These past months had been absolutely terrible for spike...
Spike has bottled up his emotions for long enough.. As a storm hits ponyville, spike is stuck with rarity alone and that's where spike decides to release them...
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God damn it the feels hit me hard. Can't wait to see how Spike will lay into Rainbow and Twilight. Looks like Rarity is already regretting how she treated him but I hope things turns out good for Spike in the end
I like this can't wait to see what happens
Well that was... dramatic
I read the last line and scrolled down to see an ad that said "Do you know who you'll marry?" I don't know why but it made me die of laughter
There it is, Spike finally gave Dash the punch she deserves. Can't wait to read more.
I think most of the down-votes come from the bad grammar. Yeaaaah, gotta work on that man.
Aaaaand now my sympathy is gone.
I should've expected that forgiveness load, it never stops or rather I can never find the opposite.
I like it, but it needs work. If you fix your grammar, dialogue, capitalization, and pacing this would have many more likes. Because as of now it's a rough diamond that was attacked by a comma shotgun.
Oh and also
Ha I'm stupid
Anything like this is best in an author note at the end of a chapter, or a blog post.
When does Spike have his badass moment?
A sequel!? I can't wait!
Rainbow deserved that in my opinion
That bitch rainbow dash deserved it
I hope there's a sequel.
I love fics where spike just give the middle finger and lash out his emotions, and leave Ponyville. Was that too specific?
Grammar and spelling needs work though.
It’s been 3 years good job with the sequel
When he finds his place and has some time to cool off, will he at least keep in touch with Twilight? Like pen pals?
Twilight is his family and they have been through too much together to just never talk again, one day he'll visit her.
To stay, probably not, but to mend fences.