• Published 30th Jan 2016
  • 2,457 Views, 9 Comments

Helping a Friend Out - EKat

After an eventful night, Twilight becomes pregnant with Big Macintosh foal, and Applejack is not happy. And she becomes even more angry when Big Mac goes to live with Twilight. Will the ponies fall in love, or will Applejack break them apart.

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Comments ( 2 )

I think it's nice you took the time to write this all up. That all said, it probably would be a good idea to go back through what you have posted so far, and maybe switch this chapter over to being a blog. With going back over it all it can help as a refresher for what you have written out so far, and do some much needed edits (and revisions) you probably need. And try not rush it in the future, that's a quick way to get sloppy, besides coming back to a work in progress an hour or so later can help with finding your own mistakes. Besides, quality work takes time, a little extra time won't hurt the story as long as you don't rush it because of some schedule you've forced your writing into.

7822670 Well you see, I wrote this as a chapter so my readers could all see it. I wanted them to be able to ask me questions instead of just my followers. As for your other advice, I will keep it in mind when I edit the first and second chapter to fix small mistakes. Also I'm sorry if it seems that I was forcing the story into a schedule, when in actuality, I have school to attend as well as family maters (neither of which I want to do) to attend to. If you want to continue this conversation, feel free to mail me! Thanks for commenting!:twilightsmile:

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