We all know Sweetie Belle is incredibly clever, but how will she handle herself when everypony leaves her alone by accident?
And on top of that, add in two pony burglars who are bent on stealing Ponyville blind.
Unknowingly I wrote this story on the twenty-fifth anniversary (year) of the making of Home Alone. So happy anniversary!!
I really appreciate any constructive criticism. But please keep the comments clean.
Also, for all reading this on the month of it's publication, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Joyous Kwanza, Season's Greetings, Happy New Year, Happy Hearth's warming and... Happy... Boxing Day... I guess.
This should be worth a watch!
Well this certainly sounds interesting. I loved the first two home alone movies. Can't wait to see what kinds of interesting raps Sweetie sets up.
Welp, somethings gonna break.
Oh, this is gonna be good. Loved all 4 Home Alone movies. Can't wait see what's in store here.
You go, Sweetie Belle.
Ha! Fools!
Sweetie, give 'em no mercy!
Oh the memories and joys!
This needs more attention. Its fun to read.
Ze Zweet One zis triumphant!
You were this close Sweetie Belle! 
The whole story was very funny and well done and it followed most of the movie so well, but I thought you would have done more with them breaking into the castle and Rarity's store
"Pretty good traps huh angel?"
"I've seen better Sweetie Belle."
"You what?"
"Look they're still walking, you could've done a lot more with the pie catapult, and you hardly terrorized them with the bear. And the welcome mat should be rammed over their heads, like so."
"Oh, excuse me I'm such a hack."
"Why don't we just use the hot air balloon?" Marv shouted.
Hold on, hold on for these two to fall into such an obvious trap would mean they were the biggest morons of the century!
"I'll bet it was another trap!" Harry yelled.
Gee, where are you guys going to put the trophy?
Oh boy so the girls and spike are going to the crystal Empire for the holidays but it looks like sweetie Belle got herself lock up and nobody doesn't know
Too bad she can't do that after shave because shes not a boy thats always funny
Oh dear it looks like the wet bandits are planning to rob the main 6 house and sweetie Belle does not know the danger its coming so rartiy and applejack Try to turn the train around but Unfortunately they can't so now they have to wait but poor rartiy she so worry for her sister
dang it berry punch
so now they are at the crystal Empire and they send the message to the mayor but unfortunately berry punch has to messed up the whole thing now the mayor dose not know again why did she hired her anyway now sweetie Belle has to protect the main 6 house from the wet bandits
Harry's eyes bugged out when he realized that he smelled smoke, and that his head was strangely warm.
Oh Harry you have no idea what you up against lol
so the wet bandits try to rob the house but it looks lime sweetie Belle got a head of them of course so now looks like they want more this should be very fun go get them sweetie Belle
Marv crept around the side of the house and approached the back door.
"Hello?" he whispered.
Marv crept around the side of the house and approached the back door.
"Hello?" he whispered.
"What do you want?" asked a gruff stallion's voice.
Marv was about to answer when another stallion answered.
Ahh the movie trick love that part
Sweetie Belle is one step ahead of these guys got on the old movie trick lol
Wow sweetie Belle your getting better with all those traps and the wet bandits Really Underestimated you lol
"I know but why not-"
"Oh what would you know? You've been wanting to give up since we started! Well not me, I'll-"
"Why don't we just use the hot air balloon?" Marv shouted.
At least marv Use his brain lol
Of course he breaks the 4th wall lol
Oh right nice work sweetie Belle I remember in the episode in season 5
The cmc Try to understand how there cutie marks work And How to figure out that special talent very clever what you did there in the end of the chapter
"I really don't know girls. I helped them discover their true selves and it felt really good."
Pinkie sucked in a great breath of air.
"I feel like this might be... what I'm destined to do girls."
Pinkie's face turned red.
"Well anyway," said Scootaloo, "Want to go try out hooves at a skating cutie mark?"
"That sounds awesome!" Applebloom said.
After a moment, Sweetiebelle agreed and the trio headed to the nearest frozen lake.
Pinkie exhaled and collapsed.
"That was a close one."
"Tell me about it," said Discord as the end credits began to roll.
I see what you did there that's very clever Almost to the episode the crusaders of the lost mark This was a pretty fun story
Marv was quickly knocked to the ground though.
"Marv, what happened?" asked a clueless Harry.
"Sweetie-" started Marv.
Harry turned around to see Sweetiebelle dropping a paint can on a string towards him.
"-Belle," he finished as the world went black.
Better if Marv and Harry were caught and arrested at the end.
p.s. I know it's a bit to late for this
but maybe you should have made them
Flim Flam brothers