• Member Since 16th May, 2013
  • offline last seen Last Friday

The Boss

"Love knows no borders, and neither does Genghis Khan."


Sunset Shimmer goes for a walk once evening, just to relax and unwind. On her walk she meets an old classmate of hers, a young man that was the victim of one of her crueler and more vindictive escapades as Canterlot High's head bully. She's changed for the better, but after seeing the result of her former handiwork she'll never forget the mistakes of the past.

This is a one shot I'm doing because I'm feeling particularly sad right about now, partially inspired by Pink Floyd's song 'Keep Talking'. It's just an experiment with a more rapid type of writing style, one that I hope goes over well with you folks.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 4 )

Well I like it!

Wow. That was intense. And it has made me begin to ponder the frailty of the lives we build around ourselves and the crisis that happens when said lives are torn away from us.....dammit.

And this is why this Sunny should die.

For the greater good, of course

Sinners must repent.

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