Big convention in Las Pegasus. Back next week
Aloe & Lotus
Cheerilee read the note that was on the door of the local Spa. She hoped beyond hope that she had somehow read it incorrectly. She silently prayed to the Shepherd of the Moon, the Caretaker of the Sun, the Mistress of the Star Beasts, the Sovereign of the Three Tribes, the Ruler of the Land of Equestria, Her Royal Majesty, Princess Luna Equestris that the sign was not saying what it was, in fact, saying.
Cheerilee calmly reached into her saddlebag, revealing a black cloak which she draped over herself, than immediately spun around, walking back towards the alley where she had last seen Scootaloo. She found the dreaded target of her ire still sitting in the alley, right where she had left her. She stomped loudly towards the young filly, garnering her attention immediately.
"SCOOTALOO" Cheerilee stated simply, her eyes staring into Scootaloo's very SOUL.
I leave my doll-action figure-collection to Sweetie Belle. The rest of my possessions are to be donated to charity Scootaloo thought to herself. "Yes Miss Cheerilee?"
Scootaloo nodded furiously, desperately trying to not wet herself.
Cheerilee very calmly pulled a quill and scroll out of her saddlebags, quickly wrote something down, and handed the scroll to Scootaloo.
Scootaloo ran faster than she had ever ran before, weaving her way between buildings and ponies alike, until she arrived at her destination: Heavy Roller's Wagon, Kart and Wheel Repair Shop. Or as she called it, Home.
She stopped at the front door, caught her breath, and walked through the door as calmly as she could muster, navigating the wheels and wagons of varying states of repair that populated the first floor of her home, otherwise known as the garage area, until she slowly made it to the stairs that lead to the living room.
Scootaloo gulped, and slowly climbed up the stairs.
She saw her father sitting at the table that sat in the middle of the sparsely decorated room, his back to her.
Better get this over with.... Scootaloo thought "Dad?"
Heavy Roller's ear twitched slightly, than he turned, greeting Scootaloo with a huge smile on his face "Heya there Scoots! How was school today?"
Please don't freak out, please don't freak out, pleasedon'tfreakout "School was, um.....I got sent home with a note, and I think you might need to go to the school for a parent teacher conference, please don't be mad at me!"
Scootaloo thrust the note forward.
Heavy Roller stared down at his daughter. I'd better just read the note and do what it says. She might freak out otherwise. He calmly took the note from Scootaloo, opened it gently, and read it to himself.
Your presence is requested at the schoolhouse so that we may discuss Scootaloo's behavior.
"So....interesting day at school then?"
Heavy Roller realized saying that was a mistake when he saw the tears forming in Scootaloo's eyes.
"It was all an accident" she choked out, not daring to look up, choosing to instead stare at the ground.
She felt a soft pat upon her head "It's ok Scootaloo. I'm sure Cheerilee understands that. I'll go talk to her and get all of this squared away. Everything will be fine."
"th....thanks dad...."
"Dry those tears. And then once all this is figured out, we'll go out to eat."
Scootaloo looked up, holding back any further tears from her eyes. "I...I'd like that. Thanks dad." She smiled.
She continued to smile as her dad walked down the stairs. She smiled as she heard his hoofsteps upon ground.
She stopped smiling once she heard the front door slam shut.
"I AM SO GOING TO DIE!!!!" She yelled. "Cheerilee will talk to my dad, and he'll believe her, and I'll be punished, even though what happened was really bad, but I didn't mean to hurt her, but even Trixie said in today's lecture that once is coincidence, twice is conspiracy, but it happened at LEAST a hundred times in one day! MY LIFE IS OVER!!!!!!"
I'll be DOOMED!" Scootaloo banged her head against the wall with a loud *THUD*.
Scootaloo's attention was drawn towards a picture that had fallen off of the wall. She slowly walked over to the picture.
The picture was a several year old picture of a Pegasus Mare, wearing the armor of a Night Guard soldier, her black fur contrasting greatly with the purple mane that peeked out from under her helmet. Upon her face, she wore a smile.
The tears from Scootaloo's eyes suddenly dried. A look of determination came upon her face. "I'm not doomed yet. I can still make up for this. Mom wouldn't have given up, and neither will I!"
She ran into her room, grabbing an empty saddlebag and a small child wagon. She brought both with her downstairs, where her scooter was parked. She hitched the wagon to the scooter, tossed the saddlebags into the wagon, than rode out the front door, her wings flapping as fast as they were able to.
As she sped through the town, she began to formulate her course of action in her head.
First things first. I'm gonna need some bits to get a nice gift to start things off. I don't have enough time to get a part time job, and I can't just get the money from dad. And I can't go to the bank, not since the time me and Sweetie Belle played Cops and Robbers in there....
She chuckled to herself, recalling all the mayhem that had resulted from that.
I guess the only other option is to see if I can borrow money from one of my classmates....but the only ponies I've seen walk into class with alot of money have been Dinky....though she had to save up up for a YEAR for, I can't ask her for a favor...She'll never lend me the bits...She'll never let me forget I had to ask for help....I can't ask Diamond Tiara for help....
"Miss Tiara" a young green furred orange maned unicorn wearing a particularly frilly maid uniform said, just loud enough so she could be heard through the closed door where her bosses daughter currently resided "there is a young filly at the door requesting an audience with you."
"Pffft. Tell her I'm not home. Silver Spoon is still off visiting relatives, so who else would wanna come visit?"
"She was very insistent upon seeing you as soon as possible miss."
"I told you to tell her I'm not home!"
" have already told her you were home" The maid squeaked.
"THEN TELL HER TO LEAVE!" The door shook slightly at the roar of her voice.
"Miss, once she learned that you were home, she said she would not leave until she talked to you"
Silence for a second. "FINE! Since you're so USELESS at your JOB!, I'll tell her to go home MYSELF! Where is she!?"
"rightdownstairsinthelivingroommaampleasedon'thurtme" the maid blurted out.
The door slammed open and Diamond Tiara walked out, her posture portraying a level of grace and annoyance beyond what she usually walked around with. Her tiara sparkled in the light before she turned to the maid. "And once I'm done with her, I'll be speaking to my father about you."
The maid stayed silent, afraid to further annoy the young filly.
As Diamond Tiara thought to herself as she walked down the stairs. This filly chose the WRONG time to mess with me. It's bad enough that Silver Spoon had to RUIN our plans for the talent show by leaving town to visit her dumb relatives, but NOW I have a stupid maid to deal with, AND this jerk filly who wants to bother me as I figure out a new act! Oh, she's gonna get it good!
Diamond Tiara took her time walking to the living room, relishing the opportunity to vent off some stress.
As she entered the room, she began her rant "Hey, you! I know that STUPID maid let you in, but you can take your flank and-"
She stopped very suddenly when she saw who was sitting on the couch.
Oh my god, it's Scootaloo, and she's in my house, this is like a dream come true and- FOCUS DIAMOND! You can't mess this up. Be nice. But wait, you have a reputation to uphold! But we're not in public, so I could be nice to her, maybe have her become my friend, that would be so fabulous! BECAUSE SHE'S AWESOME!!!!! But wait, she would tell EVERYONE about what happens! Oh, I don't know what to DO!!!!!!
"Are you ok? Your face is all red" Scootaloo stated, breaking Diamond Tiara's thoughts.
"I-I'm just fine! What's it to you?" NO! For once in your life, don't be a bully!!
"I'm sorry, you looked a bit sick, and I was just being nice and asking if you were ok!"
"I don't NEED some filly asking me about my health!" but thank you for caring.....
The room fell into silence for a few grievously long seconds.
Scootaloo sighed. "Look, I'm here to discuss business, alright?"
That only served to confuse Diamond Tiara even further than the sight of the most stunning pegasus in the world suddenly being in her house. "Business? When did you become a business pony?"
"Look, just let me speak, than I'll get out of your mane, alright?"
DT thought for a moment, than walked to the couch, and sat next to Scootaloo (thought not as close to Scootaloo as she would have liked [not that she would ever admit that]) and cleared her throat. "Very well then. I shall spare some of my valuable time to hear But make it quick. I am a busy mare with a busy schedule."
Damnit! Don't tell her to make it quick!....I wish she would stick around......NO! It would be bad if she hung around too long..... Diamond Tiara began to wish she could make up its mind about what it did and didn't want.
"I'll get straight to the point: I need to borrow some bits." she isn't here because of who I am. She's here because of what my father has accomplished.....just like everyone else......and here I thought someone as magnificent as her would be different....
Diamond Tiara tried to hide the look of pain in her voice as she spoke. "Out."
"Get out of my house!!"
"I'm not going to give you any bits. If you want bits, go get a job. I refuse to be some kind of sugar mare just so you can get a new scooter or whatever it is you want to buy with your bits. So leave. NOW!" Diamond Tiara stared with the best death glare she could muster at Scootaloo.
A look of realization crossed Scootaloo's face. Of course! She probably has ponies bothering her for money all the time! "It's not for me. It's for Miss Cheerilee."
WHAT!?!?!?!? Diamond Tiara's jaw dropped at that revelation.
"b....b...." Diamond Tiara shook her head, clearing the confusion from her brain. "But weren't you spending all day pranking her!?....wait....You're not gonna do it again, are you!? I love a good prank as much as the next pony, but haven't you done ENOUGH!?!"
Time seemed to stop at that moment for Scootaloo. In her mind, she ran through the day so far, her worst fears realized: The fear that ponies, and probably Miss Cheerilee, would think everything that had happened that day deliberate.
She stared up at the ceiling, not wanting to look Diamond Tiara in the eyes as she spoke softly and slowly. "I never wanted any of that to happen. Miss Cheerilee is the best teacher ever, and I wouldn't want to hurt her. I don't know why all of those things happened. But right now she's talking to my dad about what had happened today. I'm worried that Miss Cheerilee thinks the same thing you do: That I did everything on purpose. But I didn't. And all I want to do is apologize while I have the chance...I know I'm not the best student. I know I fall asleep in class alot. I know I frustrate Miss Cheerilee alot. But today was all an accident. And I wanna make it up to her....."
"....and you want to buy her a gift. And you don't have enough bits to do that right now, and not enough time to work for them...." Diamond Tiara finished.
Scootaloo stopped staring at the ceiling, and stared back at Diamond Tiara, trying very hard to hide the fact she was crying.
She failed.
Diamond Tiara shuffled off the couch, went over to the table that sat behind the couch, and came back with a box of tissues balancing on her back. She deposited the box in front of Scootaloo. "Make yourself decent. You're going to stain my couch."
Scootaloo was barely able to mutter a thanks before she grabbed a hoofful of tissues and crying more openly.
Diamond Tiara sat back down, trying very hard to look anywhere else except directly at Scootaloo.
...She is different...Those other ponies wouldn't even think badly of what had transpired, but she....she legitimately wants to make up.....she isn't willing to to just stand by and let things I would........ Diamond Tiara thought.
....she truly is the most dazzling pony ever......
Diamond Tiara waited a few minutes, letting Scootaloo cry in peace. She spoke when Scootaloo calmed down a bit.
"Alright, Miss Loo. You need bits in order to make up with Miss Cheerilee. I can provide you with bits to purchase a most glorious of gifts."
Scootaloo began to smile. Until she noticed a gleam in Diamond Tiaras eyes.
"However, just because I am able to lend you bits does not mean I am obligated to. I will require payment."
"I can pay back the bits next month easily." Scootaloo answered instantly.
A wicked smile crossed Diamond Tiara's face. "My dear, I am not worried about the bits. Daddy can supply me with enough bits. No, what I need is a favor."
"F-favor?" for the second time that day, Scootaloo knew fear.
"What kind of favor?"
"Hmmm..."Diamond Tiara thought silently.
Well, I could ask her, I could never ask that...but I really want too.....NO! Ask something else.....Do I have to ask something else?......COME ON! You can think of something!......I GOT IT!
"The talent show." Diamond Tiara stated calmly and coolly, showing none of the inner turmoil she went through to make her decision.
"Silver Spoon and I were planning to perform in it, but she was called away on a family visit. But I think you would be able to fill her spot adequately."
"What kind of performance did you have in mind?"
"That is a secret."
"What!? You're not ever gonna tell me!?"
"Details of the performance cannot be leaked to the general public until the night of the show." The fact I have no idea what the actual performance will consist of has nothing to do with that.
"I...I can't agree to this!"
"Than I guess you don't need the bits than."
heheheh Diamond Tiara laughed softly to herself. I have you right where I want'll be working for me, helping me to make sure everyone in Ponyville knows the splendor that is Diamond Tiara....OH, and I'll have to talk to my tailor! She can make us the cutest matching outfits for the show....
Scootaloo could only watch as a giant, gleeful, blissful smile appeared on Diamond Tiara's face.
man that's creepy.... "ALRIGHT! I accept! I'll perform in the talent show with you! Just give me the bits!"
Diamond Tiara was broken out of her thoughts when another wicked idea crossed her mind. "Oh no. I can't just GIVE you the bits. I have to insure that they are spent on a gift for Cheerilee."
Please don't let her say what I think she's gonna say.....
"I shall be accompanying you"
Have I mentioned lately how much help I've gotten with this story? No? Than lemme talk about that.
I basically hand off a bunch of crap to Emeral Bookwise, and he gives me feedback which somehow turns my crap into this story that you read.
You doods should be thanking him as much as you thank me, cause heaven knows the first draft of this stuff was nowhere near as good as this.
Also, updated the character tags for obvious, first I put Cheerilee through than the ringer, than I force Scootaloo to hang out with DT....
not to mention mentally scarring Trixie in my last story....
Is it just me, or do I enjoy messing with the main characters of my stories?
Diamond Tiara has a crush on Scootaloo?
This... this works for me...
847905 Ya know, that's my writing method these days too! Weird...
Well, that sort of explains things, doesn't it? I wonder if M!Diamond Tiara is Pony Helga Pataki and if so, who her Arnold is.
I love this story very much.
Oh, yes! Tsundere Tiara is definitely updated to TvTropes. xD
"I basically hand off a bunch of crap to Emeral Bookwise, and he gives me feedback which somehow turns my crap into this story that you read."
I do that too!
I hinted it in "Family Matters," a bit, when Diamond Tiara got all defensive about how she doesn't want to be anything like Scootaloo - while turning bright red.
I dunno; in all honesty the ship never even occured to me until I had already written the line down and thought to myself "Hey...yeah!" Those are probably the best kinds of ships.
Plus this one's so cute 'cause we get tsundere out of it. And, hey, you know that "grimdark" thread we have going? There could be a yandere DT grimdark story.
Aww, DT isn't a complete and utter jerk like in M!Equestria. I like it! And poor Scoots, there. I'm guessing single father, mother dead?
One question I have is, why is this a Lunaverse story? So far, everything that's happened could have happened in the main universe, with some appropriate story tweaks and fanon-distortion.
because I have an outline I'm working from which will reveal ALL!!!!!!
Seems legit!
Well this story did have Trixie as a guest lecturer at the school talking about Night Court stuff.
Also, this wouldn't be the first fic that could be M!verse with a few tweaks either. Other than Trixie's background antics Family Matters has very little that is specifically bound to the L!verse.
847905 848123 849464

Well, just change that bit to Twilight talking about a Day Court session she sat in on or something, that's what I mean by 'story tweaks'.
You mean you hand all your crap off to Emeral too?!
I'm really enjoying this story! Your characterisation of Scootaloo and Diamond Tiara is a hoot! Poor Cheerilee! She really needed that spa treatment.
847905>>849464>>850548 Geez, maybe we should ALL hand our crap out to Emeral
I kid Emeral, I kid 
Well why not? it works
852067 If we did he'd never have time to write his own stories!
Bust out the cloning machine......
It may be that Scoot's mom is still alive, just deployed somewhere else.
This shall be ... interesting
A wicked smile crossed Diamond Tiara's face. "My dear, I am not worried about the bits. Daddy can supply me with enough bits. No, what I need is a favor."
huh. That line could be interpreted that way, huh?
Not my intention, but meh. Makes it funnier.
Thanks to the Lunaverse, and this story in particular, I now ship Scootiara.
One line comes to mind.
DIAMOND TIARA: You are tearing me apart Scootaloo!
Considering where this story falls in the timeline, maybe Filthy Rich could hire Trixie to tutor DT on "How to Suppress Your Natural Jerkitude Around People You Like"?
There seems to be a few comma errors and then/than issues.
'alot' is not a word, 'a lot' is proper.
i'm going to introduce you to a language called 'english'
"English" capitalized actually ;P
It's a rather dumb language when you thing about it sometimes.
This story has me intrigued, but I can't for the life of me remember if it's Lunaverse canon or not well dang, my phone just autocorrected to Lunaverse!
Thanks to you, I can't help but picture Diamond Tiara as a pony version of Helga Pataki.
draped over herself, than immediately spun around
into the wagon, than rode out the front door
for a moment, than walked to the couch
but I really want too
You're not ever gonna tell me
I have to insure that they are spent on a gift for Cheerilee
1. Then.
2. Then.
3. Then.
4. To.
5. Even.
6. Ensure.
2759497 It may or may not be a word, but it's an animal!
needs beginning " marks.
Seriously this is the best possible start of a ship. The fix of first chapters corrections weren't meant to be negative criticism. Honestly this and the next fic are some of my favorite ones where it comes to shipping. It actually is depressing that Truffle Shuffle got Shipping complete. Even though they have almost nothing, and got completion, but the most awesome ship built over the entire Season, gets nothing. Seriously messed.
Oh! And I think it's cute that Scoots wants to make it up to Cheers so bad.
You know, I never have a chance to make a Helga joke...
Thank you!
Is this a family thing? Because that's hilarious and adorable.
It is. And it needs to pop up more often.
And seriously. We need more of the ship this leads into.