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Crushes and Jealousy

"Okay! let's cut to the point, I wan to know who the hay are you guys huh? Rainbow Dash broke the silence with irritation in her voice.

"Ah agree wit Rainbow there, ah want to know ah's well." Applejack agreed with Rainbow with a nod of her head slowly while staring at Laxus and Naru at the same time with a raised eye-brow.

Laxus looks at both of the ponies with a nod, but looks down at his sister with a concern look on his face. Feeling for his sister's safety because of what happened earlier with the huge monster. Laxus just sighed softly to himself, but looks at all of the ponies around him especially Spike as well with a serious expression on his face. He would take a deep breath and lets it all out softly and slowly at the same time as he gets ready to tell them about their story, or what they really are.

"Well........for one I can tell you ponies that we are not humans which you saw us in our true form from earlier right?" he said and asked at the same time while watching them with a raised eye-brow, but kept a small smile on his face.

"Wait......so your telling us that you guys are not humans, but your really dragons!? Spiked asked out loud with a surprised look on his face, but had an excitement in his face.

"Yes, yes we are....." Laxus answered softly with a nod of his head, though while waiting he watches everypony in thought as to why. Which Twilight was surprised by this news as well, but had that little excitement in her eyes wanting to study them and learn from them to get any information she thinks it's important.

"Oh my Celestia.........you guys are seriously dragons? You gotta let me study you. What type of magic you guys were using......." Twilight asked with a lot of questions towards Laxus wanting to know every single little thing that he knows, but he couldn't when Twilight is just hopping up and down crazy like because how excited she is to find out more about magic. Though Applejack comes to put a hoof on Twilight's shoulder to stop her babbling.

"Not now sugarcube, let'em finish his story." Applejack said softly to Twilight with a small smile on her face.

Twilight would sigh softly to herself with a nod of her head slowly which Laxus nods right back and begins to finish his story "Well we are really dragons which me and my sister can use element magic. For instance I can use the element of lightning and my sister her can use the element of fire, but trust me that if we get hit by the same elements of our magic it doesn't really hurt us, especially we can eat our elements that the enemy cast on us. Even though it sounds complicated to some of you, and the form you saw before our true forms are called humans." he said softly to them.

"Humans?" Twilight asked with a curious look on her face.

"Yes......humans are known in my world, but for dragons I don't know if me and my sister Naru are the only ones or they are out hiding somewhere from the humans like us." Laxus explained softly and carefully with a sad expression on his face.

"Wait!.........what do you mean you guys and the others are out hiding from the humans?" Spike asked quickly wanting to know why his kin in their world hiding or dead.

"Well, the reason why............is that the humans in our world try to kill us, tame us as for pets and other things which I rather not speak of, but all I can say is me and my sister is hiding from them in human forms so they won't know our true form is." Laxus answered while shivering as he remembers some parts of their past.

Everypony would gasps at this while Spike in the background growls deeply from hearing this information that Laxus explained to them. Spike looks at Naru with a sad expression on his face feeling sad for her, and wishing he was there to help her. While the talking was going on Naru groaned a little as she started to wake up.

"Hey everypony!, look she's waking up." Spike said out loud to grab their attention.

Naru took her time while waking up, but her head starting to hurt which she put both hands on her head trying to stop the pain. She started to rub her head slowly feeling the pain thumbing repeatedly like a bass drum. After a few seconds or minutes her eyes adjusted to her surroundings, but when she looked up she saw her brother looking down at her with a smile on his face feeling really happy that she's okay and awake.

"Hey!.......how are you feeling you little knuckle head?" Laxus asked softly to her with a small smile on his face.

"Ugh!..........my head is just throbbing non-stop, but other than that.......I'm fine." Naru answered to her brother with a small smile on her face while rubbing her head at the same time.

"Yes!......I'm glad she's okay.......this is AWESOME!" Spike shouted which made everypony stare at him suddenly "Uh......uh......uh, I'm just glad she's alright instead in a coma."

As everypony kept on staring at Spike for a few seconds, they just started bursting out laughing and rolling on the floor at the same time. Though Laxus just chuckles softly to himself while Naru just kept staring at him, but shrugged her shoulders like she didn't really care. When they started to settle down they looked at Spike a smile on their faces, but went back to look at Naru making sure she's okay. Naru slowly got up from her brothers lap, so she can go into a sitting position while rubbing her head still. She looked around the room taking in her surroundings wondering where they are at, but just looked at her brother with a small smile on her face telling him that she is really okay.

"What happened brother?" Naru asked softly to Laxus.

"Well.......you were knocked out by that monster which I had to destroy him when he did that to you, but right now I we're in a library." Laxus explained to her softly with a smile on his face.

Nodding her head slowly at this, but looks around carefully taking in her surroundings. She saw all the six ponies around her, but what caught her eye was the purple and green dragon which it is Spike. She looked at Spike carefully up and down noticing something different about him, but shrugged it off "Brother?.......I thought you said we're the only dragons left?" Naru asked softly to her brother while staring at Spike still waiting for her question to be answered.

"Well...........I think we are the only ones still alive, but there could be others. Though Spike her is a dragon which you can see, but he's not from where our world he's from this world that we are in." Laxus explained to her making sure she carefully understands their situation that they are in.

"Then, what's the meaning of this then?" Naru points to Spike trying to figure out what's going on which she didn't really pay attention to him seconds ago.

Spike pointed to himself wanting to make sure that she is talking about him. While Naru was too busy pointing and looking at Spike, Laxus was explaining once again to Naru about everything that he said earlier to her that they are not in their home world anymore. After, a few minutes or more of explaining to Naru she finally understood what was going on and where she was as well. By the time that Naru heard about this new information she got up from the couch that they were on and started walking around the library wanting to take a look around so she can see where they are at, but the only thing that mostly caught her eye was books. So many book are everywhere and the other thing that she noticed was that they are in a tree filled with nothing, but books which was kinda disturbing to her. Though reading books make her head hurt, even just by looking at them as well.

"Wow.........so many books that I've ever seen before, but why in a huge tree though?" Naru exclaimed to herself wondering why.

"Yeap...........Twilight likes to collect a lot of books which she's an egghead, but for living in the tree it was made like this since I first lived in this place." Spike suddenly says to her which made Naru jump away from being startled "Oh I'm sorry to startled you." Spike apologized. Holding onto her chest of being startled Naru took a deep breath in and letting it out slowly "Oh no worries..........it's okay, but just don't do that again." She said to Spike which he nodded his head slowly. Naru went back to looking around the library while Spike followed her from behind. While Spike was following her he couldn't help, but smile widely at seeing how beautiful Naru is with her almost looking lava eyes which it somehow sparkled like stars blinking in the sky. He sighed softly to himself of thinking about earlier on how she fought the monster without being scared or some sort.

"She's so beautiful and pretty as well, but I don't know if she'll like me back though." Spike thought to himself. "Don't put yourself down like that Spike." A voice echoed in his head. "I'm not putting myself down. I just don't know if she'll like me that's all." Spike explained to the voice in his head. "Well it doesn't matter, but you need to show how much care for her and your feelings as well. Even though you just met her it's more better to get to know her, so she can notice you." The voice in his head said.

While Spike was arguing in his head and staring at Naru with half-opened eyes which Naru wasn't paying attention to, but Rarity was talking with her friends until she saw Spike staring at Naru like he was in love. Upon seeing this Rarity smirked as she kept on watching Spike staring at Naru from the sidelines while giggles at the same time. Applejack was next to Rarity which she over heard Rarity giggling though making her look over at Rarity, but wasn't sure why was she giggling. Applejack kept staring at Rarity for a while until she looks over where she was looking, then noticing Spike and Naru standing in front of the book shelf. It did not took her more than a second to find out the situation as she caught Spike still staring at Naru for a long time while she's looking the other way. Applejack could tell what was going on knowing that Spike has a crush with Naru, and made her start giggling along with Rarity. Rarity look over seeing Applejack giggling as well with her and sees her looking at Spike and Naru too.

Upon this Spike didn't noticed Applejack and Rarity giggling behind his back, because he was still staring at Naru like love struck though they didn't know Spike was still arguing with himself. While this was happening Naru took her time looking up, down, left and right seeing bunch of books in different catagory's. She never knew so many books in one place even though it's a library, but still not this much like she's seeing now. Naru still kept on looking through the book shelves, but turned around and saw Spike staring at her. Shrugging it off she went back looking upon the books, but turns around again seeing Spike still staring at her.

"Umm....hello......umm are you there?" Naru asked softly to Spike while waving her hand in front of his face.

While she was doing this Spike wasn't paying attention because he was in his own world still arguing with himself. From seeing Naru that was starting to get irritated and I mean very irritated like steaming hot smoking coming out from her ears. Though she kept on waving her hand in front of his face to get his attention which it's not working. Feeling a little more frustrated the usually Naru starts getting more frustrated than ever as smoke start coming out from her muzzle. Once this was happening fire starts slowly erupting around both of her hands, and taking deep breathes through her nose. While this was happening Rarity and Applejack looked at each other knowing this ain't going to go well as they had a concern expression on their faces, and started to walk over to where Spike and Naru is at. Until Spike came back to reality and sees Naru with a anger expression on her face, but sees fire around her hands and smoke coming out from her mouth at the same time. Feeling his life in danger Spike stumbles backwards a little feeling a little scared of seeing Naru angry, even seeing fire is around both of her hands. Spike turned right around with another stumble in his steps he took off somewhere else, so Naru won't hurt him or any other things she might do to him.

"Don't worry about him darling, I think he has a crush on you hehehehe........even though he just met you, but he did the same thing to me when he was very young." Rarity exclaimed to Naru softly with a small smile on her face which Naru just raised and eye-brow from hearing this coming from Rarity.

"Ah do agree wit Rarity, Spike do have a might crush on ya from what I've just seen now."Applejack agreed with Rarity while staring at Naru with a small smile on her face.

Naru just stared at Rarity and Applejack with a confused look on her face, and looked over where Spike had went which she wasn't sure what' really going on "Are you serious?" Naru asked with another raised eye-brow still trying to figure out are they telling the truth or not.

"Since you got her darling, that Spike must of had a crush on you right then and there when you and your brother were fighting that huge brute outside of Ponyville. Even when we saw you was sent flying backwards towards us we thought you were going to die, but Spike came around and helped you out which you were already unconcious." Rarity explained to Naru what was going on as she noticed that she was really confused, but smiled at the same time.

Learning this new info from the two ponies Naru was very surprised that someone or some dragon has a crush on her. Even though Naru haven't thought about love and such, but she's still growing into a young woman even though Laxus still consider her still his little sister. Naru was still thinking about why would Spike like her or have a crush on her, but shrugged it off because it kind of didn't make sense to her anyway. So Naru went back to looking around the library, even though she would pry on the matter of having Spike crushing on her like some love bird that had fallen in love at first sight. She was very tired from the fighting earlier with the huge monster who knocked her out like it was nothing, and sent her towards a bolder that could of killed her in her human form. Though after getting a little bored from just walking around the library seeing too many books which she just went to sit down next to her brother. Right when Spike was done he spotted Naru sitting right next to her brother, but kind felt a little weird from just staring at her when he was spacing out. By the time he got back whatever he was doing he went over to where Twilight was and sat down right next to her as he starts to listen what conversation that they were talking about.

Though when the others were still talking, but except for Rarity was getting kind of jealous of Naru for some reason which she doesn't really know why she is. There was no reason for her anyway since she wasn't really into Spike, but unless she is in love with Spike. Rarity was playing through things in her mind on what's really going on with her, and wondering why she's feeling this way between Spike and Naru. It took her some time on trying to figure out what's really going on, even though she starts getting a little mad of at Naru getting all the attention from Spike as well. Rarity knew there was something between her and Spike, but she couldn't get a hold of herself of wanting to tell Spike the truth that she loves him. Even though she wants to tell him what she truthfully feels, but wasn't really sure if this feeling is right or wrong.

Rarity shook her head a few times to clear her head from anything that she was thinking of, and went over where Spike was sitting down and whispered into his ear wanting to talk to him alone which he nod his head and followed her where she was taking him. As they were walking away from the group, so they can't hear what they were about to talk about. She turned around to look at Spike with a straight face expression, and Spike was really surprised by this.

"Umm.......what's going on Rarity? You need me or something?" Spike asked softly to her with a concern look on his face waiting for her to answer him.

"Well you see Spike........I........I really need to ask you about something darling and it's about..............."

To be continued...........

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