• Member Since 14th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen 47 minutes ago


Nothing special here, move along, nothing to see, just ignore the lump under the sheet and the red stuff...


Princess Cadence introduces a new foal, and gives Twilight Sparkle a lesson on just what is involved in bringing a new princess into Equestria.

When a stallion and a mare love each other very much and spend the night out under the stars…

Editors: Tek, Peter, Docontra

Picture credit:
Forest at night by ErockerTorres
Cadence and Shining Kissing by Sigma

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 46 )

First comment reserved for author's note. By the way, I blame Seether00 for this one.

Think about Albireo for a name, Twilight.

Extra Credit goes to the following stories:
My Brother, The Tooth
From Princess Twilight Sparkle, President of the Twinkle Nebula Frie Neutron Family Reunion
On The Natural Rise And Fall Of Celestial Bodies
Sisters by Bad Horse

And, of course, the natural consequence of teasing Twilight Sparkle about foals: Twilight Sparkle Lays An Egg.

Ytak #2 · Dec 4th, 2015 · · ·

Devious Cadence. You really shouldn't tease you sister-in-law like that. There will come a time when she won't believe anything you say.

that is a riot, you go Luna with your able assistant Cadence. And the pranks go on.


Take your damn upvote and get out of here with your precious prankster pony princesses!

That's what you get for hiding a special somepony from Cadence.

Oooooh my gosh. Cadance, you evil so-and-so... :rainbowlaugh:


Master of pranks, that's what you are.

This is just hilarious xD (I really hope Twilight's coltfriend heard about the twins)

6667175 So basically she got trolled... Again. You'd think she'd have learned by now...

Is there even one Alicorn (other than poor Twilight) who isn't a troll? :rainbowlaugh:

Just an addendum - Magic is... odd and frequently perverse. It would be entirely Cadance's own silly fault if poor Twilight has a phantom pregnancy due to this!

Oh, poor, poor Twilight. So innocent, so trusting... so gullible.
I swear, there's a secret society on this site, dedicated to the Prankster Pony Princesses.


'Course, once Twilight realizes what happened, her revenge will be as sweet as it is convoluted.

6697212 if this a group, I'm tracking it down and joining

Gullible Twilight is gullible, lol.

That is friggin' hysterical. :rainbowlaugh: Prankster Cadance at her best.

6697193 A phantom pregnancy that's a prank on Cadence with some help from Discord

Well done.

We need chapter 2 where Twilight tells Shining that her coltfriends got her pregnant with twins and he heads off to make him make an honest mare of her.

I am sincerely sorry it took me this long to read this. It's magnificent. Poor, poor Twilight. If Equestria isn't at stake, take everything another princess says with a lick of salt. By which I mean several pounds of it.

I really want to read that story now. Well, as soon as Georg gets to writing one about Trollestia. :trollestia:

Cadance trolling Twilight. And in stile. Phew, that was great :rainbowlaugh:

Georg... I hate you. You gigantic troll I can never tell if you're serious.

Cadance you glorious troll.


Have a thumbs up and a fave :)

Beautiful ha ha!!! What an amazing prank.

Just wonderful :rainbowlaugh:

Have you plans for a third story like this?

Guess the Royal Sisters' sense of humor rubbed off onto Cadance. :pinkiehappy: :rainbowlaugh:

Have a fav!

If you find this group, tell me please, I want to join too.

Cadence you are an evil evil mare!

Poor Twilight, poor mysterious coltfriend.

But not poor us, because this story was a lot of fun.

Given all alicorns seem to be insatiable pranksters, I do wonder how long until Twilight starts to indulge herself in an effort to get back at them.

I can see her being gloriously underestimated by the others based on events so far.

Wha..how did I miss this story? It slipped under my radar somehow. I'm sure glad I found it though. Cadence is such a trip. :trollestia:

Thanks...I almost chocked on my pizza I laughed so hard! I should know better, right?!

This was a terrible prank to pull on poor, gullible Twilight...Heh, heh!

Cadence and Luna, the ultimate prank team!

Cadance is the correct spelling!:flutterrage:

This might be the 2nd best Cadence troll yet! except for making Luna think she was Celestia daughter! :rainbowlaugh: :rainbowlaugh: :rainbowlaugh:

Author Interviewer

Goddammit. XD

*barely muffled snort of laughter*

Dangit, Georg, I keep trying to leave your stories behind but you keep bringing me back.


The image of a full-grown mare- an alicorn, at that- running and yelling for her mom in a panic-induced state of fear is somehow funny to me.

Wait, when does she do that?


There’s a fanfic read by Dr. Wolf called a

“A Joke To Far”

It’s a one shot and really funny prank by Cadence

Damn, you had ME going there for a while! By the way, it's never a good idea to mess with an OCD type person. Convincing them it was just a joke is near about impossible. I know. My Pinkie Wannabe is the OCD Queen.:pinkiehappy:

Seems like the alicorns have a prank streak going:rainbowlaugh:

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