• Published 30th May 2012
  • 3,706 Views, 56 Comments

From the Ashes - Benjamin Lawe

A shadow falls over Canterlot as old wounds are opened, and a tradgedy best left buried re-emerges.

  • ...

Chapter 14: Terra Incognita

From the Ashes

Chapter 14: Terra Incognita

“All aboard!” Spellbound called out mockingly, watching as Applejack galloped on up to the platform, “Limited express service to Snowsickle Junction, now leaving the station!”

“Sorry I’m late...” the earth pony puffed, coming to an exhausted halt next to the unicorn, “It took a bit longer to get things sorted back home than I thought.”

“Actually, you’re right on time.” the guard replied easily, “So relax. Everypony else just got here early.”

“Whew, that’s a relief.” Applejack caught her breath, “I guess that means the others are already on board, right?”

“Right.” Spellbound nodded, “You’re the lucky last one.”

“Well, as long as I didn’t hold anyone up...” Applejack replied, “But still, I suppose I shouldn’t dawdle.”

“You’ve got a couple of minutes before this thing actually goes anywhere.” the unicorn guard indicated the steaming engine behind her, “Time enough for a question or two if there's anything I can help you with. It's kind of why I'm here.”

“Fine, I’ll shoot.” Applejack acknowledged, “Where’s the princess? I thought she said she’d see us off here?”

“Ah, yes... of course.” Spellbound stalled, surprised at herself for not expecting that question, “She made sure to speak with Tager, Twilight, and Torrin before they left, but she was far too exhausted to hang around long enough for the others.”

Exhausted, huh?” the earth pony repeated, “What’s she been up to since yesterday?”

“Nothing unusual if that’s what you’re thinking... it’s just that she isn’t used to controlling the sun and moon, and that added onto everything else she’s been stressing over, it’s just proving to be a bit much.” Spellbound explained, “Remember, she was tenacious simply taking back the moon; she needs her rest if she hopes to keep up with all her new responsibilities. The princess did want me to pass on her apologies however.”

“It’s no worries, I was just wondering is all.” Applejack replied easily, “It must be hard on her.”

“It is.” Spellbound closed her eyes briefly, “I have no doubt it would be too much for her to handle without the help of you and your-”

Suddenly, a piercing whistle cut through the moment, a jet of hot steam shooting from the front of train reminding the two ponies beside it that it was time to for it to depart.

“Whoops...” Spellbound muttered, rounding upon Applejack and shuffling the startled earth pony into the doorway of the nearest carriage, “Looks like I’ve kept you long enough.”

The unicorn continued by physically closing the double doors, stopping only when there was just enough of a gap to speak through. “I’ve already explained everything to the others, so ask them if you had any other questions.” she called out over the sound of the awakening engine, “Ask Rainbow Dash for your travel kit; she’s holding it for you. Good luck! And keep Torrin safe! And find the second hero while you’re at it please!”

The carriage kicking to life under her hooves, Applejack just waved Spellbound off as the train begun its crawl from the station. For her part, the unicorn raised her own hoof for a casual salute, keeping it held until the entire body of the train was away.

“I wonder if it’s just my imagination...” Applejack muttered to herself as she made her way down the slow moving carriage, looking in each booth she passed for her friends, “But wasn’t she acting a little-”

She stopped short as she found somepony sitting alone in one of the booths. Staring complacently out the window, Tager’s gaze shifted as she seemingly felt Applejack’s eyes upon her. The two of them looked at one another for a long moment before Applejack broke away, continuing through the carriage.

“Well, no doubt she’s still touchy.” the earth pony said to herself, “One can only wonder what she got up to last night...”

Applejack couldn’t help but think back to the kind of terms she and the group had parted on yesterday. “Well, after all that, she’s still here.” she continued optimistically, “I guess that’s saying something...”

While the pegasus in question sat alone, it soon became apparent that she wasn’t here alone. As Applejack reached the far end of the carriage, she found herself next to the booth she was after. Inside were her friends, with Rainbow Dash and Twilight sitting to one side, the unicorn by the window seat, and the two boys opposite them. Torrin peered excitedly through the window while Marco yawned tiredly beside him. Virtually drifting in and out of the waking world, and sporting Luna’s deep purple pendant around his neck, he was the only one who didn’t immediately notice Applejack arrive.

“Howdy.” she said as she slid the door open and walked inside, “Hope I didn’t keep you.”

“No, of course not.” Twilight replied, “But you really cut it fine. You must have been quite busy back home.”

“You ain’t kidding.” Applejack shook her head tiredly, “The farm was having enough problems with me away, and now that I’ve got my brother looking after Sweetie Belle... let’s just say it was a tight fit making sure I won’t be out of business by the time this all blows over.”

“I’ll admit it, you had us worried when the train started moving.” Rainbow Dash shrugged, “We thought you weren’t on it!”

“Sorry.” the earth pony apologised, remaining standing as she looked for a free spot in the booth, “I got caught up talking with Spellbound out the front.”

“Oh yeah, she wanted me to pass this on.” Rainbow Dash reached under her seat and slid a stuffed saddlebag over, “You can look for yourself, but it's got a map, some rations, and a wool coat. Spellbound gave one to each of us.”

Taking the pack, Applejack scooched Marco over and sat between him and Torrin. “About her...” she said, “I couldn’t tell if it was just me, but did she seem a little different to any of y'all? You know, more cheery, or whatever?”

“No, you weren't imagining things...” Twilight replied with a light giggle, “When I went to say goodbye to Fluttershy this morning, she was telling me Caliber finally woke up. It's pretty hush-hush apparently, but the news that their captain's going to be okay has got the whole guard at ease. Spellbound obviously included.”

“And Luna too I bet.” Marco added, rubbing sleepily at his eyes, “Do you think Tager knows?”

“She wouldn’t.” Rainbow Dash replied, “Even though I went looking for her, I wasn’t able to find her anywhere. Even if she wanted to find out what’s been going on, I can’t think of a way she could’ve.”

“If you were thinking about telling her, I’d be careful if I were you.” Applejack warned, her earlier encounter fresh in her mind, “She’s definitely still sour about yesterday. If you want my advice, I say keep your distance.”

“You know her best Dash.” Twilight cut in, “What do you think?”

Me?” the pegasus seemed to pause, “Um... well, it's not like she'll up and leave if all you're doing is bothering her, but I still don’t know too much about what she did while she was in the guard. It’s probably not worth hassling her if she's not interested.”

“Come on Dash, it’s pretty obvious she cares.” Marco spoke up again, “Whatever history she has with Caliber became pretty obvious when Luna brought us back to find him half dead. Don’t you remember how she reacted?”

No.” Rainbow Dash replied deadpan, “It was kinda hard to pay attention to that kinda thing considering everything else that was going on.”

“Whatever.” Marco stood up, “I needed to talk to her anyway, so I’ll go ahead and tell her about Caliber.”

“Heh, well good luck.” Applejack teased, still convinced that Tager was volatile, “We’ll be waiting here to hear how that goes.”

“Actually, I’m probably going to keep her company in the booth she’s been hogging all to herself.” Marco replied, “No offense of course, but it’s become a bit crowded now that you’re here.”

“If you call her company, then go right ahead.” Applejack retorted, almost bitterly, “But I’d be surprised if you don’t get much more than the silent treatment from her.”

“So would I, and that’s why I’m going.” he smiled jokingly before sliding the door open, “Sorry, I really don’t want to be ‘that guy’, but I was planning on catching up on some sleep on this long train ride. If she doesn’t wanna talk then I couldn’t be happier.”

Applejack just shook her head slowly from side to side as he left. “He isn’t quite right is he?” she questioned, “I don’t even wanna know what he was up to last night if he couldn’t find the time to sleep like a normal pony.”

“Heh... yeah.” Twilight coughed nervously, “This might be a bad time to mention I was planning something similar. It's just that there were a few things Luna got me thinking about and I wanted a chance to look them up myself, and... well, one thing led to another and I ended up staying up all night.”

Applejack sighed, knowing she should’ve expected such a thing from her friend. “Truth be told, I’m a bit weary myself.” she resigned, “I guess last night took a little bit out of me as well. More than I realized anyhow."

“I couldn’t sleep either.” Torrin commented, though he didn’t stop looking out the window, “I mean, I tried and all, but Pastel snores. Bad. So I just kept myself busy in the library instead.”

“You guys are hopeless.” Rainbow Dash commented, “I can’t even understand how somepony can go without sleeping. It’s not healthy.”

“Rainbow, you’re the other extreme.” Applejack remarked flatly, “For all I know, you probably spend more time napping than you do awake!”

“Yep, I am extreme alright.” the pegasus closed her eyes smugly, “And that takes energy. Which is why I always need my rest. Don’t blame me if you’re just not awesome enough to get it.”

“I think I'm understanding why Marco left.” Twilight chuckled, “I could probably go for some silent treatment right about now.”

“Well, it's not like I want to bug you or nothing, but I was just wondering...” Applejack kept her voice hushed for the benefit of whoever else was looking for some quiet, “What did you say was keeping you up last night again?”

“I was... well, I needed to try and understand a little more.” Twilight’s voice was lowered too, but for an entirely different reason, “I mean, no offense or anything, but have you guys thought much about why this is all happening?”

“What do you mean?” Dash spoke up, “Terra’s beef with the princesses is gonna flip the whole world on its head! Who cares about ‘why’? It’s the ‘what’ we need to pay attention to...”

“I get what you’re getting at Twi, but Rainbow’s on the money.” Applejack added, “Ponies are getting hurt and it’s gotta stop. It’s as simple as that.”

Twilight didn’t meet her friends’ eyes, pretending to look out the window. Torrin gazed over too for a moment, suddenly interested in whatever it was that was bothering the unicorn.

“Applejack, this is probably going to sound like a weird question...” she finally spoke, “But why did... no, why do you think you sat down where you did?”

The earth pony’s confused look became more serious to hear her friend's tone, and she quickly scanned the booth in a futile attempt to figure it out. “I can’t say I know what you’re getting at, but...” she hesitated, “But truth be told, I don’t always think on every little thing. I just sat, what’s the big deal?”

“Well, after what I found out trying to figure out the ‘whys’, I couldn’t help but notice...” Twilight levelled with her friend, “Dash and I left a space for you here on our side, but you made your own between Marco and Torrin.

“Believe me, I’m not trying to say anything about you, or anypony for that matter, but I’ve begun to notice just how much earth ponies tend to stick together.” she continued, tapping her front hooves together awkwardly, “I mean, look at Appleoosa and all the other settlements Luna’s been trying to monitor. There’s the unbalance in Canterlot to think about as well, even... even Ponyville’s got a history too.

“I don’t know Applejack, but the same idea kept popping up everywhere I looked.” the unicorn shook her head, “Earth ponies seem to have this history of going their own way. Earth Ponies founded Ponyville, and it only ever became something more than just another earth pony settlement because it was so close to Canterlot and Cloudsdale. I don’t know how many purely earth pony villages there are out there, enough at least to thin out the entire royal guard I suppose, but just look at Appleoosa and Hordimare, or even... or even Marco’s old home town. It’s not like they’re closing themselves off or anything, but the more I think about it, and I really wish I could find better words for it, but the more it seems to me that earth ponies in general prefer to be among their own kind.”

“That sounds like code for earth ponies not wanting anything to do with unicorns, or pegasi.” Rainbow Dash commented incredulously, surprising the group by seeing through the logic, “I don’t know about you guys, but I’ve seen more than enough that says that ain’t the case.”

“No, you’re right.” Twilight nodded shallowly, her head still slightly down, “Thanks Dash. Sorry.”

An awkward silence fell as Twilight made to gaze out the window once more, but her eyes just drifted as her private concerns continued to dance around inside her weary mind.

Finally, Applejack broke the silence with a weighty sigh. “Twi... you shouldn’t be worried about ticking me off just by speaking your mind.” the earth pony smiled, “We’re better friends than that. I for one wanna know just what it is you’re trying to say. Like... do you think that for some reason, or because of some feeling deep down in our bones, us earth ponies would rather go it alone?”

“It’s just that earth ponies are the only ones; pegasi and unicorns don’t have a history of splitting off and doing their own thing.” Twilight looked over to her friend once more, “I mean, yeah, there’s Cloudsdale and Mistmantle, but you can’t live in Cloudsdale without being able to fly, and you can’t survive Mistmantle without magic. It’s got more to do with inability than solidarity.”

It became quiet once more, and Twilight just hung her head again. Blurs of passing shapes whipped past the window as the rails underneath the carriage sung, begging for somepony in the carriage to talk.

“Why then?” Torrin spoke up for the first time, no longer hiding his interest, “Why would earth ponies want to separate themselves from a unified society? I mean, it sucks just to talk about it, but do you think, even unconsciously, earth ponies have a bitterness inside them? Like, some kind of remnant of when Terra tried to make them the superior race?

“That’s not what I’m saying at all, in fact... it’s more like the opposite.” Twilight’s tone became even, “It’s obvious that Terra’s not doing this for nothing. Luna said he was responsible for a lot of good in his time, and that even now, he is acting of his own accord. With what little we've been told about his history, there’s nothing else for me to say but, that at least in his eyes, Terra is trying to do what he thinks is right.

“If that’s the case... I can’t help but wonder.” she raised her head again, looking Applejack dead in the eye, “What did earth ponies go through in the past? If it’s true that some kind of feeling still exists, as if it’s been somehow passed down and kept alive all these years... then what’s the source? Where did the feeling come from, and what does it have to do with Terra?”

Dash and Applejack exchanged a quick look, both of them at a loss before the deep question.

“In the end, it just has to be my imagination.” Twilight exhaled, “If something really did happen to plant that seed, it would have to be huge. A world tragedy? Some social issue? Even a war? Any number of things could have done it...

“But why?” her eyes narrowed, “Why does no one know? Why wouldn’t something like that be written down? Why... why wouldn’t the princess tell us?”

The carriage went dead quiet again, but this silence was much more meaningful. Torrin’s stare became vacant as if withdrawn, almost as if he had words of his own held back. As for Dash and Applejack, even if they couldn’t completely understand the depth of what was troubling their friend, it was obvious to them that Twilight was putting too much pressure on herself.

“Even if what you’re saying is true, I’m not about to believe Luna’s holding out on us, not after everything we’ve been through.” Applejack lent in slightly, forcing Twilight’s attention back to her, “She might not know. But like you said, if somepony would, it’d be Terra.

“So be patient.” she nodded solidly, “Once he's been stopped, your questions will just be one more thing for him to answer to.”

“But it’s not wrong to want answers is it?” Twilight almost sounded frustrated, “There has to be somepony... anypony who knows the reasons behind all this craziness!”

“I’m sure there is, but Twi, you gotta let this one go for now.” Applejack’s tone was both assertive and comforting, “Remember, we’ve got plenty on our plate as is, tracking down the hero and all. And you... you already said you need your rest.

“So we’ll be quiet, and you try and put that stuff out of your head.” she continued, smiling warmly for her troubled friend, “Let somepony else work on getting answers for a change.”

* * * *

“Are you sure about this princess?” the yellow-eyed guard asked tentatively, following Luna’s vacant gaze into the shadowy depths of the stone passage he attended, “You’ve exhausted yourself enough as it is... you should let us handle it.”

Her meaningful stare didn’t waver as the grey-coated guard exchanged a nervous look with his partner. Both of them were clad in the same dark purple pointy armour and they each sported a black, three-pronged trident. Their type wasn’t a common sight amongst the guard, which was ironic considering that, as jailers, they were the division most concerned with ‘guarding’.

“It’s not your place to tell the princess what she should do.” the second snake-eyed guard said firmly, criticizing his somewhat nervous counterpart, “She wouldn’t have come all the way here if anything you could say could dissuade her.”

Luna broke briefly from her stare to pay the two guards their due. She had more experience with their kind than her sister despite the fact she had only recently returned to power, and she commonly had several attending the more private areas of her night palace. Among the uneducated, pegasi of their appearance were commonly associated as more monster than pony, which despite having roots in a complicated and long-reaching history of social problems, was actually considered more as a mark of esteem than discrimination. Even so, their role as guards rarely extended into the world outside, as they inherently preferred and generally stuck to operations that went on behind closed doors.

Before the princess was one such door, and despite the concern of one of the guards responsible for its defence, it was open to her. Naturally, she was allowed free entrance to any area under her rule simply by virtue, and while the guards before her had their normally interlocked weapons directed aside, their doubts were easily understood, as it was all but unheard of for somepony such as her to insist on descending down into their domain.

“Even so...” the stronger spoken of the two guards made to amened his previous statement, “Your time here is most likely wasted. The criminal hasn’t said a word since he awoke.”

As he finished talking to the still silent Luna, slow and evidently armoured hoofsteps begun to click out from the stone passage until Spellbound emerged and took stance beside the princess, leaving the way clear for her proceed down.

“Everything’s ready in there.” the unicorn said, looking back from where she came, “Are you sure you wouldn’t rather have me do this?”

“Yes.” Luna finally spoke, “Please return to Caliber for the time being. I need you to resume the debriefing process.”

“Princess, he was only able to tell us so much before he went back under...” Spellbound insisted, being sure to tread carefully as she made to debate the point, “The only reason I’m here is because he’s resting again.”

Luna inhaled slowly, rehearsing her next words in her mind before attempting them. “I do not wish to sound callous, as it is a miracle that the captain even survived...” she closed her eyes for a moment as she spoke, “However, there may be things that only he has come to know, and I refuse to ignore the possibility that those things may prove pivotal. We absolutely cannot afford to be taken by surprise again...

“I’m truly sorry, but I leave it to you to ensure that information is obtained.” the princess continued, directing her gaze at the unicorn to which she voiced her resolution, “In his recovery, the captain would not wish to be burdened by knowledge, nor us by ignorance.”

I...” Spellbound stalled as her expression softened, “I’ll see what I can do.”

“That is all I can ask.” Luna breathed, “I know you are the best one for the job.”

“What about you princess?” the unicorn asked, glancing briefly between the two jailers, “I mean, being here... do you really expect that this guy is going to talk with you?”

“I do not have enough information to form an expectation of any kind, but one can always hope.” Luna replied vaguely, “Hope that Caliber is not the only one who might yet help me understand...”

“I really, really don’t think that Atlas is going to help you... not at all.” Spellbound made no effort to conceal her doubts, “He hasn’t said a damn word... not even to the doctors. He probably even figured you’d come to see him at some point, and if he-”

“Enough.” Luna cut in abruptly, “We shall simply see. And we cannot do so without first making this venture.”

“As you wish.” the unicorn bowed respectfully, “Good luck then. I’ll see to Caliber.”

“Thank you.” Luna said as Spellbound departed, then turned to face the two guards silently standing by, “Now then... you two. Take me to him.”

“O-okay.” the more nervous jailer nodded, clutching his trident as he and his partner moved from their post, “Follow us.”

Spellbound watched over her shoulder as the princess was led through the stone corridor. As her figure disappeared down its length, she was caught wondering on just how Luna had chosen to handle these matters.

“What would Celestia be doing right now if she were here?” she asked herself as she turned away, shaking her head as she failed to imagine the possibility, “For better or worse... how different would things be turning out?”

“We’re here.” the less direct of the two jailers said as he and his partner took stance at either side the heavy set door they had led the princess to, “No disrespect princess, but if you were thinking of backing out, now’s your last chance...”

Luna didn’t look to the pegasus, instead focusing her gaze on the door and its complex locking system. Each corner was bolted with thick iron cylinders, each of which linked to a central mechanism that didn’t appear to have any kind of button, switch, or keyhole.

“Open it.” she directed, her eyes narrowing intensely as she imagined what awaited her.

“Very well.” the other guard stepped forward, “I’m unlocking it.”

Touching his trident above the mechanism, a dull clunk could be heard as the lock became released. Without interacting with it any further, the bolts slid from their sockets and the door begun to move, surprisingly enough, straight down into the floor.

The door now fully descended, Luna’s prisoner entered full view. Seated and bound on the furthest side of a table-like construct, Atlas’ ice blue eyes already stared dead ahead, seemingly ready and waiting for Luna to make her appearance.

For her part, the princess did well not to waver in coming face to face with the stallion for the first time. He no longer had his bifocals to conceal his gaze, and on the lower part of his neck, coiling all the way around to his shoulder was a thickly wrapped layer of bandage that didn’t do much justice to the fact it covered what would have been a fatal wound. He was also bound to his chair by heavy, large-linked chains that permitted only the most minor range of movement.

“I trust you know who this is?” the more stern of the two jailers questioned Atlas, watching as he continued to glare dead ahead, “Perhaps now you will find your voice...”

“That’s enough.” Luna closed her eyes briefly, “I’d like you two to leave us.”

“Are you sure?” the other guard questioned, a drop of sweat forming, “Princess... he-

“Thank you for your concern.” she cut him off gently, “But I’ll be fine alone.”

“As you wish.” the bolder jailer bowed, “We will be right outside if you change your mind.”

Without a word, the two guards shuffled out, giving only a final condemning look to their prisoner before raising the sturdy stone door again, leaving it unlocked behind them for what would most likely be the first time ever.

Now alone together, the quiet developed a much greater depth. Staring silently at one another without so much as blinking, the seconds ticked by at a snail’s pace as the atmosphere practically begged for one of them to speak first.

The division between the two was stark to say the least. Across the table sat a princess to a prisoner, an alicorn to an earth pony, and a ruler to a traitor. Indeed, the only point of comparison seemed to be that neither party was even the least bit intimidated by the other.

After what seemed like an eternity of waiting, Atlas finally gave in to the princess’ utterly vacant expression. Leaning forward as much as his chains would allow, he made to speak for the first time since waking up in this dungeon.

“Must you make that face?” Atlas’ crisp voice echoed off the stone walls, “As much as I can try to understand your feelings, my crimes were never so grave.”

“I’m not so certain.” Luna replied directly, “Indeed, there are few crimes more severe than mounting an attack upon the royal palace.”

“So I hear.” the earth pony breathed deep, “But as I’ve said already, I never came here to do such a thing.”

“So I hear.” Luna mimicked, “But as you might imagine, the word of one such as you is only worth so much to me.”

“Your captain told me something similar.” Atlas didn’t falter, “Tell me, is he alive?”

The princess seemed to delay a moment as she contemplated both his question and her answer. “Yes, he lives.” she finally replied, “Apparently you had some role in seeing to that yourself. Is that true?”

“We fought those stray brats together, if that’s what you mean.” his eyes flickered briefly, thought he did not have his bifocals to conceal them this time, “And if I am alive, it must be because he managed to defeat them.

“If you don’t mind, I have another question.” he continued, changing tune suddenly, “Are they alive?”

Luna paused again, still trying to work the aged stallion out. “They are no more.” she said darkly, “However, Caliber claims that they most likely resigned their lives prior to their arrival.”

A silence developed as the princess answered Atlas’ question. It was as if he could tell from how it had been answered that she had something of her own to ask.

“The mystery of those twins and their strange power is one I do not intend to let rest.” Luna continued, having picked up on the stallion’s keen perception, “Atlas Black. You should know that, considering your position, I do not trust a word from your mouth. But what is clear is that you, despite intentions, and even if only briefly, assisted the captain and played a role in keeping the palace from being taken by a mutual enemy...

“Your crime of treason came before my return, and as such, my ear may in fact be the one least deft by bias.” she levelled her gaze and voice, “I present to you one chance to explain to me the circumstances of your betrayal and your allegiance with Terra, including your relationship with those twins, the captain, and anyone else you care to mention...”

“A useless gesture.” Atlas dismissed, “It is as you say; I know you do not trust me. That, and I do not desire to speak on those things. I don’t imagine you have leverage enough to force me, so why in my right mind would I tell you anything? Least of all that which might actually be of use to you?”

“Do not misunderstand.” Luna’s tone was even, “What I want is information, and regardless of what truths and lies you have to spill, I have ways of getting it. However, as a service to both my own understanding, and to you, as somepony who may or may not have helped to keep my people safe, I am giving you an opportunity to tell me how you see it.”

“Now I understand.” Atlas let out a single, unamused chuckle, “So what you actually want is closure? Pathetic. You think hearing the side of your enemy from your enemy is going to help put that mind of yours to ease?”

The princess just stared complacently, her eyes half closed. Yet another moment of tense quiet passed as the stallion shook his head and lent back, the chains holding him in place jingling slightly.

“Have it your way.” he finally said, leaning forward once again, “My story starts while you were still sealed away, your name spoken only in whispers. Five years ago, in this very city, above this very dungeon, I heard a different name whispered.

“It was one that had gone un-uttered since your banishment.” Atlas’s steeled mind flashed back, “Let me tell you about the day I first learned of Terra.”

* * * *

Spanning across countless centuries, much less a minor five years, the great city of Canterlot has changed little in regards to appearance. In full view of the royal palace, the garrison took pride amongst the top tier of the city’s structural hierarchy, and beside it, bordering on the very edge of the city’s top tier, was its academy sporting a three-hundred odd year history of excellence. Its latest in the way of prodigal teachers was none other than an earth pony, a rarity that was among the first to break through a predominately unicorn dominated field. And although Atlas Black was indeed five years younger, he had long since passed the point of maturation. As short-tempered, quick-witted, and stubborn as ever, he was practically born to be a teacher.

And while five years to the already aged may not have meant much in terms of change, to the young, it can be difference enough to separate a colt from a stallion...

“Oh, come on Mr. Black!” the young pegasus groaned, “It all worked out fine in the end, why you gotta make such a big deal about the little things?”

Silence!” Atlas barked, all but identical in appearance and mannerism to that of his future self, “These ‘little things’ may be the difference between life and death some day! Maybe not to you, but to your comrades. And that goes double for somepony who brazenly insists that they’re going to be the one leading his peers someday!”

“As if you’re the one scolding me on that!” the pegasus rebelled, “The lieutenant already chewed me out on this, okay? You’re just one of my teachers! It’s not like you need to-”

“I said be silent!” Atlas roared once more, “I may not be part of your prissy pegasus brigade, but if that Ceasler character is just gonna let you trot all over him, then it’s up to me to shape you up.”

“But still...” the young pegasus droned once more, “If that’s the case, why is my punishment just helping you sort your dumb books? Just tell me what to do next time and I’ll do it!”

“If that would work, then there wouldn’t be a problem in the first place...” Atlas sighed, calming himself down, “Honestly Caliber... how is anypony supposed to teach you anything if you don’t have any discipline?”

“Whatever.” the future guard captain rolled his eyes, “I’m done over here anyway. Are we finished now or what?”

“Yes, and thank Celestia for it.” the old stallion replied, his troublesome pupil only reinforcing his disappointment, “Go on. Away with you.”

“Ah, before I forget...” Caliber said suddenly, stopping just short of the exit before moving back towards his teacher, “About that thing I asked you-”

“If this is about that friend of yours, then you can forget it.” Atlas cut him off, “The only way to become a guard is to graduate from this school. It’s commendable that you are trying to help a friend become something more, but there is no other way than for her to pass the entrance exam.”

Tsk... I knew I was hoping for too much.” the young pegasus hung his head a little, “Thanks anyway I guess.”

“There are no shortcuts in this life Caliber.” Atlas turned to face his student, “If your friend truly wishes to become a guard, the only support I intend to offer is the kind open to everypony else. She must pass the exam.”

“I know, I know...” the young pegasus wobbled from side to side, caught between coming and going, “But like I already explained, she can’t afford to go through schooling like I can... if she could just get her hoof in the door, I know she’ll do well! If you could just-

“The answer is no.” Atlas shook his head, stern as ever, “I can appreciate your intentions, but I refuse to exempt her from testing, regardless of her hardships.”

“Come on Mr. Black, please!” Caliber pleaded, “She’s totally made out for this job! She’s lightning fast, and super tough, and-”

“Being a guard isn’t a ‘job’, kid.” the grizzled earth pony cut him right off, “It’s a duty. And despite what you seem to think, to fulfil it you need more than speed, strength, or toughness.”

“What are you talking about geezer?” Caliber questioned, almost bitterly, “That’s all the teach us in training! How to go faster, how to be tougher, how to be stronger... what else is-”

Heart!” Atlas barked, cutting his student off and indicating his own chest, “Caliber, when it comes to strength, speed, and stamina, you are practically in a league of your own. But your potential lies in none of these things.

“You may excel in the eyes of the garrison, but this is my school.” he continued, confronting the pegasus more directly as he did so, “To the military mind you may be perfect, but to my mine you lack conviction. You are too content with paying so little attention to my lessons, and are far too satisfied exerting such little effort in my attempts to sharpen your mind and foster your wisdom...

The study was quiet momentarily as Atlas gathered his words. Even the rebellious pegasus held his tongue as his teacher made to continue. “Caliber, if you will let me teach you even one thing, let it be this...” the old earth pony spoke, levelling his voice with purpose, “I don’t doubt that you will make something of yourself some day, some day soon in fact. However, you will learn that there exist battles that strength alone will not see you through. To know when you shouldn’t fight, even when you cannot fail, and to know when you must fight, even when there can be no victory... making that choice may become yours, and at that time you cannot depend upon anything but heart.

“And no matter how far you make it in the garrison, heart is something you can learn only here.” he concluded, “You have that potential young one, I know it. You need only apply yourself.”

Awaiting some kind of reciprocation, Atlas simply let the lecture end there. Looking down on his pupil patiently, the old stallion visibly deflated when the pegasus finally responded by turning away once more.

“Whatever you say gramps.” Caliber shrugged pointedly, headed for the door again, “See ya tomorrow.”

“If only...” Atlas sighed in disappointment, “You have no classes tomorrow, brat.”

“I know that.” Caliber replied undaunted, taking his teacher by surprise, “But it’s not like I have anything else to do or anything.”

“Tsk, cheeky fool.” the bifocaled stallion let a smile flicker for an instant, “Very well then. You know my hours.”

With that said, the pegasus finally continued on his way out of the study. But as Atlas watched him go, it seemed as if the old earth pony still had something to say.

“Caliber, you probably know I’m not prone to reconsideration.” his voice carried beyond the empty doorway, “However, in regards to this friend of yours... well, if you really insist, I suppose I can allow this change of heart...

“If you still intend to come again tomorrow, then bring her if you wish.” he continued, “I offer to tutor you two jointly. However, while it remains to be seen whether or not my help will see her through examination, if she is half as dull as I have come to expect from a friend of yours, then she is likely to only hamper your progress.

“My advice is to leave her be and keep your lessons personal, but the choice is yours regardless.” he said, leaving the option open, “I recommend that you consider things properly before-”

“We’ll be there!” Caliber’s voice echoed out, “Thanks Mr Black, it really means a lot!”

“Aren’t you even going to hesitate?” Atlas replied incredulous, “We’re talking about something quite serious here. Just because she’s your friend doesn’t mean-”

“You said it yourself gramps...” Caliber managed to cut his teacher off for what had to be the first time, “You gotta go with the heart right? If it’s decided on something, then it’s not like any amount of time or thinking’s gonna change it!

“Oh, and her name’s not ‘my friend’...” he continued over the sound of his wings kicking to life and rocketing down the hall, “It’s Tager!”

“I say it once, I say it a thousand times...” Atlas grumbled through grinding teeth, “No flying in the damn halls!

With none but himself to direct his frustration towards, the old earth pony just exhaled gruffly in the solitude that was now his study. Despite a vigour that had been kept alive over all these years, it took more energy that he cared to admit dealing with pupils such as Caliber. And since he was, for whatever reason, all too happy to take on what was sure to be yet another troublesome pegasus, it was clear to his mind he had quite the exhausting trial ahead of him.

“I suppose I’ll be regretting this soon enough.” Atlas Black shook his head slowly as he made his own way out of the school, “Honestly, I’m getting too old for this...”

Keeping an even pace as he locked up his study and walked the length of the adjacent hall, he found his eyes wander to the intricate windows along its side and the beginnings of dusk forming beyond the patterns etched into the glass.

“It’s late.” he said to himself, the fact being something of a realization, “Looks like I kept Caliber longer than I should have.

“In any case, it looks like I’m the only one still here.” he shook his head as he continued on his way, “That pegasus is welcome to fly out of here, but if I hadn’t a key I would most likely be trapped.”

His key close at hoof, Atlas approached the main doors to the school, his mind focused almost exclusively on the thought of home. But before his fantasies of the rest of the evening could carry him on ignorantly through the exit, he found something stop him just short of unlocking the double doors.

While Atlas didn’t necessarily make a habit of leaving the school late, he had been the last to leave more than the once throughout his time here, and even though he’d often check, he had never encountered a door that didn’t need unlocking. So naturally, the old stallion’s eyes narrowed as he realized what about the scene stuck out. Directly to his right, taking pride opposite the main doors was the school’s public library, and for the first time to his knowledge, the door leading inside was not only clearly unlocked, but also ajar. Pocketing his key, Atlas trod lightly towards it, his suspicion growing as he neared.

Putting his hoof to the wood, he pushed the door open slightly and peered in. It was a foreboding kind of dark inside, as all artificial light was shut off, and shadows cloaked everything the windows could not illuminate, which ended up being most of the room considering how close the sun had come to setting outside.

Even so, Atlas boldly pushed the door the rest of the way open, going so far as to let the sound of wood hitting wood echo about the silent room. Curiously, and with a healthy dose of carefulness, he ventured a few paces inside before stopping and scanning his surroundings intently.

And at that moment, he knew something was definitely wrong here. Though it wasn’t revealed to him by any particular sense, something deep inside warned him of a presence among the shadows. Whoever or whatever it was, it was in here somewhere, hidden and waiting, and staring right at him from their perceived safety.

He continued to scan the dark room, slower and more deliberately than before, until he found his gaze stop over a particular nook. It was but one among a hundred places for someone or something to hide, but Atlas fixated on it regardless. He couldn’t make anything out with his eyes, but that was only natural. The feeling welling up in his gut didn’t need light to see his stalker skulking about beyond those shadows.

“Who’s hiding there?” he asked calmly enough, “Come out. Slowly.

A few slow seconds of silence passed as whoever Atlas was calling on tried to determine whether they had been discovered or if the old stallion was simply bluffing. As the earth pony in question continued to stare straight ahead, it became obvious that he could truly tell.

“You have remarkable sense.” an ominous voice carried, resounding about the quiet library, “That counts one rumour of you to be true.”

“Waiting for me were you?” Atlas growled, not deviating in his gaze despite the omnipresence of the voice, “Then show yourself. Theatrics don’t impress me.”

“Was it your eyes or ears that found me?” the voice paid no heed to the stallion’s words, “No, I dare say it was more like instinct. A rare gift indeed...”

A series of hoofsteps clicked out from the direction Atlas was looking, until a totally cloaked figure emerged from hiding. Nothing was visible underneath a dark-green tattered shroud, and not only that, their face was covered by a pale white and eerily featureless ceramic mask. From their voice and build Atlas could determine that this odd individual was a stallion, but figuring them to be earth pony, pegasus or unicorn would simply be guesswork.

“Who are you?” the aged earth pony demanded, his eyes narrowing to take in the unexpected sight, “Prankster? Thief? Or perhaps...”

“I’ve been wanting to meet you Atlas Black.” came the dark reply, “You could say that this is a fated meeting.”

“Don’t make me repeat myself.” the old earth pony grumbled, “I asked you who you were.”

“You’ll know in time.” the masked pony dismissed Atlas easily, “But as far as names go, I don’t imagine you will find mine as half as interesting as the one I came to deliver.”

“What variety of lunatic are you?” Atlas scowled, the concept he was faced with practically laughable, “If you think feeding me riddles will make me drop the question, you are sadly mistaken. Answer me right now.”

“And if I refuse?” the clocked figure asked, surprising the usually intimidating Atlas, “Perhaps you are too accustomed to ordering students... your authority at this school does not credit your threats. Not to me.”

In response to this, Atlas’ stance became ridged. It suddenly occurred to him that this encounter might prove more serious than he initially thought.

“However, I do respect that authority.” the anonymous pony spoke again, perhaps realizing that he had broken through to Atlas, if only slightly, “I very much admire one who dedicates themselves to truth and knowledge. For you see, I too am a seeker of such things.”

“Then stop speaking in disguise.” the old stallion didn’t give up on his inquisition, indicating the white shell visible under the pony’s hood, “I am already certain I do not know you. Why hide your identity?”

“That’s not why I wear the mask.” he replied mystically, “I just couldn’t stand to see this world any longer through my own eyes. I fear that if I don’t close them off, they too might become blind.”

“Enough poetic gibberish.” Atlas spat, seeing right through the evasive reason, “You talk in riddles without giving your name, your purpose, nor an explanation of any kind... I’ve half a mind to force out answers.”

Answers?” the masked pony repeated, “Yes, that’s good. I was hoping you would say that. That’s why I am here. If it is answers of any kind, I am here to provide.”

“Stop trying my patience cretin!” Atlas boomed, “I’ve already asked you the only questions I want you to answer!”

“And what of the questions you haven’t asked?” the cloaked figure posed calmly, “The ones you are not bold enough to speak of? Those of your heart? From behind this mask, these are the things I can see clearest.”

“You snake.” the old earth pony hissed, “Is slipping around my questions all you’re good for?”

“I already know you are not one to tolerate evasive discussion.” came the reply, “But the fact that you haven’t already become hostile proves you are at least somewhat interested in what I’m trying to say.”

“To my mind, it doesn’t seem like you’re trying to say anything.” Atlas countered, “And interested? The only thing interesting is how well you can speak words without saying a damn thing.”

The old stallion received no reply this time. A few moments passed, and the room briefly delved back into its eerie silence. Atlas made to press his point, but that same gut feeling from before caused him to hold his tongue. It was as if he could feel something developing behind the featureless mask seemingly staring back at him.

“Then let us dispose of the preamble.” the mysterious pony finally spoke, “Why am I here? In a way, I have already answered. I am a here as a seeker of truth.”

“Define ‘here’.” Atlas demanded, looking about himself, “Did you come looking for something in this library, the school, or from me?”

“You misunderstand.” the masked figure replied, “I am not here to find truth, I am here because I have found truth. An important distinction, as I’m sure you are aware.”

“And yet you’re skulking about this library?” Atlas commented, “Tell me what you are doing here.”

“Acting on truth is the worthier part of knowledge, is it not?” the shadowy figure posed, “But it is with a heavy heart I must admit, it is also the hardest.

“If it wasn’t obvious enough already, allow me to confirm your suspicions.” he continued, “I didn’t come here to search out any hidden text or scroll. I was looking for you. I sought you out because I can no longer carry the burden of knowledge alone.”

“You assume that I am even remotely interested in your dilemma.” Atlas shook his head in disbelief, “Don’t you think it’s ludicrous for me to stand here and listen to some fool elaborate on his delusions without even stating the so-called truth he’s discovered?”

“I apologise if it seems that I’ve been leading you on.” came the reply, “I imagine that you’ll understand why shortly. The information is... sensitive.”

“It sickens me to grant you the satisfaction, but I assure you I will only indulge your impudence this once.” the aged earth pony swallowed, “Do you have any intention of spitting out whatever it is you think you know, or are you just going to chase your tail like some idiot mutt?”

“So you do want to know?” the masked stallion stepped forwards ever so slightly, “You really do exceed my expectations Atlas. A true scholar will always give every potential its chance. In spite of pride, or even reason, they will always heed wherever truth may hide. I was not wrong in trusting you with this.”

Utterly unamused by what seemed like praise, Atlas stared forwards, still trying to work this unusual character out. Reflecting back on it, the fact he had continued to entertain this nonsense was a borderline miracle.

“Very well.” the anonymous pony spoke again, suddenly changing tune, “What if were to tell you that the greatest crime in history, a sin beyond compare, was one that went unannounced and unpunished? What if I were to claim that the powers that be would have such a thing ignored, and be complicit in the deception of the entire world?”

“I wouldn’t expect such an accusation to get much of reception, especially when you continue to refrain from specifics.” Atlas didn’t appear phased, “In this world, talk is cheap, and conspiracies abound. It isn’t reasonable to pay every fool his due when there’s never any proof to be had.”

“I wouldn’t be here if I hadn’t a way to back up my claims.” the cloaked stallion retorted, “But I’m talking about a crime that dates back beyond any tome you’ve ever read, and of ponies born before pen were ever put to paper. I-”

“That’s enough.” Atlas cut him right off, “Don’t go thinking that I never learned about what happened between the princess and her sister, or about that ancient horror story of Nightmare Moon. You aren’t qualified to teach me about the rights and wrongs there.

“I suppose I really should have guessed.” he continued with a slight chuckle, shaking his head slowly, “You’re just another one of those damned fanatics aren’t you? Just another idiot who somehow got into his head that Luna was sealed for no reason, and that we’re all living under some villainous dictator... am I right?”

“Now this I did not expect.” the cloaked stallion wasn’t phased by the tear down, “Though I do suppose that not all surprises are pleasant...”

“You acknowledge me as a scholar and are surprised when I am learned?” Atlas questioned, “I don’t know what you’ve been playing at, but it seems like the only one you’re fooling is yourself.”

“Don’t be absurd.” the anonymous pony surprised Atlas with the firm rejection, “Of course I was aware you would know of that story and be decided on the matter. What I didn’t expect was for you to be so blindly faithful to the princess. For someone I thought to be wise, that is rather unbecoming.”

“And how do you figure that?” Atlas was incredulous, “Not that I take issue with the concept, but I’d rather you call it a justified trust.”

“I see it differently.” the masked stallion disagreed, “Just now your defence of Celestia hinged not on her being right, but on her sister being wrong. It then stands to reason that whatever justifications you can conjure up only apply in that context.”

“If you’re trying to say there’s a problem with that, I’m afraid I don’t see it.” Atlas raised an eyebrow, “It doesn’t change the fact of the matter.”

“Oh yes, unequivocally.” the cloaked pony agreed, “However, it goes to show how fickle the trust is. If Celestia were ever called to account on some other crime, I very much doubt those justifications would carry over.”

“So what if it they wouldn’t?” the old earth pony questioned, “Don’t toy with me with hypothetical hogwash!”

“Atlas, I respect you as a scholar and a teacher, but you assume too much.” the shadowy stallion spoke calmly and deliberately, “If you’ll let me, there are two things I would like to correct you on.”

The old earth pony didn’t reply. Somewhat confused, and majorly sceptical, he glared forwards with narrowed eyes, unconsciously seeking some feature on that blank mask to focus his stare on. Even now, he couldn’t tell if this strange pony could see out from under it.

“Your first mistake was assuming I was speaking hypothetically.” the stallion said, seizing Atlas’ attention once more, “Your beloved Princess Celestia is guilty of a crime far worse than you, or anyone other than I knows of. I can even show you if you so wish it...”

“That... that doesn’t make sense.” the old earth pony stammered despite himself, “I thought you were-”

“And thus, your second assumption...” the anonymous stallion continued, cutting Atlas off with purpose, “What made you think I was talking about Luna? You were the one to bring her up, not me.”

The bifocaled earth pony was practically speechless. True, it was surprising, but that was not the reason he could not find his voice. With his mind working overtime to make sense of the implications, he couldn't figure out how the strange pony’s earlier arguments could have been directed at anything other than the topic of Nightmare Moon and Celestia.

“Listen carefully.” the cloaked stallion spoke suddenly, perhaps sensing Atlas’ confusion, “I have absolutely no interest in the bad blood between the royal sisters. As far as I am concerned, their juvenile grudge and the right and wrongs therein are of no consequence.

“And that is because they both have a much graver sin to answer for.” he continued, “That is what I came to enlighten you to; the greatest lie ever told.”

“Enlighten me?” Atlas asked, “What in blazes are you talking about?”

“I’m talking about the subjugation of one who envisioned a peaceful world, and was struck down on the verge of success.” the mysterious pony elaborated, “A ruler who, in his time, sought to lift your kind, the earth ponies, from the depths of unspeakable despair.”

“In his time?” Atlas couldn’t help but to question, “I’ve never heard of such things. If you plan on lying to me on matters of history, I suggest trying something much more minor.”

“Yes, I am sure many things say otherwise.” the anonymous stallion conceded, “But for now at least, I am not trying to coax you out of disbelief, nor convey my words as facts. If you would, simply entertain the story.”

This concept was once again met with silence. The aged earth pony gave nothing away in expression, essentially wearing a mask of his own. It seemed that, by standing there and continuing to ponder the mysteries he was confronted with, Atlas was in a way allowing this shadowy figure to continue speaking on what could only be hearsay.

“Earth ponies have a hidden history you see.” the cloaked pony begun, “Dating back further than you or I could ever know. Before Equestria, before all ponies were drawn under one banner, our world was unforgiving. Be it other races, monsters, or nature itself, there was danger abound for ponies of all kinds.

“And through this trying age, unicorns, pegasi, and earth ponies were not one people, but disparate clans.” he continued, “And while unicorns could call upon their magic, and the pegasi had untold skies to take to, the earth ponies were not as capable, and suffered as one would at the bottom of the food chain.”

Atlas sighed in utter contempt. “Find me even a child who doesn’t know the story behind Hearths Warming Eve.” he shook his head as he spoke, “Wherever there is a story about unification, it’s only natural its history is of separation.”

“Though how much of the truth do they know, I wonder?” came the reply, “Before the unification you speak of, the earth ponies were little more than prey. And I’m not talking about beasts or dragons. Despite their sound minds a plethora of alternatives, unicorns and pegasi simply took from the earth ponies their sole advantage in their hostile world.”

“You’re speaking of our agricultural prowess yes?” Atlas asked, “But 'took'? As I understand it, it was a mutually beneficial agreement, not a simple seizure.”

“No, that came after.” the cloaked stallion dismissed, “In the beginning, there were no negotiations, and no pretence of diplomacy. And why would there be? Unicorns and pegasi were free to exploit the earth pony to their heart’s content. Your kind were wise enough to let this treatment go unopposed, as they knew full well there could be no victory against those of the arcane, or those of the sky.

“Of course, this kind of situation could not last forever.” he continued, “Even so, it was not the earth ponies who brought about change. By the time Equestria was founded, and unicorns, pegasi, earth ponies dubbed one people, your kind had already suffered much to their new brothers and sisters. Persisting even to this day, for those with a keen eye, the divide between earth ponies and the other two races is as clear as day.

“You understand why don’t you?” he asked darkly, “Unicorns and pegasi were not at odds even in ancient times because they both regarded each other as a potential threat, and thus treated one another as equals in some respect. But when they were made to stand beside earth ponies, a people they had previously and unashamedly subjugated, they most definitely did not fancy them as equals. And as such, a completely new period of suffering begun.”

“You’re wasting your time.” Atlas dismissed, “No society is faultless, much less at its inception. Any odd pony would understand why a past so long ago had its imperfections without you even telling them. If anything, it only serves to show how far we’ve come.”

“Yes, I agree entirely.” the masked pony’s reply surprised Atlas, “The severity of your people’s plight was most unfortunate, but it is, as you say, history. It is not my direct concern.”

“I’ve come to realize you are anything but direct.” he responded, the old stallion’s tone frustrated, “But how I hope this story of yours will begin to go somewhere soon.”

“Forgive me then for what must sound like a history lesson.” the cloaked pony bowed slightly in apology, “I shall cut to the chase. As you most likely know quite well, when the unicorns, pegasi and earth ponies moved away from their slowly developed mutual tribe allegiances towards one whole society, it was done under none other than the alicorn sisters, Luna and Celestia.

“Of course, this was well over one thousand years ago; Luna, but Celestia especially, were much different rulers back then.” he said, resuming the lecture, “It’s not hard to understand how, you may have even reasoned it yourself at some point. To be fit rulers across such starkly different periods, it’s only natural they themselves grew and changed with their people. But unlike those they ruled, they lived on while the world around them matured. With their beginnings becoming so far away as time marched, they carried with them memories of a time that would otherwise go to the grave.

“For you see, at this beginning I keep speaking of, where the earth ponies remained the downtrodden, the collective eyes of the majority, the pegasi and the unicorns, still saw their wing-less and horn-less counterparts as lesser.” the shadowy stallion continued, “But as alicorns, the royal sisters were endeared by both unicorns and pegasi, and in reciprocation, both races had their ruler’s favour.

“But even though they were the princesses, it was not so much they shaping the rules and values of their people, but their people and their existing views shaping the systems by which they would be governed.” his tone took a sudden shift, “In this respect, the earth pony’s position as a second-class citizen was all but cemented. Again, I do not intend to highlight the darkness of our history, as this was essentially unavoidable. Right and wrong is decided by context and majority... if Celestia or Luna swam against the tide in such an early stage of their nation’s foundation, Equestria would have ended right then and there, and the whole would have suffered for it, the earth ponies especially.”

“Stop right there.” Atlas cut in, “Even if it was so incomprehensibly long ago, I won’t believe that Celestia would be so skewed, especially when it’s someone like you claiming so. That aside, if for whatever reason what you say is true, the consequences of it would not have dissipated even over thousands of years.”

“Very true; the future would have been significantly more grim if that was all there was to it.” the cloaked stallion chose to gear his story's continuation to Atlas’ response, “The truth that I have been burdened with however, and the one I came to share with you, was that as if in answer to their hardship, the earth ponies discovered that they too had their benefactor.

“He was also a ruler, and a core foundations beside the sisters in Equestria’s foundation.” he continued, “And while Celestia and Luna had taken the side of unicorns and pegasi, he would not budge in his desire to right what he saw to be a clear wrong. However, as it was that unicorns and pegasi were against the earth ponies, it became a matter of him against Luna and Celestia. On both fronts, it was two against one, and thus begun revolution.”

“Utterly ridiculous.” Atlas spat, “Do you expect me to believe that there truly would be no record of such a history? That if it happened it could even be concealed, much less by one as benevolent as Celestia? And do you honestly think I would accept, with no evidence, that there was once a ruler beside Luna and Celestia?”

“Interesting.” the masked pony commented, “Shall I take that to mean that you would accept it if I could produce proof? Would you allegiances truly sway if I demonstrated the truth of these claims?”

“Simply preposterous.” Atlas growled, “You tell me you speak of a time so dated there is no record, and then imply you have some evidence? That contradiction alone is enough for me to be certain your story is exactly that. A story.

Suddenly, the anonymous pony moved forwards, taking slow and deliberate steps forward. Atlas stood firm as the distance between them shortened, the two of them practically within reach of one another. The old stallion’s expression was a impassive as ever, but he hadn’t lowered his guard for an instant. Any number of weapons could be concealed under that cloak, and if Atlas had cornered him with that last rebuttal, he might yet need to defend himself.

“It is only natural to be uncomfortable with what I am suggesting, but even so, your conclusion was too hasty.” the shadowy pony proposed, still unidentifiable even at this distance, “There are no records? True. There is proof? Also true. This is a contradiction? Not necessarily. If I give you a moment to think carefully, you may be able to determine an instance in which this is the case.”

If this strange pony had anything right, it was that it really was uncomfortable to think about the things he was preaching, and thus thinking carefully was a difficult task. Even so, it didn’t take Atlas very long to figure out what the cloaked pony was hinting at.

“That’s right...” he continued on, almost as if he could tell what the old stallion was thinking, “It’s my own fault for not explicitly saying so, but I suppose it is only reasonable to make the leap yourself. And you’re right. If this ruler I keep telling you of really did stand beside Celestia and her sister in the founding of Equestria, then it follows that he was no mere mortal...”

“Hold on...” Atlas shook his head, trying to dispel his creeping thoughts, “That’s not-”

“So, if he too was immune to the sands of time, then what became of him?” the anonymous pony pressed on, “It has been over a thousand years... yet the world is silent to his name. It is enough to make one deny his existence, as you have.”

Wait.” Atlas tried in vain again...

“However, a power that great cannot be vanished.” the mysterious stallion cut him off once more, “As was the fate of the rebellious Luna, the champion of your race could only be hidden away; sealed, bound, and forgotten.

“But not dead; and as long as I live, not forgotten.” he continued, “This story may reek of fallacies to you, but it is not my story. You desire proof? Then I offer to show you the proof. A chance to see for yourself the truth as I have, and know the true extent of the crimes of those who have so wrongly betrayed your trust.”

Leaving Atlas to his disbelief, the odd pony did something most curious. Hunching slightly and tugging the hood of his cloak fully over his already concealed face, he reached up under his new shroud and removed the mask.

Atlas’ eyes narrowed as a variety of realizations struck him. First, it was obvious that the line about his reason for wearing a mask was bogus. With his cloak now shadowing out his features, it seemed he ultimately didn’t want to give away his identity. Even so, Atlas’ second realization was that this pony was no unicorn. His hood fitted his concealed head in such a way that it was impossible for a horn to be underneath. And third, now that the mask had been taken off, he could see that it was featureless on the opposite side as well. Strangely, there didn’t seem to be a way to see out from under it.

His inspection was briefly halted as the now mask-less pony offered the object to him. “It is time you saw for yourself.” he said, his voice sounding slightly different without a mask in the way, “But if I am to take you there, you must first put the mask on.”

“After everything you said, in the end you’re asking me to trust you?” Atlas took the mask and studied it, turning it so that the blank white face was only inches from his own, “No matter how many questions they raise, the only thing that makes someone trustworthy is the answers they give. You have only the promise of proof to your outrageous claims. I’m not about to blind myself in the company of somepony like that.”

“Truthfully, I didn’t expect this to go any other way.” the shrouded stallion seemed to sigh, “After all, you can’t reasonably expect someone's trust without placing yours in them first. I had hoped to keep this little trick to myself, but I suppose it was unavoidable...

“Very well.” his tone changed suddenly, “If you are going witness it anyway, you can at least pay proper attention...”

Atlas made to question the strange change, but his focus quickly switched to his surroundings as reality itself begun to bend. The darkness of the library seemed to encroach, almost saturating as the high reaching shelves faded out of view, followed quickly by even those in the immediate area.

The aged stallion was quick to realize. “So you were a unicorn after all?” he asked, hiding his concern well as the blackness continued to develop, “What kind of magic is this?!”

“This is not a spell, nor magic of any sort.” the mysterious pony replied calmly, “It is okay to be surprised. This is a power that has not been seen for a long... long time.”

As he spoke, the darkness became total. His own hooves made invisible to his blinded eyes, a panic begun to rise briefly before the first sliver of light returned. The blackness fading fast, Atlas struggled to keep up with the change. His eyes adjusting, he squinted against the light. He didn’t need to see to understand he was no longer in the library.

After all, it had been almost too dark to see properly in there to begin with, but now his eyes battled with unexpected light. He couldn’t begin to guess where he was, but one thing was certain; he had just been teleported. Even so, something was still off. He had been teleported before, and he the transition had always made his stomach churn. But this time he felt no such discomfort.

Finally adjusting to the light, Atlas quickly saw he hadn’t come alone. Gazing off distantly was the one who had brought him here. On closer inspection, he noticed ‘gazing’ might not be the proper description. He had obviously taken his mask back from Atlas at some point and now wore it once again. The old earth pony made to question him, but he unconsciously found himself follow his pretend gaze, and in doing so, paused his interrogation.

Before him was a grand cavernous chamber illuminated by blue-burning magic vats. Even at a glance, it seemed like the entire space had been produced not through craft, but merely the absence of earth. They were underground, deep underground, and the ceiling, walls, and even the floor was comprised of exposed earth and stone, rough and uneven all around. Despite this, at regular intervals along the crude walls, half-pillars stuck out, seemingly carved into shape from the walls themselves. The resulting image was of an unnatural gorge in the earth that had hastily been converted into some manner of chamber.

Despite the grand sight, Atlas’s eyes were drawn to the centre of the huge and otherwise empty chamber. And as it took pride in such an unnecessarily large cavern, it truly was a sight to behold. Like a grossly over-sized opal, a smooth-pearl like sphere rested motionless on a plateau of sorts, the smooth section of earth obviously containing some kind of slot or groove to keep the odd stone from rolling off. If that wasn’t enough, as if to match the odd blue flames lighting up the chamber, strange glowing and clearly magical runes encircled the scene in perfect symmetry.

“What in the name of-” Atlas made to ask, but stopped short, “What is this?”

“Injustice.” came the reply, “One which, with your help, I intend to correct.”

The daunting and otherworldly chamber returned to a silence it had clearly known for an unfathomable length of time. In awe, Atlas just scanned, taking it all in. His question didn’t need to be asked again.

“That there is a seal, crafted and hidden by those who wish to conceal the reality that was the past, and bury Equestria’s only chance for true peace.” the cloaked pony spoke, “I do not share that wish, and I sought you out because I believe that you do not either.”

“So then, does that mean-” Atlas cut himself off, shaking his head solidly as he peeled his eyes from the spectacle before him and focused once more on that white unyielding mask, “No, rather... what is this place?”

“It is hard to conceal your own doubts when you are face to face with truth, isn’t it Atlas?” the anonymous pony questioned, his tone bold, “But surely you can tell that what you are looking at is a prison, even if you have never seen, nor imagined such a thing would have this kind of form.”

Atlas couldn’t help but stare again at the odd arrangement. Isolated, underground, and certainly painstakingly made to stand against the test of time, Atlas could not find a reason to object to this claim. Whatever the reason, and whatever the method, this was definitely a seal of some sort.

“All that is left is to confirm if it houses who I claim it does.” the masked stallion spoke again, feeling Atlas’ eyes drift back over to him, “Even so, do you understand yet? Do you still not believe that I’ve been telling you the truth?”

As if in answer to this, the old earth pony’s gazed back to the grand sphere, his eyes narrowing purposefully as he did so.

“I can feel it.” he said distantly, “Like a booming sound that’s pitch is just beyond what I can hear. I’m looking at a stone, but it feels like there’s a mountain before me. There’s something inside, and it’s making this entire cavern... heavy.

“Who?” he couldn’t resist asking, not any longer, “This ruler of yours... who was he? Why was he sealed? When? And why doesn’t anybody know?”

The cloaked stallion didn’t speak for a few significant moments. If, behind that mask, there was any satisfaction in having the stern old earth pony finally yield, it was given its chance to pass before he continued on.

“You are a pure-blood, pure-hearted earth pony Atlas... a rarity that I have sought for some time.” he finally spoke, “I will not insult you by answering those questions in my own words.

“Clear your mind and open your heart, then touch the seal.” he instructed, “It cannot hold him for much longer, and the rage of this injustice has been seeping out since long ago. If you are able, you may yet hear his voice yourself and find the answers you seek.

“Only then, by your own accord, will I invite you into righting this wrong.” he turned away as he continued, implying that he would be leaving the aged earth pony alone, “But know this. You may step forth or return to a world of lies without consequence, but if you are to choose, there can be no half measures. Either devote yourself entirely to truth, or to fake bonds and lies. The path I have to offer will set the entire world upon you, and for as long as they remain deceived, they will be your enemy. I do not need to tell you this is not a decision to be made lightly.”

Having been given his space, Atlas had promptly made his way to the centre of the cavern. Now within reach of the daunting prison, that indescribable energy was as strong as ever, and despite the pressure, Atlas simply stood, contemplating silently behind his bifocals. He still couldn’t bring himself to trust the word of that shadowy character, but even so, in standing before the seal, he couldn’t stop his hoof rising into position to touch it.

“I am a scholar.” he said strongly, speaking his thoughts aloud, “It is not my place to trust anything or anyone without reason, nor is it to fear any kind of knowledge until after the fact.”

Slowly and purposefully, Atlas breathed deep. His eyes and thoughts focused entirely on what was ahead of him, he wasn’t aware of how intently he was being watched at this pivotal moment.

“So be it.” he continued, mounting his resolve and pressing his hoof to the stone, “If there is any truth to what you say, then let it be voiced here and now!”

* * * *

In the silence of Atlas’ dark cell, a rouge drop of water fell from the roof, tapping quietly and harmlessly against the stone floor. The tension far from dispelled, the restrained earth pony matched Luna’s stare as it became clear he was done with the explanations.

Well?” Atlas asked with a raised eyebrow and sharp tongue, “Are you satisfied?”

“This was never about satisfaction.” the princess replied, “However, I find your story lacking in certain areas.”

“Do I need to say it again?” Atlas growled, “I’m not interested in your understanding, and I do not wish to help you.”

“That much is clear.” Luna breathed, “You are far too loyal to Terra to want to see me succeed in any fashion. But with that said, Terra is not the reason you are where you are, is he?”

Atlas flinched. “What are you talking about?” he questioned, “It was in his interests, and only his interests, that I came here.”

“Naturally.” the princess kept her momentum, “But when I say ‘here’, I am talking of this dungeon, not the city above it.”

“If you have some point to make, I suggest you not dance around your meaning.” the aged stallion narrowed his gaze, “What are you getting at?”

“It is my understanding that half the reason those twin earth ponies attacked my sister’s palace was to get to you.” Luna explained, “And apparently you and they both claim, or rather, claimed to be in league with Terra. But if we’ve established anything so far, it is that you and they clearly had different allegiances.

“Therefore, I can only imagine two possibilities.” she continued, “The first being, you betrayed Terra and attempted to reach Canterlot, and the twins came to stop you divulging information. In light of your background and your current disposition, I find this possibility quite unlikely.”

Atlas didn’t speak. Too used to having his reflective bifocals masking his expression, his ice blue eyes simply stared at the princess as she continued.

“And thus, I find myself wondering on the second.” Luna lent in slightly, “That is, you are telling me the truth in saying you were acting in Terra’s interest. For the twins to want you dead for such a thing, it must make them out to be working not only outside of, but against Terra’s interests correct?”

“Correct.” Atlas replied coldly, “Even though they didn’t end up being at my mercy, I am still pleased that those mules got what was coming to them.”

“That’s another thing.” the princess picked up on his tone, “You and I both seem to have reason to doubt they were much more than an instrument of whomever it was that wished you dead. But for things to unfold as they have, I am left to assume that party is also a member of Terra’s steadily shrinking flock.

“You may be unaware, but I had something of an encounter with one such candidate, and prior to your story, I was thinking that he may have been the puppeteer behind the clash between you and the sisters.” she continued with her explanation, “But that arrogant unicorn playing partner with Terra? I can confidently say that Truant hardly fits the role. It seems to me that he is simply along for the ride, or is being manipulated in a similar matter to the twins.”

This time Atlas held his tongue. He couldn’t figure out where the princess was going with this. But before he could dwell upon his own confusion, Luna lent in ever so slightly as she made to continue...

“It would have been a simple matter for you to fabricate a tale that didn’t make mention of some anonymous pony.” she said suddenly, surprising the old earth pony, “I am already convinced that you left select elements out, so you can excuse me for trying to figure why you told me of the individual.

“For, as you said earlier, you do not wish to help me, nor aid my understanding.” her tone changed dramatically as she knew she had Atlas cornered, “Shall I conclude that my knowledge of his mysterious stallion is somehow meant to help Terra?”

She was met with nothing more than silence. But as she made to press her point, he finally wavered, ending the staring contest as his eyes drifted down, his head hanging slightly to match.

“When you said the twins were only being used, you were correct.” Atlas spoke, his reply intriguing Luna, “You were also right about Truant... he too is ultimately just an instrument.”

“However, I cannot pity them.” he continued, not raising his wayward gaze, “For I too was but a pawn in his schemes.”

Luna didn’t miss her chance. “Who?” she asked, “If it isn’t Terra, then who else is able, much less willing to scatter his faction?”

“Who else?” Atlas met her eyes once more, “But even as I say that, after five long years I haven’t learned his name, his face, or any other facet of his identity.”

“Then I’ll ask this; why?” the princess quickly adopted a more disarming tone, “Forget Truant and the twins... if you truly were being used, then to what end were you required?”

“They only needed me for one reason.” he replied, “I was an earth pony of pure blood. Since it was their mission from the outset to betray Terra, they needed a fool without his own schemes and my honest old heart. It was through me that they were able to stir the king from his slumber.

“And while that was what we all wished, I would later discover that it was for entirely different reasons.” he continued darkly, “Then, once I realized I was the only one truly on Terra’s side, I was no longer useful. Now, I am here... having barely survived their attempt to snuff me out.”

They?” Luna questioned, “I cannot account for anyone other than this masked individual. Is he not alone in his treachery?”

“I have my own question first.” Atlas said suddenly, “What, if anything, have you found out from Caliber? I spoke to him about exactly that in the moments we had to spare.”

“If the captain has some knowledge about these things, I do not know.” the princess answered, “Now, tell me who else conspires against Terra.”

In reality, the first thing Caliber had been sure to report was the claim that Haywire, the most wanted bounty head, was a potential threat to both Terra and Luna. But the princess needed accurate information, especially in regards to this. If she feigned ignorance, she would be able to compare Atlas’ explanation to the captain's.

“His name is Haywire.” the old earth pony explained, “He is a pegasus on the most wanted list, and he has developed some kind of method that has allowed him to tap into Terra’s power and make it his plaything. What became of those sisters can attest to this.”

“Yes, I know that name; it’s been a prime topic of discussion ever since we received word that all of the most wanted had been organised.” Luna replied, “But there’s one thing that troubles me in regards to what you just said. It was reported to me that the twins referred to their ‘state’ as ‘Terra’s gift’. Have you considered Terra did that to them?”

“He certainly could have, but it was far too imperfect for it to be his doing.” Atlas shook his head ever so slightly, “If he had done it, those sisters would have been impossibly resilient, and their form would have allowed them to live for hundreds of years. But the way there were, their personalities had changed as a result, and they would have crumbled in a matter of hours.”

“If that is the case, why do you think they used such an unsure means to silence you?” the princess asked, “Considering the information you might divulge, why would they take a that kind of chance?”

“Haywire is twisted...” the earth pony spat, “Take a chance? No. Whether I, the twins, or Caliber ended up dead, he would not have cared which. He probably saw this whole thing as an experiment, and, if anything, all he would want is a result. Data for next time...”

Next time?” Luna repeated, “The twins are no more, you are imprisoned, and Terra’s movements in Appleoosa and Hordimare have been thwarted. How many guinea pigs do you suppose Haywire has left?”

“How many?” Atlas let out a single mirthless chuckle, “My heart would be at ease if I didn’t know exactly how many more lives that monster has at his disposal.”

This time Luna was the one taken aback. “What do you mean?” she asked as evenly as she could, “Who else is there to- no... who else could there be?”

“You said it yourself.” Atlas looked her in the eye, “All those earth ponies poking about Hordimare... where do you suppose they came from?”

The princess’ eyes widened at the implication. She had already concluded that at least one settlement had slipped through the cracks, but if Atlas was telling the truth about Haywire, it meant that the town that they had taken hostage was now serving as...

“You know don’t you?” Luna questioned, her eyes narrowing, “So that’s where they’ve been hiding all this time. If Terra has been holed up there, it’s no wonder we weren’t able to find it...

“That’s just it.” Atlas took the princess by surprise, “Terra might have little choice but to conscript the help of the town in question, but if he knew that Haywire was in a position to use his own power to make abominations of those innocents... it would spell the end for that maniac doctor.

“You realize what I’m saying right?” he continued, “Terra doesn’t know the town exists. I expect that they told him they obtained the numbers from Appleoosa and Hordimare, all the while they’ve hijacked a settlement for themselves.”

“One thing doesn’t make sense.” Luna confessed, “I can understand that certain things have been hidden from Terra, I can even understand that an entire village has been somehow overtaken by a mad pegasus doctor and an unidentified masked pony. But you keep saying you are all that’s left that is loyal to Terra. Why then do you know about these things while he does not?”

“They tried to kill me off, if you recall.” Atlas remarked offhandedly, “And it wasn’t just because I could supply some vague description of five year old events to a desperate princess. When I finally became suspicious, I found out this particular secret for myself. And here I am because of it.”

“Ah, finally... I see things clearly now.” Luna’s tone shifted as what Atlas said brought her to an understanding, “It seems as though after all this, you are not without your own schemes.”

“Naturally, Terra would not be at a loss if I were to divulge the location of the unfortunate town in question.” Atlas smiled in response to the princess' realization, “Even so, helping you is not much better than keeping quiet about what those usurpers are planning...

“There is no doubt in my mind that this information would be of great use to you.” he continued, cutting quickly to what Luna had foreseen, “But as I am ultimately your enemy, if you want the truth, the exchange must be mutually beneficial.”

“In all honesty, I was waiting for you to reveal what leverage you had been hiding ever since I saw how comfortable you wore your chains.” Luna indicated his restraints, “But I feel as though I must make one thing clear. Under no circumstance will you be released.”

“I thought as much.” Atlas sighed despite himself, “But as juvenile as it sounds, there is something I desire above freedom.”

“Vengeance is it?” Luna questioned, the word sour in her mouth, and with good reason, “Well, if you provide me with the information I require, I will be able to confront them on your behalf. Not as satisfying as seeing to them yourself I imagine, but as you cannot-”

“Don’t misunderstand me princess.” Atlas cut in boldly, “They were brave enough to have me walking in their shadow for five years, yet arrogant enough to think they could end me with but a wave of the hoof. Just thinking about it ignites a rage I haven't known in what feels like a lifetime.

“Few things would make me happier than to drag them down with me.” he continued with venom, “But I am no longer the young stallion I used to be. And with this wound, I doubt I could take them to task myself.”

“So you would have us do it in your stead?” Luna questioned, “But to do so, we would need to know where they were, meaning you would have give up your leverage and take it on faith that I would still honour my end. And as you have so clearly maintained that we remain foes, this would be quite the problematic arrangement.”

“And that’s why I said not to misunderstand me.” the bifocaled earth pony repeated, “Listen close princess. These two have been working behind the scenes for what I can only say to be longer than five years. And in all this time, not a single soul has caught onto what they are truly up to. And despite my best efforts, and despite how close I was to the heart of it, I was routed out before I could even realize what little I did know.”

“So, as long as you and yours continue to see Terra as the only threat, every perceived victory and failure plays out in their favour.” he continued darkly, “That is to say, even though I know not what they intend, I fear their schemes because they have never once been at a loss. This is what I want to change. That is what I desire most.”

“I am afraid I still don’t understand.” Luna confessed, “What is it specifically that you want from me?”

“Here’s my deal princess.” Atlas said all of a sudden, “I will tell you everything I know about the town they’ve been hiding in, specifically, its location, its name, and what to expect, if, and only if, you first do a little something for me.”

“That all depends on what that something is.” Luna replied as coolly as ever, “What is it you want?”

“Until someone takes the first step, there will be no hope of stopping those two.” Atlas explained, “To fool them just the once, or conjure up the necessary trump card... that would be enough. And as long as I am alive, this is exactly what I intend to do.”

Luna’s gaze intensified as the old earth pony increased pace. As this was obviously a moment he had been planning for since minute one, she had to be wary of his tactics. It was hard to hide how desperate she was for the information he hid, and even as he was restrained and utterly at her mercy, for this moment in time he held all the power. And he knew it.

“When I woke up here, healed and chained... that was when I realized that I was the only one who could do it.” he continued with intent, “And that is because, down here in the depths of this dungeon, none will know if I spoke or was silent, or if I am dead or alive until you leave and return to the world outside.

“You understand what I mean don’t you?” Atlas asked the important question, “The truth of ‘Atlas Black’ isn’t decided until you speak on it. And if it’s a truth that will reach the ears of those that might take it for granted, then it’s a truth I want you to manipulate for the benefit of our mutual interest.”

“So, if I say that Atlas Black died of his wounds, unable to speak a word against those who betrayed him, then you will tell me what I need to know?” Luna asked her own question, “Is that the agreement?”

“All I’m saying is that if certain ponies happened to take comfort in certain secrets going to the grave with the passing of a certain old fool that they’d already gone out of their way to overlook, then you might learn something that, according to them, you couldn’t.” Atlas elaborated with an uncharacteristic degree of slyness, “That, if the dead do decide to start talking, they’d have none but your ear.”

Giving nothing away with her expression, Luna contemplated silently. What was there to gain? What was there to lose? Risks weighed up against benefits swirled around as she tried to determine if there was any hidden motives in what he was asking, along with a hundred other concerns rising as she found herself at a critical impasse. And they all came back to the same question. Could she trust Atlas?

“So then princess...” Atlas spoke up all of a sudden, cutting right through her indecision, “What’s it going to be?