• Member Since 17th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Nov 30th, 2013


I will place some stuff here later.



This is a trash bin fic! I.E. this is an old piece of work that was never completed because of lack of interest or distaste for the piece.

First fic that I ever created that was made 1.999 years ago, or something like that... Uncensored grammatical errors. However, there is no uncensored nudity.

You've been warned.

If you want a description of the story itself, here it is:

There are two derpies in the universe, but there are completely different. Derpy 1 is somewhat in character, while Derpy 2 is the antithesis of Derpy. Also, there's a random organization of dudes that completely rip of Doctor Whooves in every way, shape, and form!

Tl;Dr Derpy should really not have a doppelganger....

Chapters (2)
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