would laugh at my weak flying... But when I started doing things to make myself happy instead of everypony else, I grew a LOT stronger!
754596 ... Maybe, just maybe...
I wasn't born able to read! When I started studying magic, I usually had to read things two or three times with a dictionary by my side. It was hard work, but I improved over time and with a lot of effort!
Darling, not everypony is born with their special talent clear, or ready to begin practicing it! Fate sometimes makes you work for what you want. Not everypony gets things right the first time, but that's no reason to give up!
Don't give up! Just because you're not right, doesn't mean you're wrong! Sometimes, you could be left! And left is just as good as right! I go left all the time, and I'm not wrong! Unless I'm lost, but that doesn't have anything to do with grammar!
754661 Hmm, yea I'll give it a shot. So now that I'm going to try and make a story: What is a pre-reader and do I need one?
I think a pre-reader is someone to go back over your work and check for mistakes. Totally optional, but it sounds like what you're looking for. I would recommend an egghead that you know in RL, who can see your work before its published and give you advice on the spot.
754685 Sadly I know NO one in RL.... I am not joking. Never had a chance, oh well I'll make do on my own. The prologue probably won't meet the 1000 words needed for publishing so if you want I could link the prologue when I get around to making it.
Well, I might be able to help, though I'm not sure how reliably I'll be available...
754709 Eh, just the thought I'd have someone to help would help me!
Well, to quote Toy Story, you got a friend in me!
You can PM me with stuff you want me to proofread, and I'll do my best to try and keep up with you.
Just don't write at the same rate as me, or I'll be swamped!
Anyway, I offer my help. This will be my last comment for a while: chapter 10 is on the way!
754731 OK but just for when you get back: Nice quote and don't worry even though I have NOTHING but time I will nit pick it until I master the evil that is THIS: , Yes it is indeed the comma.... oh well, this is the internet I do what I want! Now to contemplate the prologue....
Marvelous as always!
ARGH such a well done cliff-hanger I LOVE IT!
This story is simply amazing and having parts added quite frequently makes me a happy Brony
Keep it up!
I really liked this chapter! The whistle was a great touch and it added more back story!
Thanks! I was going to use an anvil, but then the pun of using a whistle "hit" me! ..... Thanks! That chapter took a good chuck outta my energy, so I'm going to follow Eclipse's example and just rest.
Next chapter will hopefully come to me while I'm out swimming!
757757 ... Swimming? OK, whatever floats your boat.
It's Summer. In Texas. Whatever it takes to stay 20% cooler, my friend!
BTW: I sea what you did there....
757788 Hey! I live in Texas too! Also the pun was an accident.
And.... there goes my sense of continuity. Honestly, Twilight came as out of the blue to me as she did to Celestia. The story's taking on a life of its own!
... My hilarity sense is tingling. Also making yourself Luna's student are we?
that is all
I just wanted to pull an Alfred Hitchcock and show up in the background. Even though the story was supposed to be about Celestia, Luna is my favorite Princess.
766185 Mine too!
Hmm... she took that better than I thought. And the whistle again!
Yeah, I'm kind of drawing on experience from RP's where I've had to play many different characters, but I never had the oppourtunity to try Twilight very much.
So if she seems a bit... off, that's my pathetic excuse.
766797 Eh, Twi is either untrusting to a fault or smart enough to figure it out.