A small group of Llamas move into Ponyville. Of course, the woolly South Equestrians have a little bit of trouble adjusting to a very, very strange new world.
Studio Killers - Eros and Apollo (Poncho's Theme)
Studio Killers - All Men Are Pigs (Bonita's Theme)
Studio Killers - True Colours (Bronco's Theme)
Expecting new cover art soon enough.
Cha Cha (and her twin, Macarena) is based on a G1 non-pony character of the same name developed and sold but eventually forgotten long ago. She has not made an appearance in G4, and I do not believe that llamas will become canon anytime soon. But this is in case they do.
The llama culture is based largely on Peruvian, Chilean, Argentine, and Bolivian cultures. The cuisine and behavior is actual llama behavior, adapted to fit a sentient species. The magic used by llamas is based off of Mayan and Aztec beliefs, but I get most of the ideas (and a few names) from the Incas.
Poncho - the leader and the musician
Churro - the baker
Macarena - the dancer; twin sister to Cha Cha (dies)
Cha Cha - the dancer; twin sister to Macarena
Mama - the elderly grandmother figure
Rico - the crippled youngling
Vicuña - the shaman
Bonita - the wool-maker
Bronco - the strong guard
Pepe Fouchan - the pack-llama and the dankest of memes
At the very least, this has my interest. I am not good enough at writing to offer a valuable critique, but I am interested in where you intend to go with this story. This is definitely a unique story and has loads of potential angles to explore when dealing with different cultures trying to adjust. How willing will the ponies be at accepting the new llamas into their society. Will the llamas come to hate their decision? Or will they end up liking the more settled down approach of the ponies.
Other quests that could be asked by readers, though it does not have to be answered right away. When is the story set time wise. Will it involve the current main six at all.. or does that even matter in the grand scheme of the story. The unique angle I think the story has is the fact that it seems it will focus on the llamas and the ponies themselves might not be in the focus for this story. (This could obvious change.. and both the llamas and ponies might become focal to the importance of this story.) Anyway.. good luck. ^^
Dammit! I cannot upvote.
The whole "feeding the predators with your younglings " is, besides cruel, stupid. Any culture, even primitive ones, knows giving food to wild beasts only encourage them to come back for more. The solution is to hunt and kill them with extreme prejudice, until they learn your kind mean too much trouble to take the risk .
6463710 That concept is based on actual wild llama behavior. It also takes its ideas from Incan and Mayan culture and the importance of sacrifice, two cultures that highly influence how these llamas act and behave.
Why do I suspect Vicuña 's magic style will include an obsidian knife, and that Fluttershy won't be happy about it ?
6463963 Of course. Vicuña and llama magic is very... edgy to say in the least. It's not like Zebra magic, where they brew potions. The only similarity between llama and zebra magic is that both use herbs and pastes. Llama magic does involve a lot of animal sacrifice. As for what Fluttershy thinks about it, I was thinking about her giving Vicuña teddy bears to sacrifice instead of chickens and such. Because that is pretty damn funny and adorable.
" I would love to learn more about Llama´s magic! Wait, Owlicious? why do you need me to bring him here?!
Will you make a picture of all the llamas? That would be great and so far Pepe is my favorite
6464221 I dunno I'm hoping to get someone commissioned to redraw the cover as a sort of 'family photo' of the herd.
And Pepe is a personification (or is it llamafication?) of the Internet itself, if you haven't been able to tell yet.
6464392 Awesome
And I really liked your comment about sacrificing teddy bears instead of small animals
Go on...
Did you use pixlr for the cover?
The cultural references could definantly be canon, and are really fun to read. The possibilities here are amazing! Also...
6464864 Yes, yes I did. And the drawing is by me.
6464823 Working on chapter 3
Interesting so far through 3 chapters. Question thought, where was Braeburn in this whole situations? I thought he would of been able to talk some sense in to the Applelosa? *shrugs*
Anyway, Pinkie pie was...Pinkie Pie that's for sure.
And LOL at Vicuna, good luck with that!
I don´t get it.. how can a doll work as a replacement? In Aztec Religion, spirits and gods must be fed from the blood of the sacrificed. No blood, and the god weakened until no longer could perform his duties... like maintaining Nature.
Also, one can only wonder how many sacrifices took to create and power up the Elements; I bet that time weren´t animals.
Note that Vicuña said that long ago llamas sacrificed llamas (and maybe even ponies). And there are no gods in Equestria. Only spirits. And spirits aren't attracted by blood, just by violence. So using a teddy bear instead would work, because it still generates violent thoughts and emotions that spirits feed upon.
Another amazing chapter, my friend:)
I also have a question: will Rico fall in love? And if so could it be Silver Spoon?
6485394 Nahhhhhh Rico's too young. He could end up getting romantically involved with one of the Cutie Mark Crusaders somewhere down the road. I also plan on having Rico become an honorary Crusader.
I hope Bonita and Rarity can get along with each other soon.
6486112 For a later chapter.
Interesting world building. Hope to see more, after things get settled with this account.
6542171 Yes, the dust is finally beginning to settle. I have Felix's original draft for the next chapter that I will publish later, once I complete it.
Well, this story is based on Andean myth where the most common form of sacrifice was strangulation with the occasional blood one.