• Published 7th Jun 2012
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Letters From A Disgruntled Friendship Student - milesprower06

Twilight Sparkle is being sent to Ponyville to learn about friendship. She's not happy about it.

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Applebuck Season

Letters From A Disgruntled Friendship Student
by milesprower06

Applebuck Season

Dear Princess Celestia,

Today, I learned that Applejack is an idiot. I mean, she's supposed to be an experienced farmer, yet she put an impossible amount of work on her plate, and thus, brought disaster after disaster onto Ponyville, while really only preventing one.

The day started with a fuckton of cows stampeding towards town. Stupid creatures, they are. I mean, come on, an entire herd startled because one of them freaked out over a snake. Just trample the damn snake. Clearly, animals startled so easily are not fit to exist. I wonder what we could do with the useless ones. I bet they're tasty.

So the town wanted to recognize AJ for saving this dump from being stampeded. It took them a week to organize this staged award ceremony. I even came up with a comedy routine, and made a list of ponies better than her, but I never got the chance because my “friends” kept interrupting me with the things Applejack promised to do with them. When Applejack finally showed up, she was practically half asleep, said a few words, and dragged that trophy back to the farm.

Following her back to ask what happened, I found out that Big Macintosh got hurt, and was unable to help with Applebuck Season. So Applejack, the Element of Honesty, honestly believes she can handle that entire orchard by herself. This ought to be good.

So I was in the middle of reading this really great erotic novel later that day when Rainbow came crashing down on my balcony, after being catapulted into the air by Applejack. What, is AJ made of dark matter or something? And I was just getting to the good part.

Later on, she helped Pinkie poison half the town. I mean, I really couldn't understand why they would let such a thing happen. Why in Equestria would they let that druggie anywhere near a kitchen? Are they crazy? No wonder half the town got sick. Those muffins were probably filled with some of her stash.

And to top things off, Fluttershy's new generation of slave bunnies got free and rampaged across town. Clearly, she needs to keep her slave population under control. I'll suggest a whip to her next time I see her.

So I guess the whole point I'm trying to make is this: Big Macintosh must be a fucking beast.

I mean, Applejack didn't even get a quarter of the orchard bucked, and Big Macintosh covers the rest? I mean damn, if we do make food out of the useless cows, we can call it the Big Mac. That would be the best sandwich ever.

Your hungry former student,
Twilight Sparkle

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