• Member Since 30th Mar, 2015
  • offline last seen Mar 12th, 2024


Don't let people stop you from using creativity. Some may be bad, some may be dreadful, but that's the thing with creativity. You create ways to make it even better. That's the creative truth.


Sonata decides to gear up and prepare for a little question to one man, and one man only. And that is, "Can I be your valentine?". She might not know it, but her crush had the same thing in mind.

People who've read before published: Cinders of War

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 20 )

Well, this was a cute story. Aside from a few issues with swapping tenses, there wasn't a ton wrong here. Good going, mate. Cheers :pinkiesmile:

Aww that's so adorable. Gen another good job.

So adorable! :flutterrage:

I think I got diabetes.

Ok, that was adorable. So freakin' adorable!

Sooooo cute! Love the story! Love Sonata!!

Where can I read Cinders of War?


Will there be others like this?

If so;I command that you continue!

Love it. Nice and sweet.

Yay Sonata!

it made me cry because i never had a valentimes i cant even spell it right :applecry:

That was cute. Also, reminded me a bit about a Sonata story I wrote for Valentine's day last year.

6969514 :pinkiegasp: thats realy nice thank you but the pics a tinsy bit weird

Yeah, sorry about that. I was in kind of a hurry, and it's the only MLP themed valentine that didn't say something like "be mine" or have Pinkie Pie popping out of Rainbow Dash's chest clutching a beating heart.

This was adorable.
This was good.
I really liked this.
I tried to make this rhyme.
I really should stop now.
But I don't know how.

Awww this is so cute. Make's me wish my OC pony would be in a story with Sonata

All i taste is sugar, i love it. :yay:

Scared...so a beta-Male, got it.

That was adorable

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