• Member Since 10th Jul, 2011
  • offline last seen Jul 24th, 2022


Just an average insane brony, doing average insane things. Professional Fanfiction Writer and Purveyor, relevant links are on my profile page.


Twilight Sparkle creates a spell that lets her go into other worlds. Too bad the first world isn't as pretty as it seems...

((Cover Art generously provided by Already-Bee-Nclaimed of Deviant Art. She may not have many works, but they're all top notch. Go check out her gallery at http://already-bee-nclaimed.deviantart.com/ RIGHT NOW.))

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 87 )

What would the Manes think of the abridged series? Well, here's a thought.

Considering she was dimension hopping, she probably got off lucky. She could have landed in a Justin Bieber / Rebecca Black duet concert.

At least she didn't stumble on 'That' fanfic.

That was. . . glorious. Simply glorious. Please tell me that there is more to come?

Have you ever seen Two Best Sisters Lets Play? I think it would be hilarious if celestia and luna stumbled into that dimension.


I'm not sure which of these two possibilities is more horrifying...

Following the heck out of this. Love FiW, love this. :)

Depends on which fanfic I was referring to.


I assumed Cupcakes, but you're right, there are a lot of possibilities. :rainbowlaugh:

Nah, you're right. I refuse to call it by that name though, I prefer "The fanfic that shall not be mentioned." :facehoof:it's a work in progress on nicknaming the Gridmark fic.

Voldefic? The Unspeakable Tale?

Funny, my stepmom had a rainbowed colored cake. Yeah it was a serious turn off, the cake was a lie!

Oh, don't feel too bad Twilight, it could be worse; you could have landed in a post-apocalyptic version of Equestria, where rape, murder, drugs, guns, sex, racism, tyranny, corruption, and mutation run rampant, and, worse of all, ALL OF THE COLA'S GONE FLAT!!!

Seriously, flat cola's worthy of it's own b-rated horror movie, yuck!

Poor Twilight. I wonder how she'd react to other abridged series?


Do you know how hard it is to keep things funny when you have rational characters? The Manes had to be suitably appalled at everything, and the Witchcrafters had to be funny AT THE SAME TIME. Argh... Well, I hope I can keep the comedy tag.

Brilliant. Another good chapter my good sir. Keep up the good work

I can't even tell you what I like about this. Just that I want more. :pinkiehappy:

I dare you all to write a short detailing Pinkie's shortcut. I DARE YOU.

814506 Sacrilege! It's a noodle incident! :pinkiecrazy:

814506 And wind up in a padded cell, wearing a straight jacket, spouting various praises to eldritch beings from beyond our very concept of time and space, all while waiting for my turn to get lobotomized?

...you're joking? You've GOT to be joking!


Don't be silly! No laws of time or space were violated!

Perhaps, but the Pony mind is clearly made of sturdier stuff than a human mind, considering they had to deal with the spirit of chaos and disharmony himself.


Laddie? Discord was only waking up in that episode. He hadn't even got out of bed. I've seen real chaos. He was only beginning.

815159 Point taken, but I'm still not taking any risks.

I really do like this story.

Personally, I didn't really find FiW all that amusing (Sweetie Bot is the exception, hurt myself laughing at that episode), but this story is good!


Oh god, it feels so good to have an honest-to-god, feel-good laugh. This fic certainly perked up my day. :)

Edit: I have to say that it is fortunate that Twilight did not end up in the Mentally Advanced Series universe. She'd break if she found out what that universe's Twilight has gone through at the hooves of princess Celestia. Poor Mrs. Buzzy.


Very true. Now that I think about it, the only other abridged universe I can imagine which wouldn't cause Twilight to freak out would be the Camaraderie is Supernatural series. That's pretty much the only one which is funny while pretty much staying true to the characters. In fact, that's exactly what Twilight says in CiS when fighting against Nightmare Moon; that they can have comedy while staying true to the show.

Hey, at least she didn't see what she was like. Or the constant abuse of Spike. Or, worst of all, figured out that Pinkie Pie is somehow the most sane of the bunch.

Most amusing. I hope you resume this. It may be the first time I've seen someone look at FiW seriously.

I really like this fanfic, but there's one thing you should note. According to the subtitles on for the episode, the name of Apple Bloom's club in the Snooty Snark Evaders, not invaders.

Wow, good story so far. Keep it up. :pinkiehappy:

I'm thinking about it. Myself and my friends may just be insane enough to make it work

Well I might be wrong about this but I get the feeling that at least some of this came from the My Little Pony Friendship Is Witchcraft. Great story though, I look forward to more of it. :pinkiehappy:

2148976 Guess why there's a crossover tag...

2188225 Pffffftttt like I actually look at the tags before, or after (or generally at all), reading a story.

2188302 To be honest, I actually thought "hey, maybe it has a crossover tag so I can direct them to it". I only take a glance at the tags when I'm not sure wether or not I'll read the story.:twilightsheepish:

2188348 I know right, the only reason I ever really look at the tags is either after I have read the story, if I am having trouble deciding upon weather or not to read the story, and/or if I am looking for something specific aka sad or comedy or something. :pinkiesmile:

An interesting concept, and for the most part I enjoyed it...


I did think that it wasn't quite exactly placed in the FiW world properly.

I mean, at parts it feels like they aren't, well, in character.

Needs a bit more randomness, and you used foul language at one point. How could you forget about "Buy some apples!"?

Otherwise, this is looking really good.

will this be continued? I just noticed its almost been a year since the last chapter.

Good story -- why was it discontinued?

It really sucks that this was discontinued. Honestly, it's the first story I've seen that's done something like this. Usually stories about characters meeting a parody verse tend to fail at showing the actual way the characters would react. In other words, instead of having the ponies find everything funny (like how people watching the series would find it funny), they are horrified by how dark and messed up it all is.

This story is well written, nicely paced, has great characterization, and is pretty much the only story I've seen to do this concept any justice. And it's discontinued. :fluttercry:


Well, I'd love for you to prove me wrong, but you can't really blame anyone for thinking it was discontinued considering the last update was over a year ago.

Still, that just made my day. :pinkiehappy:

Enjoy this story hope it updates sometime.

The concept for this story is great but it's pretty much dead. I hope the author decides to keep updating some day.

That was enjoyable, you managed to capture the underlying horror of the Friendship is Witchcraft verse while maintaining a great deal of comedy to keep the tone from getting too dark and even getting into existential issues like "which universe is real".

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