After a long term at Canterlot High School, the Rainbooms and Human Twilight can't wait to go on their camping trip to the Everfree Forest. A veritable utopia of flowers, trees, wildlife, and more, it seems the perfect place to bunker down and relax for a while.
Or at least, it would be, if it wasn't facing the threat of being cut down by the ruthless Ms Miasma, who wants to create a new city in place of it. With the forest almost bankrupt, it's up to Sunset Shimmer, her friends, and a mysterious girl named Gloriosa to save it from the wicked Miasma.
But what secrets does the forest hold? What is Miasma's true intentions? And who is Gloriosa?
Oh, return of Svengallop, huh? Loving it already, even if poor Glori isn't evil.
Bet cousin Diamond will solve this easy-peasy.
If you did, you'd be Frisk.
Question how can a forest be bankrupt? No snark ment honestly just curious.
Keep up the good work!
I'm liking this already!
This feels like the actual movie.
Going by the portals natural opening and closing, Sunset has been here at least three years. So she should know what Spring Break is.
another great chapter! this is getting good!! well done to to you!! another exciting adventure for the girls! this surly will make sunsets wish come true. once again well done!!
7001701 I wouldn't be surprised if it actually WAS the movie.
But seriously, I would...
yes a mystery and adventure with the girls all rolled into one outstanding!! well done! this is really getting good!
This story really feels like a movie. I think that guy with Miasma is Sombra.
There is one thing I'm wondering about. What is the Legend of the Everfree? A Tree of Harmony?
7046418 Only time will tell, my friend...
True that
another fabulous chapter! you really do know how to tell one heck of exciting story! each chapter is well worth the wait!!well done!!
this is really getting fun! what a great adventure! can not wait to see whathappens! go rainbooms, go shadow bolts!well done !
The Trekillets don't have any idea to whom they are messing with.
I suppose she grew them out then. With magic.
And Maud.
This is gonna be AWESOME!!!
Will Rainbow Dash be beating anybody up in this story?
what a glorious chapter! it was fantastic,this is so good!!! congrats!!
If there are no overwatch when the campers were sleeping. They'll be in deep six!
Honestly, as soon as i escaped I would've called the authorities to arrest Miasama for trying to kill me.
ahhh the suspense is getting thicker! sunset and the girls destiny awaits once again! outstanding! well done,it is so worth the wait for the next chapter!
Avengers feel the same way Rarity...
It's Twilight...(My first thought;Sunset.) I really think it's Twilight (Tho)
This is getting better with each passing moment, I cannot wait for the next update! Keep it up!
What, like Mowgli?
To Miasma...
I hope Miasma dies!
She threatened my Rainbow!
stick to miasma girls show her you dont mess with the best!!
I'd love to see Hasbro make a dark turn like this.
She'd better not hurt my Svennamon roll!
I cannot wait for the next Chapter! Keep up the awesome work!

yet another great chapter in this story! can not wait to see the girls shine!
This is getting intense already I can FEEL IT!!! WOO!

Cant wait for another awesome chapter! Keep it up!

(What is the song? Or the original? It sounds interesting.)
7396327 It's a song I came up with all on my own.
7396861 Wow! Nice one!
Sour Sweet, as much as I love the Undertale reference you unintentionally and unknowingly made, we kinda have a forest to save here.
I KNOW RIGHT! But hey, the writers may pull a twist on us, or the Shadowbolts will get further development later.
Keep up the good work! Can't wait for the next chapter.
another fantastic chapter! this is one great adventue for the girls!
Very interested...this is looking good
7274255 Hasbro doesn't have the balls.
Wow... I wonder if the movies can get darker like this.
Scooby doo chase!
So dark so epic!
and the plot thickens further! Creative use of the shadowbolts, obvious but an interesting take I never thought about...nice...very nice...this is gonna be goooooood...
Does Gloriosa even know about anime?
And midnight grows every stronger...I like the power set for everyone too...sour sweet needs to chill xD
7546430 Sour Sweet has become two people.
Sour is all of her anger and hate, while Sweet is all of her kind, loveable, and energetic nature.
So in truth, Sour needs to chill.
7547991 right lol
this is getting down right suspenceful and exciting!miasma is i hope going to get a lesson in what true pure power is!fantastic story ,waiting for the next chapter is going to be hard!