• Member Since 20th Aug, 2013
  • offline last seen 13 hours ago



Fluttershy has been burden with a curse. A curse that happens whenever there's a full moon. It's something she's tried to keep secret from her daughter Screwball, and until recently it's been working.

However, recently Screwball has began to show signs that she too may have the curse. So tonight, Fluttershy must do what she has dreaded to do...reveal to her daughter her dark secret.

Editor and Artiest:Fluttershysone

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 10 )

Awwww, how cute :)

I felt this story was amazing. Bat Screwball, a lot of things could be said about this.

Keep up the good work

At first glance, I thought it was clop.
Then I found out it wasn't.
Then I was sad.
Then I fapped furiously to the cover art.
And now I am happy.
The end.

FINALLY!!!!!! Saw this and bookmarked it. but there was NOTHING to read!!!!!!! *WolfishLOL*

Ah the bonding of family.

Awww, I like this! It's a cute and heartwarming story!

Is this story a sequel to your other
Forbidden Fruit?

Nice. It's sweet.

you should make a series out of this story, maybe put mothball in it you know put him on the broad side of her fangs!?

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