It has been said that a lie will go around the world before the truth is able to put its pants on. Twilight Sparkle yanks the pants up and shows the truth to her friends. Watch Rainbow Dash admit an embarrassing habit.
See Fluttershy reveal what her real powers are. And have you ever wondered why Applejack's apples are the only apples in Equestria?
Come and watch the pants make the ponies squirm in thier seats.
"Uhmm, that's a weird phrase."
Best I could do, Twi. Best I could do.
Did you know hymens don't work that way?
Oh and life is wonderfully horrible! We just have to look at it the right wy!
So, why are diamonds worthless? I never really thought about it before, and I don't really care, but now you've got me curious. I didn't really pick up on it in the story.
6790818 The are controlled by more or less one family They have an iron hoof on the amount and quality that hits the market.
6799365 Ok, thanks
6789277 Ah, yes. A valuable lesson from the episode "Adam Ruins Sex".
god damnit nooo i am laughing so hard right now
*dies from laughter* XDD Rarity was the funniest in the story in my opinion
Holy Jeebus this was amazing
6844012 (squee) Thanks! I'm glad to see I haven't lost my touch.
FNAF. Lol.
6844589 I was hoping somepony would notice that reference. Thanks for the fave on my story!
6844689 You're welcome.
Eh. It's okay. I found it funny, but I feel as if it needs an alternate unoverse tag, as a lot of tge content was made exclusively for the fanfic.
I knew this had to be based off of Adam ruins everything somehow. Gosh, I love that show.
Nice story.
6872509 Thanks for the feedback. (Sorry about the late response. I can only go online on sunday.) I'm glad you liked it.
did not hit the right funny spot for me but did not displease me. Well written. Clicked liked but with a tilted head.
6909941 Okay. Fair enough. At least you liked something about it.
Very interesting story. If I had any of those jobs (besides Rainbow's) in real life I'd probably use these tips.
There was one part that I found to be so hilarious that I actually laughed out loud:
It's funnier in context but I still lost it at that line.
Good job!
I know I'm nitpicking, but that does not sound like Rainbow Dash unless it's one of those times is always dressing in style.
That said, YAY for a story inspired by Adam Ruins Everything
I had her use that phrase because I couldn't think of anything funnier that wasn't too gross, even with the pee jokes.
I'm glad you liked my story.
You should do more; it's great...!
I like this story and the show.
This review is brought to you on behalf of the group: Authors Helping Authors
Name of Story: Twilight ruins everything
Grammar score out of 10: 10/10 (if you don't count Applejack's accent when it comes to words like "Yew" intead of "You")
It was hilarious.
A fresh take on certain things in the show.
Gives what is probably the most logical in-universe reason for Twilight's "ascension".
I find it difficult to believe that Rainbow Dash would have poor bladder control.
Cider should have made Rainbow's pee problem even worse since it's usually an alcoholic beverage and alcohol usually makes you want to pee.
There's just something that doesn't sit right with me about the Element of Generosity using cheap gems.
Notes Section (how you can improve your fic, at the very least an elaboration of Pros and Cons section)
Maybe add a few riffs on what the Elements of Harmony really mean, as evidenced by the fact that the gems Rarity uses in her clothing are almost worthless plus the fact that the "Princess of Friendship" title is fake and it would have been interesting to see if the Elements of Harmony are fake too.
Enjoy your review! Please help me out by looking at my story/ this story: A series of unfortunate events that leads to another redeemed villain, yay!
Oh. I wondered why this story was so untenable for me. Now I know! It's because its based 9ff a show that only exists because of the network its on! All right.