"Hehehe! I wonder what would happen if i just......
"Woah!!!!!" Pinkie's voice echoed through the portal
"Huh? What? Hehe! You look just like me! Pinkie said.
This problem is, which Pinkie was the real one from the pony world?
I got the idea from the episode, "Too Many Pinkie Pies"
Good chapter, but you don't need the coloring on the words, it's best to take it out.
I'm glad you like my chapter!
If you would like, please follow!
I... I'm sorry, but I just can't ignore this.
There's a grammatical error in the title.
It should be "Two Pinkies". You use apostrophe if it's possessive or contraction, not when it's plural (unless it's a plural of a contraction or abbreviation).
Oh, ok! Thank you!
I thought I was following you
malo !!!!!
It's okay! I fixed it!
I agree the color is not a net plus but if you keep it you need to check you have it starting and ending in the right places. You missed one of Twilight's statements, and ended the color too late on one of Pinkie's. The might be other such problems I did not note.
The writing here is very awkward. I'd help a little but I have a debilitating cold. PM me if you want it and I can probably do something later.
Finally, someone else who finds this annoying!
Yeah, I noticed how I messed up with color.